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更新时间:2022-05-30 浏览次数:40 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Horsham District's parks and countryside sites are extremely important at this time to enjoy.

    Dunblane to Ashfield, Stirling

    Distance:4.7 miles

    Start point: Dunblane Railway Station FKI5 9ET

    Walking time:2 hours

    Follow the riverside path along Allan Water, keeping an eye out for birds as you go. Laighhills Public Park is a good spot for children stop off to enjoy the playground on the way to the quiet village of Ashfield. On the return, you can spot the gold post box honoring the Olympic victory of the local hero Andy Murray.

    Union Canal,Edinburgh

    Distance:5.2 miles

    Start point: Gardners Crescent,Fountain-bridge EH3 8DE

    Walking time:4 hours

    The 19th-century Union Canal provides a quiet strip of blue and green through Edinburgh. This easy walk along the path is a route for all seasons and weather conditions. On your way, you will pass the aqueduct(渡槽)that crosses over the Water of Leith, a designated(指定的)Urban Wildlife site, which is the home of wild flowers and 80 species of birds.

    Perth City Walk and the River Tay,Perthshire

    Distance:3.4 miles

    Start point:South Inch Car Park, Shore Road,Perth PH2 8AB

    Walking time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

    This is a pleasant walk along the banks of the River Tay and through the lovely city of Perth,crossing Moncrieffe Island. Wander through Norie Miller Park, which is the home of wildlife gardens and art, and admire the selection of sculptures standing along the east bank of the river.

    Gynack Mill,Cairngorms

    Distance:1.4 miles

    Start point: Kingussie Railway Station

    Walking time:40 minutes

    This beautiful easy walk explores the history of the town of Kingussie in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park. Follow in the foot steps of Robert Louis Stevenson-the author of Treasure Island spent his holidays in Kingussie in the 1880s and loved to sail paper boats on the burn.

    1. (1) What can you do in Laighhills Public Park?
      A . Honor an Olympic hero. B . Play with your children. C . Protect endangered birds. D . Enjoy the quietness of the village.
    2. (2) What's special about Union Canal?
      A . It has a long history.  B . It offers sculpture shows. C . It starts from a railway station. D . It allows people to watch birds.
    3. (3) Which place is intended for art lovers?
      A . Laighhills Public Park. B . Union Canal. C . Norie Miller Park. D . The Cairngorms National Park.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    We were 3 000 miles away from home on a Volunteerism Road Trip. Our funds were running low, so we had two goals: to try out our new "Smile!" signs and see how much joy we could spread, and to raise $80,enough for gas to Portland.

    I nervously raised our signs and shouted "Hi there!" to a young couple. They read my sign and broke into smiles. Before long, our signs were wildly popular. Strangers took photos with us and asked us about our signs. Some even asked if they could have a "Smile!" sign to carry around. We posed for pictures and sang with street performers. We got so wrapped up in our "Smile!" project that we forgot the other goal. Before we knew it, the sun was setting.

    We sat down to think about how we'd raise the money we needed. A blind man had just finished playing the guitar. He was packing up when a passing crowd kicked over his coin jar. Coins scattered(四散) around and he felt his way to collect them. We rushed to help him, but before we could get there, another man"stole"our good deed.

    Once the musician had his money returned, we went to meet the " thief"." We just wanted to compliment you on your good deed,"I said.

    He smiled and asked about our signs. After learning about our road trip, he said sincerely, "I'd like to contribute. It'll make me feel like I'm part of this adventure." Then this complete stranger opened his wallet and handed us four twenty-dollar bills, exactly what we had intended to raise that day.

    Several years later, this man, whose name is Jared, went on his own road trip. He visited our city and volunteered with the non-profit organization we co-founded. So often we never get to see the ripple effect (连锁反应)of our kindness.But we are so glad he did.

    1. (1) Why did the author fail to achieve the second goal in the beginning?
      A . She didn't know how to achieve it. B . She thought it was not very important. C . She was fully focused on the first goal. D . She decided to use the time to help the blind man.
    2. (2) Who helped the blind man collect the coins?
      A . The author. B . Another musician. C . The passing crowd. D . A man named Jared.
    3. (3) How did Jared help the author?
      A . By co-founding a non-profit organization. B . By donating money for her trip. C . By driving the author to Portland. D . By joining her road trip to Portland.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . A Volunteerism Road Trip B . My Adventure With Jared C . Road Trip With Lasting Effects D . The Second Goal to Be Achieved
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    By becoming the first city in the nation to ban natural gas in new low-rise buildings and homes, Berkeley did something great in mid-July. It signaled the beginning of the end of the natural gas era.

