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更新时间:2022-05-27 浏览次数:77 类型:期中考试
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项(共5个小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why won't the speakers travel to South Korea?
      A . The woman likes Japan more. B . The woman has already been there. C . The tickets are too expensive.
    2. (2) What had the woman kept talking about?
      A . A city in South Korea. B . A popular clothing brand. C . A type of food.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where are the speakers talking?
      A . In the man's office. B . In a conference room. C . At Johnson's house.
    2. (2) What seems to be the woman's main concern?
      A . Getting a promotion. B . Her new responsibility C . Her project at the moment.
    3. (3) What does the man hope the woman will do?
      A . Work overtime frequently. B . Continue to work brilliantly. C . Entertain clients well.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is surprising to the woman?
      A . Her team's score in the game. B . The man's graduation plan. C . Her friends' attendance of the game.
    2. (2) What does the man hope will happen next year?
      A . He'll do well on his exams. B . His team will make it to the finals. C . He'll graduate on time.
    3. (3) What can we know about the woman?
      A . She will travel with Dave and Billy. B . She will graduate this spring. C . She will take summer classes.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) When had the man planned to pick up Sandy?
      A . 1:30 p.m. B . 2:00 p.m. C . 2:30 p.m.
    2. (2) Who might Sandy be?
      A . The man's girlfriend. B . The man's daughter. C . The man's pet.
    3. (3) What is the woman mostly worried about?
      A . Enough space in the car. B . Where to have lunch C . Sandy's health.
    4. (4) What will the man do next?
      A . Make a phone call. B . Go to the train station. C . Send a text message.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the speaker suggest people do at the beginning of the week?
      A . Put their summer clothes away. B . Stay indoors. C . Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather.
    2. (2) When should the storm be over?
      A . By Tuesday evening. B . By Friday morning. C . By next Monday.
    3. (3) What usually happens in September and October?
      A . There are a lot of storms. B . The weather gets hot again. C . It is always quite cool.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Voice of Campus Starts to Recruit New Members

    Voice of Campus, serving as the one and only radio station of SWPU (西南石油大学), aims to mix tedious language learning with various forms of entertainment, arouse wide concern for daily English practice, as well as offer a stage for the talented to display magnificent performances. Therefore, it has established a remarkable reputation since it was launched.

    On September 11th and 12th, all staff of Voice of Campus were assigned to different dormitories to distribute leaflets, as a form of advertising.

    For ultimate publicity, this advertising campaign aims to students overall. During the whole process, thorough introductions as well as detailed explanations were given out to assist the students to form a comprehensive impression of Voice of Campus. For lack of self-confidence, some freshmen showed their interests at first but became indecisive after hearing the highly demanding interview. However, with continuous encouragements, they finally made their boldest (勇敢的) decisions.

    Thanks to the joint efforts of the entire staff, a considerable number of students have entered themselves for the interview to join the radio station. However, various forms of difficulties and challenges may appear at any circumstances. Only with adequate and constant efforts can we contribute to the prosperity of Voice of campus to the fullest.

    1. (1) What is the goal of "Voice of Campus"?
      A . To cultivate broadcasting talents. B . To inform students of current events. C . To improve the students' English. D . To earn a reputation for the school.
    2. (2) How do staff of Voice of Campus recruit new members?
      A . By handing out leaflets. B . By advertising on TV. C . By displaying performances. D . By interviewing freshmen.
    3. (3) Where can you probably enjoy this article?
      A . a travel guide brochure. B . an entertainment magazine. C . a current affairs website. D . a school bulletin board.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    On Varun Medhal's phone is a picture of 750 pounds (340kg) of groceries — every thing from pies to ground meat — packed tightly into a car. All of it was taken to Mary's Mission, a shelter for the homeless, last Thanksgiving, he explained.

    "To date, we've delivered 21,000 pounds of food that would have been wasted," said Medhal, 18, a high school graduate from Illinois.

