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更新时间:2022-06-15 浏览次数:60 类型:期中考试
一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Bloomington Parks and Recreation offers an excellent opportunity for teens to get involved and make a difference in their community by volunteering within a variety of summer youth programs. Summer Teen volunteers assist with activities under the guidance of experienced staff and gain valuable leadership skills. In the summer, teens can apply to volunteer in the following programs:

    Summer Adventure Playground Program Volunteer

    Program Dates: June 14 — August 12

    Location (s): Kelly, Poplar Bridge. Running, Smith. Sunrise and Westwood parks

    Information: Help facilitate opportunities to play and lead playground participants (in grades 2 – 7) in games, sports, arts and crafts, and make new friendships.

    Mini View Volunteer

    Program Dates: June 14 — August 6

    Location: Valley View Elementary School

    Information: Help to assist with the supervision of preschoolers —1st graders in a social occasion.

    The View Volunteer

    Program Dates: June 14 — August 6

    Location: Valley View Elementary School

    Information: Help to assist with supervision of 2nd - 5th graders in a social recreational setting.

    Camp Kota Junior Counselor

    Program Dates: June 14 — August 9

    Location: East Bush Lake

    Information: Help campers learn basic outdoor skills while meeting new friends, singing crazy songs and having tons of fun.

    To apply, fill out a Parks and Recreation 2021 Summer Teen Volunteer Application. Please be sure to answer all questions and indicate all program(s) of interest. Applicants will be contacted via email with next steps a after March 31, 2021. Contact us by phone (952-563-8877) or e-mail at parksiec @ Bloomington MN. gov for more information.

    1. (1) What benefit can volunteers get from the programs?
      A . Getting opportunities for college. B . Acquiring useful leadership skills. C . Making the community different. D . Becoming an experienced staff member.
    2. (2) Which program suits you if you are good with kindergarten kids?
      A . Mini View volunteer. B . The View Volunteer. C . Camp Kota Junior Counselor. D . Summer Adventure Playground Program Volunteer
    3. (3) What should you do to apply for the opportunity?
      A . Contact the organizers on March 31. B . Answer questions via an interview. C . Fill in an application form. D . Clarify your program(s) of interest by phone.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    I believe in the power of science fiction, not just for its capacity to turn dreams into reality, but also for its power to bond together those who share a common view of the future. For me, that's true for my relationship with my dad. Some fathers and sons bond over sports, fishing or hunting, but my dad and I bond over Star Trek (星际迷航).

    When we're driving along some dark streets in Indiana, going at a slow speed with stars dimly shining, both of us are thinking of it, without needing to say a word. All these imaginations of other universes have together created a private universe for my dad and me.

    Gene Roddenberry, creator of star Trek, once said, "Science fiction is a way of thinking and a way of logic. lt allows people to look directly at important subjects." Science fiction has influenced more than just my relationship with my dad, but has also helped me shape my own hopes for the future. I'm now a science writer.

    Science fiction also has been a source of joy for my family, making me an optimist while enabling me to think critically about the danger of technology. Thank those authors who have shared their visions. The world and my family are better for it. Thank my dad, because he helped me realize the truth of Tennyson's words, "For I dipped into the future, far as human eyes could see, saw the vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be."

    1. (1) What contributes to the bond between the author and his father?
      A . Their similar dream. B . Their love for each other. C . Their wide hobbies. D . Their common interest.
    2. (2) What does the author mainly show in paragraph 2?
      A . His deep impression of his dad. B . His feeling of staying with his dad. C . His good relationship with his dad. D . His earliest memory of his dad.
    3. (3) How does science fiction help the author at present?
      A . It brings him the courage to live better. B . It makes him a source of his family's joy. C . It inspires him to face the danger of technology. D . It leads him to pursue a desirable career.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The power of science fiction B . The wonders science brings C . The stories about science fiction D . The time together with my father
  • 3. 阅读理解

    When Adora Svitak was twelve years old, she spoke on the TED stage, saying she hates the word "childish" if it's being used to describe irrational (不合理的) demands or irresponsible behavior. She said she has seen enough of that in the adult world, so she knows irrational demands and irresponsible behavior aren't limited to children. In fact, she made the point that adults could learn a thing or two if they'd only open their mind to the possibility that kids have a lot to offer the world.

    Even as a kid, Svitak often spoke to educators, making the point that there should be more of a reciprocal(互惠的) relationship between teachers and students. "It shouldn't just be teachers as the head of the classroom telling them to do this or that. The students should also teach their teachers," she said.

    She wasn't naïve (幼稚的). Her theory is that it's all about trust. Adults always seem to have a restrictive (限制的)attitude towards kids. "Kids have no or very little say in making the rules," Svitak joked.

    As a young child, Svitak loved to write. She had written over 300 short stories and wanted to get them published, and she was lucky because her parents were on her side. Even though she was turned down by many publishers, eventually she did have a book of short stories published. She was only seven years old then.