    California has set a climate mandate(指令)of 100% clean, renewable energy by 2045. It won't reach that goal unless it gets rid of natural gas. Burning natural gas emits(散发)carbon dioxide and other pollutants. In many cities, including Berkeley, buildings are the second leading greenhouse gas-emitting sector, after transportation. Now that regulations aimed at the 2045 mandate are in place for cars, trucks and coal-fired power, natural gas has to be next.

    The popular image of gas cooking and heating-clean, cheap and reliable, a "bridge fuel" from coal to renewables-needs to be changed. Natural gas has produced more greenhouse gas emissions overall in the US than coal since 2015. Now natural gas emissions from the state's 12 million buildings account for 12% of the state's greenhouse gas emissions.

    What's more, natural gas is combustible, a common reason for fires and explosions. An underground gas pipe explosion in the Bay Area city in 2010 killed eight people and destroyed or damaged more than 100 homes. Gas leaks can cause not only indoor pollution but also deaths.

    The case for making new buildings all-electric is overwhelming(无法抗拒的).It costs less to set up just one kind of energy-electricity-in new constructions, instead of laying gas pipes too. And the latest technologies work well: Electric heat pumps both cool and heat homes.

    At least 50 other California cities will encourage all-electric new constructions in the coming months. They may not ban gas altogether in new constructions, but the aim is the same. The Berkeley measure is the beginning of an equally essential but more difficult task: re-equipping all existing buildings so that they, too, become all-electric.

    1. (1) What are emitting the largest amount of greenhouse gas now in Berkeley?
      A . Heat pumps. B . Power plants. C . Motor vehicles. D . New buildings.
    2. (2) What does the author think of gas cooking and heating?
      A . It is clean, cheap and reliable. B . It should be used in a small range. C . It should be used as a "bridge fuel". D . It is more harmful than commonly thought.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "combustible" in Paragraph 4 mean?
      A . Widely used. B . Spoken highly of. C . Able to burn easily. D . Affordable for most families.
    4. (4) According to Paragraph 5,making new buildings all-electric
      A . is practical B . is a difficult choice C . has a long way to go D . deserves further research
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Preventing heart disease is a topic I think about all the time, given my family history of heart disease. So last summer, I travelled to Bolivia. The natives, called the Tsimane, were reported to have the healthiest hearts in the world. I wanted to learn what they could teach me about preventing heart disease.

    Getting to the Tsimane wasn't easy. They lived in small family groups of about 60 people along river banks. We finally found one of the villages at sunset. That night, we set up our tents in the middle of the village. Thatched huts(茅草屋)surrounded us, with no electricity or modern conveniences.

    I initially thought they mainly got their calories from meat. However, I found food such as rice and corn made up nearly 70% of their diet. The food was not processed, lacking added sugars or salts.

    During my stay there, I went hunting and fishing with the men and played soccer with the kids. I found the Tsimane were standing or walking nearly all of their waking hours. Men spent lots of time tracking animals. Farming and gathering, mostly done by children and women, were all-day affairs.

    I also got a clear idea of how they rested. As soon as the sun went down, people returned to their huts and went to sleep. And with the call of the cock in the morning, another day began.

    The lifespan(平均寿命)of the Tsimane is actually much shorter than those living in the US. Various factors, like animal attacks and infections, bring down the lifespan. But up until the day they die, they are often very healthy. While heart disease kills thousands of Americans every year and costs nearly a billion dollars a day, the Tsimane remind us that wealth doesn't necessarily buy health.

    1. (1) Why does the author pay so much attention to preventing heart disease?
      A . He wants to teach others about the topic. B . His family members encourage him to do so. C . He was born with a high risk of heart disease. D . He dreams of becoming a doctor.
    2. (2) Which factors did the author mainly focus on in his research?
      A . Diet, activity and rest. B . Housing, food and cooperation. C . Physical work, social life and lifespan. D . Group size, family history and consumption.
    3. (3) What was the Tsimane's sleep-wake cycle mainly based on?
      A . Natural light. B . Natural sound. C . Routine activity. D . Animal behaviour.
    4. (4) What might the author advise us to do after his travels in Bolivia?
      A . Stand less and walk more. B . Take in less sugar and salt. C . Eat white meat instead of red meat. D . Live in the middle of the community.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Teach Yourself How to Play a Musical Instrument

    If you're low on cash but interested in learning how to play a new musical instrument, consider some of these tips.

    Set a goal for yourself.

    Is it to form a rock band with your friends, play with an orchestra, write music, or to simply play for your own enjoyment? Be realistic about your goals when you're just starting to learn how to play a new instrument.

    Research different instruments.

    Choosing an instrument takes more than just picking the one that looks the most impressive. There can be many variations(变化) in range as well as other factors that affect the sound like the number of strings on a guitar or bass.If so, you can see which one you're most comfortable with.

    Take lessons.