    Last summer, Medhal started a group called Unseen Cuisine. It collects food that is past its sell-by date from businesses and delivers it to shelters for the homeless. Throughout their senior year, Medhal and eight other students teamed up for three deliveries a week to nearby shelters.

    Now those students hope to spread the mission at the universities they are attending in the fall and get more students involved. "The ultimate goal for us … is to end food waste and end hunger, not only in America but hopefully the whole world," Medhal said, "I know that's pretty ambitious."

    During a family trip to India in the summer of 2021, Medhal said he was affected by seeing people beg in the streets. That image stayed with him.

    But while Medhal and his team have been honored for their work, he said that his team had been most rewarded by their interactions with people who live and work at the shelters.

    They said that they had come to a new understanding of their privilege and responsibility toward others. "A lot of people didn't choose necessarily to be in the position that they're in. It's a lot of luck wherever you're born," said Nick Motta, 18, one of Medhal's teammates.

    Medhal said he wanted to make Unseen Cuisine a registered nonprofit, which he believed would make the group's efforts more reliable for people. He has also recruited nine other students to continue the work while he starts university in Illinois.

    "To me, it's pretty amazing that a group of students can make such a difference," Medhal said. "If we can just keep doing that, I think it will go a long way."

    1. (1) What is the purpose of Unseen Cuisine?
      A . To build a shelter for the homeless. B . To collect and give food for the homeless. C . To call on teenagers to stop food waste. D . To try his best to help Mary's Mission.
    2. (2) What can we know about Medhal according to the text?
      A . The sight of people begging in India inspired him to start Unseen Cuisine. B . The university he is attending in the fall hopes to spread his mission. C . He thinks that people have no choice but accept wherever they're born. D . He was able to make Unseen Cuisine a registered nonprofit finally.
    3. (3) Which of the following can best describe Medhal?
      A . Optimistic and knowledgeable. B . Brave and independent. C . Cooperative and humorous. D . Responsible and devoted.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . A promising establishment. B . Young people's responsibility. C . Food for the homeless. D . Making a big difference.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Whenever you are traveling and have the good fortune to arrive at your destination in one piece, I think that you have to tell people your trip was fine. I had a fine trip last week!

    I went an hour north to a speaking engagement. Fifteen minutes out of town my vehicle began to shake. The engine light began flashing wildly. Fortunately, I had several friends who lived not far from the next exit. I called one and asked if I could borrow her vehicle for the afternoon.

    I went straight to my friend's place and left my vehicle behind, now shaking like a mechanical bull, and then headed back. I was behind schedule, which was why I may have broken the speed limit passing a motorcycle.

    Once I had slowly driven through several miles of construction, traffic began to sail. Until we came to the trucks with flashing lights blocking traffic. Workers were removing a deer that was no longer with us. And a second. And a third.

    After a brief moment of silence for the deer, traffic got back up to speed. Then dark and ominous (不祥的) clouds came. They were the kind of clouds that make tornadoes. Rain fell heavily. Traffic slowed right down and came to a complete stop.

    I was thinking how to word my apology for being late when the hail began. It was so dark I could barely see. Thank goodness for the lighting. It was killer hail, the kind that blows out windshields (挡风玻璃). I couldn't decide whether to shield my eyes or look to see what was happening around me.

    Open, eyes! No, close! Open! Close! Open! Close!

    The hail ended, the windshield was still there, and the traffic started again. The cloud came back and dumped all five Great Lakes on us. Stopped again.

    Maybe whoever was introducing me could do a song and dance.

    Waiting for the second rain to pass, I programmed my destination into Google maps. As they closed the flooded highway behind us, I took my exit and headed to my destination.

    I arrived at my destination late, wide-eyed and in a mess, but in one piece.

    "How was your trip?" A warm young fellow!

    "Fine, thank you. Just fine."