    After that first success, Svitak has gone on to do more impressive things, something she wishes more kids had the support to do. She says it's important for kids to be heard and contribute when they're young, so they grow up to become a better kind of adult. "The goal is not to turn kids into your kind of adults, but rather better adults than you guys have been. Progress happens because new generations and new eras grow and develop, and they become better than the previous ones. "

    1. (1) What does Svitak think of using "childish" to describe irrational demands?
      A . It can lead to positive effects. B . It is unfair for children. C . It doesn't take adults'needs into consideration. D . It can result in irresponsible behavior.
    2. (2) What is a good reciprocal relationship between teachers and students according to Svitak?
      A . Students get along with teachers. B . Students teach instead of learning. C . Teachers and students learn from each other. D . Teachers keep telling students what to do.
    3. (3) How did Svitak's parents react to her dream?
      A . They hardly took it seriously. B . They had doubt about it. C . They were greatly shocked. D . They supported her.
    4. (4) What can we infer from the last paragraph?
      A . Children need to stick to their dreams. B . Parents should support and expect more from children. C . Children are advised to imitate their parents. D . Parents should satisfy their children's needs.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Even as self-driving cars become more and more popular, there's one problem that Silicon Valley hasn't solved: the traffic jam. But Airbus Group, a U. S. aeronautics and space company, thinks that it has a solution. The company's Silicon Valley branch recently announced it's been working on a secret project titled "Vahana",an autonomous flying vehicle that can be used for both passenger and cargo (货物) transport.

    Airbus' flying taxi resembles a drone in design, and would use multiple propellers (螺旋桨) to travel medium-length distances. Developers in France and Germany are working on an electrically operated platform that would allow the flying taxi to carry multiple passengers once between city destinations. Currently, no countries allow completely autonomous aerial vehicles, so the vehicle would initially be manned by a pilot.

    Flight tests of the first Vahana prototype (原型) are planned, in the hope of bringing the product to consumers quickly. That's about a decade sooner than another future-travel system Hyperloop One. "I'm no big fan of Star Wars, but it's not crazy to imagine that one day our big cities will have flying cars making their way along roads in the sky," says Airbus Group CEO Tom Enders. "In a not too distant future, we'll use our smartphones to book a fully automated flying taxi that will land outside our front door - without any pilot."

    But before you get too excited about beating rush-hour traffic, it's worth noting that the company has a lot of technological kinks to work out before the product is ready to test. The same sensor technology that allows self-driving cars to avoid accidents doesn't exist for aerial vehicles. Airbus Group isn't the only company trying to get in the autonomous air transportation game. There are a number of cargo drone companies on the market and the Ehang 184, a Chinese passenger drone, began flight testing in June.

    1. (1) Why does the present flying taxis have to be manned?
      A . They make urban planning hard. B . They are not allowed to fly completely. C . They may cause serious accidents. D . They are not permitted to fly autonomously.
    2. (2) What is Tom Enders' attitude towards the project?
      A . Critical. B . Disapproving. C . Positive. D . Cautious.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "kinks" in paragraph 4 mean?
      A . Advantages. B . Barriers. C . Solutions. D . Means.
    4. (4) What's the best title of the text?
      A . Airbus Will Make Flying Taxis a Reality B . Airbus Joins the Air Transportation Game C . A Solution to Worldwide Traffic Jams D . A Bright Future of Flying Vehicles
二、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Slash (斜杠) Careers

    What is your job? Are you a teacher or a businessperson? Or maybe you are a lawyer/writer or a teacher/photographer.

    The term" slash career" comes from the punctuation mark (标识符)一 a slash that comes between job titles.

    People with slash careers often have a primary job that provides for most of their needs. The primary job usually comes before the slash. .

    Why would anyone want more than one job? Some people look to their jobs for opportunities to develop their interests. But most people have too many interests for one job. Secondary jobs can be enjoyable if they include interests that the primary job doesn't touch. Some people who encourage slash careers say they actually help with work-life balance.

    With a slash career, losing one's job does not mean losing one's entire income. Or a secondary job may be so successful that it can tum into one's primary job.

    On the other hand, a slash career can be dangerous for work-life balance. One might give up necessary things like relaxation, exercise or time with one's family. People with slash careers need to think carefully about how they use their time.

    In conclusion, if your interests stretch beyond your primary job or you need some extra income, a slash career may work for you.

    A. Slash careers also provide extra money.

    B. Slash careers also make one's life more meaningful.

    C. Working more than one job can fill up all of your time.

    D. If you have more than one job, you have a slash career.

    E. It shows the person is creative and willing to work hard.

    F. The job after the slash is often based on a person's interests.

    G. That's because they can give people some fun they need in life.

  • 6. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    We had our son Wesley checked out because of his indifference to communicate with people. To our 1 , he was diagnosed with autism (自闭症).