    Consider learning how to play a musical instrument by yourself. There are plenty of books, training videos, and online resources available. They can teach you how to play most instruments. Take your time while learning, but set aside some time at least every week so that you practise good habits and stay motivated. Once you've mastered basic skills, you'll be well on your way to mastering your chosen instrument.

    Never stop learning.

    Sometimes it might be frustrating to make little progress or tiresome to keep up with practising.  Work hard at what you want to do and always keep improving.

    A. What's more, many of them are completely free.

    B. Consider carefully what kind of lessons you want.

    C. Think over what you would like to get out of this experience.

    D. Therefore, you have got pleasure from playing the instrument.

    E. However, remember you had a goal that you wanted to achieve.

    F. Most importantly, before you buy, consider trying them out for a bit first.

    G. It can be time-consuming at first, but the results can be even more rewarding.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When I was a young student, none of my friends listened to classical music. Few learned to play an1for more than a year or two. They were listening to the big bands. But dad2me to learn to play the piano and I studied for three years. And later, you know, I gave it up. But one day one thing changed me3

    One Saturday, I went to a4birthday party of one of my classmates and there were quite a crowd of people of my5.And some of the kids were fooling around at the piano while the parents are6us a big meal. Then one of the girls7stopped talking, looked at me and said, "Robert, you took piano lessons.8,play something!"

    "No, I'm not going to play the piano." I9that no one in that room would show10in the kind of music that I could play. But though I was11objecting, I was pushed by my friends toward the piano. I was "12" to sit down. And there I was face to face with eighty-eight black and white13

    What to play? The only thing that came to my14was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. So, I began with the slow15.And after two measures I became aware that there was a16in the room. After the next two measures ,I felt people17toward me, and then the parents came out of the kitchen18.I played the whole first movement and when I was through, the applause and cheers were19to believe.

    If I had known that this would have happened ,I never would have given up20playing the piano.

    A . apartment B . instrument C . equipment D . argument
    A . advised B . allowed C . instructed D . persuaded
    A . completely B . generally C . cruelly D . hopefully
    A . boring B . secure C . sweet D . brief
    A . city B . age C . height D . dream
    A . buying B . earning C . breaking D . cooking
    A . actually B . foolishly C . suddenly D . curiously
    A . Come on B . Get up C . Break out D . Carry on
    A . admitted B . observed C . figured D . regretted
    A . knowledge B . delight C . respect D . interest
    A . shyly B . strongly C . luckily D . hardly
    A . forced B . guided C . invited D . protected
    A . keys B . letters C . words D . pictures
    A . music B . party C . meal D . mind
    A . ending B . opening C . reading D . stop
    A . quarrel B . relaxation C . silence D . noise
    A . moving B . sending C . looking D . hearing
    A . satisfied B . annoyed C . disappointed D . surprised
    A . easy B . hard C . certain D . glad
    A . remembering B . considering C . practising D . imaging
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The "One World, One Family" theme of the Opening Ceremony(represent) by the image of a single snowflake and was central to the showpiece from beginning to the end of the Ceremony. The theme was based on ancient Chinese saying which meant that "a(true) wise person sees the whole world as a family".

    World-renowned Chinese filmmaker Zhang Yimou played master of ceremonies for a second time, becoming the first person(direct) two Opening Ceremonies in the same city. Zhang was also the mastermind behind the spectacular Beijing 2008 Opening Ceremony.

    The celebrated film director brought the showpiece to(live) through music, song, dance, innovative technology and fireworks, with Chinese citizens from Beijing and Hebei province-instead of stars, professional singers, dancers or actors(take)part.

    The center stage within the venue comprised 11,600 square meters of HD LED screen,imitated "a crystal clear ice surface" throughout the Ceremony. Zhang further used high technology to bring his creation into(exist) through Artificial Intelligence using live-motion capture technology.

    In his address, IOC President Thomas Bach praised the athletes for their resilience and the inspiration they provided to the world through sport. "You have arrived here after overcoming so many challenges, living great uncertainty. But now your moment has come: the moment you(long)for. We all are standing with you. We all are supporting you. We all are cheering you on," he said.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文,文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Li Hui, my friend in high school, has dreamed becoming a cartoon artist since she was young. To her disappointed, her parents don't agree with her decision at first. Therefore, Li Hui would not change her mind. She worked hardly to perfect her skills. Just before he finished high school, the chance came: the famous art school was holding a cartoon drawing competition. The first three winner would be given a scholarship to study drawing there. Li Hui told herself not to missing the chance. She readily entered the competition and came second. She is now a student in that school and I feel it certain that her dream will come true.

  • 9. 假设你将要参加你校举办的以"Confidence"为主题的英语演讲比赛。请根据下面的要点写一篇演讲稿。






    Hello, everyone! My topic today is "Confidence".

    Thanks for listening!