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "engagement" in paragraph 2 mean?
      A . date B . conference C . workshop D . contest
    2. (2) Why was traffic blocked when the author arrived behind some trucks?
      A . Because the author had broken the speed limit passing a motorcycle. B . Because there were several trucks with flashing lights blocking traffic. C . Because three dead deer were in the way and the road should be cleared first. D . Because dark and ominous clouds came, which can make tornadoes.
    3. (3) What can be inferred according to this text?
      A . Rain fell so heavily that traffic slowed right down and came to a complete stop. B . The author got through the flooded highway to her destination despite the terrible rain. C . The author managed to arrive at her destination on schedule, in a mess but in one piece. D . The author's introducer might try to earn the young fellow forgiveness for her being late.
    4. (4) What message does the author want to convey with the story?
      A . No sweat, no sweet. B . Being safe is a must. C . Love me, love my dog. D . Grasp all, lose all.
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    We have long been told that using mobile phones on airplanes could be dangerous. "It could interfere with the plane's communication network," flight staff might say. What they really mean could be: "If you don't put your phone away then you alone will be responsible for crashing this plane."

    Well, as it turns out, this might not be true after all.

    New guidelines, sent out last month by The European Aviation Safety Agency, said that electronic devices do not cause a safety risk during flights. It means that iPod lovers and mobile phone chatterboxes (话匣子) can enjoy their devices on planes, as long as the airline choose to allow them.

    It is not only Europe that has made a U-turn on the rule. Earlier this year, some US and Canadian airlines lifted their restrictions but said that all devices must be kept in "airplane mode".

    There have been many studies into the safety of electronic devices on flights and the results are often different. One study in 2003 found that the electromagnetic (电磁的) radio transmitters (发送器) in some personal devices could affect the basic functions of the cockpit, such as GPS (global position system), which ensure safe landings. However, the report also said that there is no evidence of this being the cause of an accident so far.

    Some will be happy with the new rules. They will look forward to proper arrival times and no more waiting around at airports. They will also look forward to no more missed calls, piles of text messages, or wondering what's happened.

    Others won't be so happy. If you happen to be seated next to a chatterbox, say goodbye to sleep and hello to boring "I'm on a plane" conversations.

    But you don't need to worry so soon. Unless you have a satellite phone, there's no signal at 33,000ft (10 km). Since calls can be made through Wi-Fi, airlines will have to install Wi-Fi so that passengers can start sending texts and making calls.

    And until they do so, flights remain one of the only safe places to hide from the world of endless e-mails and phone calls.

    1. (1) The author intends to ________ by the first two paragraphs.
      A . To warn readers not to use mobile phones. B . To tell some unwanted experiences. C . To emphasize a safety risk during flights. D . To introduce the topic of the article.
    2. (2) What can we know about the study in 2003?
      A . The use of electronic devices during flights has turned out to be safe. B . Airlines should make sure that all devices must be kept in "airplane mode". C . No accidents have been proven to be caused by using electronic devices on flights. D . Using personal electronic devices has no effect on the basic functions of the cockpit.
    3. (3) Why does the author say "But you don't need to worry so soon" in paragraph 8?
      A . Because it's not a good idea to always worry about daily life. B . Because now passengers can't make calls in the sky without signals. C . Because airlines will have to install Wi-Fi on airplanes very soon. D . Because flights can still help you escape from reality at present.
    4. (4) What is the author's attitude to using phones during flights?
      A . Objective B . Supportive C . Critical D . Doubtful
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从文后选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Nowadays, we usually live at a rapid pace and have to deal with lots of things every day.Don't worry! Here are 4 tips, which may help you to make more time.

    Only have three major tasks on your daily to-do list.

    To reduce stress and become more effective, you can make a daily plan, which includes only the first three important tasks.

    Call time on social media.

    Social media is usually a terrible timewaster, especially when you are busy with lots of work. Then do the things you always say you have to do at once.

    Considering that almost everything takes longer than you expect, leave 10 to 15 minutes in between tasks to allow yourself to become recharged(恢复精力) and go on with another.