    Out of everything the doctor had said, the only word I could 2 was socialization - key for Wesley to develop 3 skills. The instant we got on the car, we desperately (拼命地) brainstormed ways to make his world more social. It suddenly  4 me that we were in need of a dog. Soon, we brought the dog Josie home. Wesley didn't seem that 5 her, no matter how adorable (可爱的) she was. But then I began to catch Wesley petting her when he thought no one was looking.

    Four months after we'd gotten Josie, I 6 the two of them out for a long play. By the end, they were both 7 . As soon as I put Wesley in his car seat, he fell asleep, with Josie 8 her head on his shoulder. That's when I knew they had finally bonded.

    One of our biggest 9 was that Wesley had no sense of danger and didn't 10 what a moving car meant. He would dart (猛冲) out in the street. I was 11 he would get hit by a car. Luckily, Josie was able to 12 keep him on the sidewalk. Besides, the best thing about having a dog is that kids come to you. 13 the daily walk to the bus stop provides an opportunity for Wesley to socialize. Kids surround him with 14 about Josie and we practice his answers at home so he is more comfortable talking 15 . I finally learned how to make peace with autism.

    A . regret B . shame C . sorrow D . shock
    A . remember B . appreciate C . ignore D . forget
    A . listening B . reading C . practical D . social
    A . convinced B . struck C . impressed D . informed
    A . confused about B . proud of C . interested in D . bored with
    A . took B . sent C . dragged D . carried
    A . relieved B . delighted C . satisfied D . exhausted
    A . lowering B . leaning C . surrounding D . pressing
    A . choices B . circumstances C . challenges D . puzzles
    A . figure out B . think of C . find out D . give away
    A . embarrassed B . terrified C . depressed D . annoyed
    A . calmly B . silently C . eagerly D . safely
    A . Even B . Yet C . Ever D . Still
    A . tips B . questions C . announcement D . information
    A . in private B . in advance C . in public D . in detail
  • 7. 阅读短文,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给的词的正确形式填空。

    Are we coming into an age seeing isn't believing? Recently a "face-changing" technology, better known as Deepfakes, has made its way to our lives. Deepfakes are most commonly created with AI software called Fake App, a free app. The (apply) of this app can create fake videos that look real, which makes it difficult (identify), who is actually playing in the videos.

    The new technology greatly caters to various (need) of those working in medium studios. After being (digital) processed with the technology, a video can take on different forms, which certainly save them lots of time and production costs. John Knoll, CEO of ILM, tells Hollywood Reporter, "The techniques we used before were expensive. It is great to have a new technology that allows us to make better videos with less money. "

    However, some people show their disapproval of (abuse) the technology. The moral problems caused by the new technology (bring) more and more worries so far. Hany Farid, a computer science professor at Dartmouth College told Wall Street Journal, We are robbing people their portrait right." He strongly suggests that such a technology should be stopped in (it) tracks.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Freeman给你发来电子邮件,谈到他很羡慕中国学校的正常开学,询问你所在的学校抗击新冠病毒(COVID-19)的情况,请你就此给他回复邮件,





    参考词汇:核酸检测 Nucleic Acid Test


    1)词数 80 左右;2)可以适当增细节,以使行文连贯。

    Dear Freeman,


    Yours truly,

    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    I had just walked in the door after dropping off the costume I had made for a friend's daughter when I noticed the light blinking on my answering machine. It was my friend saying, "I know you worked hard on the costume and it looks very nice, but Janet doesn't like all those decorations. Could you change them?"

    Annoyed, I started to call her back-until I suddenly thought of Grandma' love and what she had once done for me long ago when I visited her in New York City.

    It was in the summer when I was eight. I could still see the chalk on the sidewalk marking a game of hopscotch(跳房子) outside her building. As I entered, I could smell the pine oil the cleaner used to wash the hall floors. Flying upstairs, I knocked on Grandma's door. Grandma had something special planned every day. She had saved a few coins so we could go to a picture show. One day we threw bread to pigeons; another day we watered the evergreen on the fire escape.

    At the end of the week, Grandma decided to curl my hair. She told me l was going to look like Shirley Temple. She spent a long time on each curl, and I could tell she enjoyed styling my hair.

    When she was finished, she sighed with delight. She was so proud. She had me stand on a chair to look in the mirror. My heart sank. | looked ridiculous.

    "You can go out and play now," Grandma said, smiling.

    I nodded and slowly walked down the stairs. I looked out the small window in the door and could see the neighborhood kids playing hopscotch. My best friend, Ducky, spotted me and began to jump up and down. She waved to me to come outside, but! couldn't move. I knew everyone would laugh at the curls. At the same time I couldn't go back and tell Grandma how I felt.






    Paragraph 1:

    Finally I went upstairs.

    Paragraph 2:

    It was when Grandma combed out the curls that I knew she loved me.

