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更新时间:2022-05-19 浏览次数:50 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Fitness Apps Recommendation

    Smartphone is not only for making calls, texting, or going through social media, but also an excellent tool for tracking, managing, and staying on top of your fitness goals. The right fitness app can save you time and money. Best of all, they help you stick to a regular routine. These apps have stood the test of time but might not get the attention they deserve.


    ●Pricing: Free to download and use; in-app purchases per month cost between roughly $3 and $10

    ●Features: Food education, food tracker, active support communities, recipes and diet tips

    Why Choose It: Fooducate monitors nutrition and provides tips and information about nutrition and losing weight.


    ●Pricing: Free to download and use; costs $30 to upgrade to Pro per year

    ●Features: Latest workout videos for strength, yoga, and stretching

    Why Choose It: Sworkit gives beginners an easy way to find workouts, learn new exercises, set goals, and create a regular fitness routine.


    ●Pricing: Free to download and use; subscription costs $15 for three months

    ●Features: Custom weight training courses, workout tracking, support communities, exercise library, body shape tracking

    Why Choose It: JEFIT gives you all the weight training tips and tools you need along with active support communities.


    ●Pricing: Free to download and use; subscription costs $3 per month

    ●Features: Track calories and fitness activities, connect with friends

    Why Choose It: MyFitnessPal has its activity database, easy-to-use logging and tracking tool, a library of workouts, and the ability to connect to several apps.

    1. (1) How do fitness apps attract users most?
      A . They help users to follow regular routines. B . They cut down the expensive training fees. C . They save adequate time for the beginners. D . They connect friends while doing workouts.
    2. (2) What do JEFIT and Fooducate both offer?
      A . Recipes and diet tips. B . Custom training courses. C . The latest workout videos. D . Active support communities.
    3. (3) Which app might cost the least on a yearly basis?
      A . Fooducate. B . Sworkit. C . JEFIT. D . MyFitnessPal.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    The pandemic (疫情) has changed the shape of global happiness

    Politicians and officials frequently talk about how COVID-19 affects public health and the economy. But for most people, those are abstract considerations. What they experience each day are moods. To mark World Happiness Day on March 20th, researchers have tried to find out these moods and examine the way the pandemic has changed them in the World Happiness Report.

    Globally, between 2021 and 2022 happiness was boosted by 0. 22 points on the Cantril ladder among people over the age of 60. Video-conferencing software enabled many old people to stay in touch with their families. In countries under lockdown, they experienced the pleasure of knowing that society made sacrifices to protect them.

    Meanwhile the young had a rough year. Many lost their jobs-in America the unemployment rate for people aged 20 to 24 shot up from 6. 3% in February to 25. 6% two months later. In some rich countries young women had a particularly hard time. They often worked in sectors,such as hospitality (食宿娱乐), which were shut down. When schools closed, many were troubled with more than their fair share of child care.

    The most interesting finding in the World Happiness Report is that some links between COVID-19 and happiness operate in both directions. The authors do not suggest that happiness helps countries resist COVID-19. Rather, they argue that what sustains national happiness also makes places better at dealing with the pandemic. Surveys by Gallup show that many of the places that have coped best with COVID-19, such as the Nordic countries and New Zealand, have widespread faith in institutions and strangers. Large majorities of their residents believe that a neighbour will return a wallet if they find it.

    1. (1) What did researchers conduct in the World Happiness Report?
      A . Analyzing how the pandemic changed people's moods. B . Finding out what people experienced during the pandemic. C . Showing the relationship between public health and economy. D . Explaining the effects of people's moods during the pandemic.
    2. (2) What do we know about the old people from paragraph 2?
      A . They felt less happiness than the younger generation. B . They preferred visiting their family members in person. C . They were in need of the society to care for them more. D . They benefited from the video-conferencing in some way.
    3. (3) Which group might suffer the most in rich countries during the pandemic?
      A . The senior citizens. B . The young women. C . The college students. D . The office workers.
    4. (4) What might matter the most in face of the pandemic?
      A . Support. B . Courage. C . Confidence. D . Trust.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Facebook has been actively working on virtual reality to build a VR "Metaverse" focused on online work. It recently launched a free version of Horizon Workrooms for the public to download and use. Horizon Workrooms is a VR tool that provides teams with a virtual space across VR and the web to connect and work together. It is meant to provide an immersive (沉浸式的) experience for teams working remotely.

    Users will have to purchase the company's headsets and download the Workrooms app on their devices. Then they should follow the instructions to set up an account. Once the user registration is complete, users from the team can sign up and create a new Workrooms team. They can also invite colleagues to their existing team. Then users can experience VR-powered meetings and connect with teammates in the same virtual room.

    Every meeting room in Workrooms comes with multiple functions. You can capture notes, share links and files, and chat with your team while you're in a meeting. The web platform allows users to schedule and share meetings while being able to store data with ease.

    The Workrooms will not use the work conversations or the materials used during meetings to make profit. Facebook also makes it clear that the company and even the third-party apps connected with Workrooms will not be given access to the data used in the meetings.

    Virtual reality possesses the ability to transform the way we work. Its ability to allow for better cooperation while bridging the gaps between the regular office setups and the remote working culture could revamp the digital cooperation setups as we know them today.

    1. (1) How does the author develop the first paragraph?
      A . By giving a definition. B . By presenting date. C . By making comparisons. D . By describing a scene.
    2. (2) What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?
      A . How to benefit from Workrooms. B . How to create a Workrooms team. C . How to get started with Workrooms. D . How to set up a Workrooms account.
    3. (3) What can we infer about Workrooms?
      A . It has access to the data used in meetings. B . It is built with safety and privacy in mind. C . It offers the headsets to users free of charge. D . It makes profit from connecting with other apps.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "revamp" probably mean?
      A . Make changes to. B . Put an end to. C . Make room for. D . Draw attention to.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Cotton bags have become a means for brands, retailers, and supermarkets to promote a planet-friendly concept-or, at least, to show that the companies are aware of the overuse of plastic in packaging. "There's a trend in New York right now where people are carrying cotton bags from local bakeries, hardware stores, or their favorite steakhouses," said designer Rachel Comey.

    So far, so earth-friendly? Not exactly. It turns out the wholehearted embrace of cotton bags may actually have created a new problem.

    An organic cotton bag needs to be used 20,000 times to offset (抵消) its overall impact of production, according to a 2021 study by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark. That is equal to daily use for 54 years-for just one bag. Even when a bag does make it, most coloring matters used to print logos and decorations onto them are PVC-based and thus not recyclable in waste treatment factories.

    That's not to say cotton is worse than plastic, or that the two should even be compared. While cotton can use pesticides and has dried up rivers from water consumption, lightweight plastic bags use greenhouse gas-emitting fossil fuels, never break down, and block up the waterways.

    Some brands are turning to other fabric solutions. British designer Ally Capellino recently swapped cotton for straw, while designer Anya Hindmarch introduced a new version of her original bag, this time made from recycled water bottles. In the end, the simplest solution may be the most obvious. "Not every product needs a bag," Comey said.

    1. (1) Why on earth do companies offer cotton bags?
      A . To provide convenience to their customers. B . To cut down on the use of plastic packaging. C . To advertise themselves as eco-friendly ones. D . To promote the concept of protecting the earth.
    2. (2) What do we know about the cotton bags?
      A . They can be used for over five decades. B . They do much harm to the environment. C . They have logos printed with natural materials. D . They can be recycled in waste treatment factories.
    3. (3) How does the production of plastic bags affect the environment?
      A . It consumes too much water. B . It saves the use of fossil fuels. C . It pollutes the earth's atmosphere. D . It increases the use of pesticides.
    4. (4) Which might be the best title for the text?
      A . Plastic Bags Beat Cotton Bags B . A Revolution for Bag Designers C . How to Choose Bags for Yourself D . Less Packaging, Better Environment
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    In our efforts to squeeze every second from the day, it seems contrary to common sense to simply watch a pot of coffee boil. But your brain uses breaks to help learning. One secret to achieving more:. To allow yourself to do nothing, start with something familiar.

    Take a solo walk

    . Being in nature has been linked to physical and mental health. But do not create a competition, which takes relaxation out of the activity. Some get crazy about taking 10,000 steps. It's good to go for a walk, but this isn't a job. Enjoy the walking itself, rather than the race.


    There are many ways for you to slow down, such as taking a shower. Asking yourself to slow down sometimes can be a stepping stone to relaxing yourself. An author once described how bird-watching became her favorite: Exhausted after pulling an all-nighter, I just stared out the window. "I burned out, and in that state of forced relaxation, I happened to notice the birds."

    Have a short sleep

    If you're struggling to get enough rest, try a short sleep. Simply find a chair and breathe. While sleeping, remember your brain never is. Rest is one of the most important ways to build deep understanding related to identity and purpose. .

    Cook a simple meal

    Italians call cooking the sweetness of doing nothing. It can be fascinating to create a feast to make the time worth it, but fight the urge. See the time as something other than the negative period after work. . Not only is the activity relaxing, but bonus points come when enjoying dishes.

    A. Stare out the window

    B. Enjoy a forced relaxation

    C. Finding time to do nothing

    D. Take it as a reason to persuade yourself

    E. It fails to relax oneself with others around

    F. Try simple recipes that require slow preparation

    G. Leave everything behind and absorb the scenery

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Gu Fangzhou was known as "the father of sugar pills" for an oral polio vaccine(骨髓灰质炎疫苗)he developed which 1reduced the disease incidence rate.

    Born in 1926, he faced a2time with his father's death. In school, he was teased for his poverty-stricken status.3unfavorable conditions, he4admission at Beijing University. He5his early success to his mother's 6 . Motivated by medical experts, Gu was determined to turn around the public health sector for the better.

    In 1955, a disastrous7of polio infected 1,680 people, which resulted in 466 deaths. The government8Gu to lead polio research. He made up his mind to invent a(n)9vaccine for the poor patients and to10polio.

    To eradicate (彻底消灭) polio, it's essential to ensure a cold chain for the vaccines. However, it was11to provide freezers in rural areas. The12was achieved when Gu succeeded in developing sugar-coated pills. To test the 13,he took the pills himself and started the human 14 . He even gave the pills to his son and15his colleagues to do the same. "If I don't believe in what my team produce, how can others?" said Gu when he 16this trial.

    After extensive testing, the pills were made available. The sweet taste made it easy to give the pills to kids and the pills were easy to17for rural communities without freezers. In 2000, Gu 18 China's confirmation report on polio eradication as a representative with WTO. "We feel19that kids will no longer get polio," said Gu. "That's what we20."

    A . slightly B . temporarily C . sigmificantly D . accidentally
    A . tough B . meaningful C . precious D . regretful
    A . Appreciating B . Overcoming C . Analyzing D . Observing
    A . refused B . ignored C . expected D . secured
    A . offered B . owed C . applied D . switched
    A . encouragement B . honesty C . modesty D . generosity
    A . discovery B . research C . outbreak D . treatment
    A . forced B . recommended C . tricked D . assigned
    A . delicious B . affordable C . modem D . nutritious
    A . recover from B . bring in C . wipe out D . research on
    A . exciting B . discouraging C . reasonable D . impossible
    A . breakthrough B . chance C . patent D . relief
    A . flavor B . expense C . taste D . effects
    A . experiment B . cure C . trial D . theory
    A . requested B . inspired C . forbade D . challenged
    A . recalled B . quitted C . criticized D . praised
    A . purchase B . produce C . inject D . preserve
    A . composed B . cancelled C . signed D . withdrew
    A . shocked B . satisfied C . scared D . defeated
    A . hoped B . discussed C . begged D . appealed
  • 7. 阅读下面材料。在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Grand View Tower, Daguan Lou, sits on the shore of Dianchi Lake and faces the Western Hill across the Dianchi Lake in southwest Kunming City.

    In 1682 a monk named Qianyin built a small temple here(teach) Buddhism; eight years later, the official of Yunnan Province, Wang Jiwen, was so attracted by the beautiful natural views that he began to construct a whole park here. Grand View Tower has been an(attract) ever since with the most visited spot(be) the Daguan Park. The Daguan Park,many other ancient Chinese buildings, has also been destroyed and restored several times because of changes of(dynasty) and civil wars. The present-day park(build) in 1883.

    The couplet (对联) displayed at the entrance is the(long) one of all in China (write) by a famous scholar named Sun Ran.  The couplet of 180 characters is one of the most valued cultural treasures in

    Yunnan Province. The first part of the couplet describes the beautiful natural views, urges people to enjoy and treasure this special part of China. The second part of the couplet reviews the 2,000 years history of Yunnan and reminds people that no matter successful or frustrated you are, all will be in nothingness (虚无) in the end.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Online classes offer a solution on ensuring students' academic progress. They broke the space limitation but protect us from the risk of infection. But the negative aspects are also apparent. Lack face-to-face communication, students poor at self-discipline are easy to be absent-minded than before. Besides, being exposed to the Internet environment have a bad effect on students' health.

    To cope with the problems, I set a schedule that I strictly stick to it. When in class, I concentrate on which teachers say and think actively in order not fall behind. During class breaks, I do indoor exercise and help with houseworks to keep fit.

  • 9. 假定你是校学生会主席李华,学校将举行"职业初体验(Experience Your Future Job)"活动,请你写一封邮件邀请留学生Jack参加,要点如下:







    Dear Jack,



    Li Hua