    Draw up a timeline for something important.

     Write out a timeline with short-term goals leading to the achievement of your long-term ambition.

    A. Save some time for yourself.

    B. Build in extra time.

    C. Even if your project is a long-term one, start the planning process as soon as possible.

    D. You need to finish them in a hurry.

    E. So set an alarm to remind you that it's time to stop checking your phone.

    F. In the case, have you ever felt stressed and anxious?

    G. Getting these done will give you a sense of achievement.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

    Standing by a lake, I was amazed at so many small rocks surrounding my boots. They were all created from1surfaces, their edges softening over time.

    Seeing them, I wonder what can be learnt from the rocks. As we know, even the tallest mountains can become flatter or2, not as tall as they were 1000 years ago. Just like the rocks, I find my desire to better understand other people has3with each trip around the world.

    Once, I too was a4rock. After decades of the water of life5over me, my edges are softer and more understanding. I'm less likely to argue but more interested in learning how we can6together.

    Recently, while traveling in the Pacific Northwest, I watched a7owner ask several young men to8because they didn't wear masks. On the door read a9: "Please wear a mask before entering our restaurant. We don't like it either, but let's do what we can to10this together." The group of people argued about the note11.

    I sat12, understanding both sides. I've been those men before, using my13edges to chip away at (削弱,蚕食) the world.14, now I realize that what I lost was the ability to put myself in others'15. Learning to be more16, I've found more happiness.

    Time, like the waters rolling against once sharp stones,17us and lets us see the world from 18point of view.

    I placed a19stone into my pocket. Mother Nature is20a class again.

    A . flat B . hard C . round D . soft
    A . safer B . rougher C . smoother D . narrower
    A . expanded B . lost C . kept D . set
    A . sharp B . huge C . bare D . little
    A . walking B . turning C . coming D . flowing
    A . work B . exist C . play D . come
    A . store B . building C . club D . restaurant
    A . argue B . flee C . leave D . chat
    A . sign B . letter C . book D . poster
    A . break through B . get through C . look into D . take notice of
    A . carelessly B . differently C . freely D . angrily
    A . glaring B . talking C . teasing D . watching
    A . bleeding B . smooth C . youthful D . strange
    A . However B . Besides C . Thus D . Instead
    A . notes B . shoes C . words D . groups
    A . careful B . considerate C . smart D . humorous 
    A . changes B . shows C . asks D . leads
    A . its B . their C . another's D . our
    A . damaged B . carved C . colored D . rounded
    A . dropping B . attending C . providing D . needing
  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Battle at Lake Changjin, one of the most expensive (film) ever made in China, is reported to cost more than 1.3 billion yuan. Besides, (it) original script (剧本) features over 130,000 words, (make) it the longest script in Chinese film history.

    The film (describe) how the CPV (Chinese People's Volunteer) soldiers fought (brave) in extreme conditions in a key campaign (战役) around Changjin Lake in 1950, which was considered a turning point of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (抗美援朝战争). In the film, the great spirit of the CPV soldiers (show). And impresses viewers most is their courage to fight and the fortitude (毅勇) (win). The film is also a tribute (致敬) to hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers died in the war.

七、短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  • 18. 下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。







    Last month, I took part a volunteer activity. We set off by bus at about 9:00 in the morning. After a three-hour drive, we arrived at a village surrounding by hills. It was nearly 12 o'clock, but we had lunch in the village. The meal, what was made with vegetable grown by the villagers, tasted delicious. After lunch, they played a few games with the children in the village. Finally, we visited the old man who had no children. We gave to him some rice and oil and sing some songs for him. He smiled happy, and I felt I got happiness in return.

  • 19. 假如你叫李华,你的英国笔友Jim对中国的传统节日非常感兴趣。他来信请你向他介绍其中你最喜欢的一个节日(比如春节、端午节、清明节等)并告知他如下内容:





