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更新时间:2022-04-26 浏览次数:88 类型:期末考试
  • 16. 情景判断

    情景描述: It's Sports Day today. Boys and girls are in the playground.

    1. (1) Lin Dong is running 100 meters.
    2. (2) Lin Dong is the second.
    3. (3) His classmates are proud of him.
    4. (4) Wang Ying is good at long jump.
    5. (5) Her good friend Sally is taking a photo.
  • 17. 根据提供的情景,选择正确的短语抄写在横线上

    tall and big  ate some bread  by car  many animals  took us to the zoo

    It was Sunday. Dad. We went there. At the zoo, we saw. The elephant was. The monkeys were very lovely. On our way home, we were hungry, we.

  • 18. 选择恰当的句子补全对话

    A. I live on the sixteenth floor.    
    B. Which floor do you live on?   
    C. What are you going to do?

    D. Good afternoon, Mike.

    E. Do you also live in this building?


    Mike: Good afternoon, Jack.

    Jack: Yes, I do.


    Jack: I live on the twentieth floor. How about you?


    Jack: So we are neighbors.

    Mike: Right.

    Jack: I'm going to play basketball. Let's play together!

    Mike: OK. Let's go.

  • 19. 仿照例子,写话


    A: What's the date today?

    B: It's March 31. Easter is coming.

    A: It's my favorite holiday.

    B: Why do you like it?

    A: It's in April. It's warm. We can look for the eggs.

    A: ?

    B: It's. National Day is coming

    A: It's my favorite holiday.

    B: Why do you like it?

    A:It'sin。 It's. We can. .

  • 20. 阅读短文,选择正确的选项

    It was Saturday yesterday. It was a fine day. My classmates and I went to the West Lake Park. We got there by bus. In the morning we went to see the flowers. In the afternoon we took a boat on the lake. And we had delicious food in the evening. We took many photos. We sang songs and played games. We had a good time.

    1. (1) It was a__________ day yesterday.
      A . windy B . rainy C . sunny
    2. (2) I went to the__________ with my classmates.
      A . Sun Moon Lake B . West Lake Park C . City Library
    3. (3) We took a__________ to get there.
      A . bus B . car C . boat
    4. (4) We. __________ in the afternoon.
      A . had delicious food B . went boating C . went to see the flowers
    5. (5) We didn't. __________yesterday.
      A . take many photos B . sing songs C . watch TV
  • 21. 阅读材料,判断句子正误

    My Summer Vacation Schedule


    2:00 p. m. ~ 4:00 p. m.

    go to a dancing class


    7:00 a. m. ~ 8:00 am.

    go running


    8:00 a. m. ~ 11:00 am.

    do my homework


    8:00 a. m. ~ 11:00 a. m.

    clean my room


    2:00 p. m. ~ 4:00 p. m.

    go to a swimming class


    3:00 p. m. ~ 5:00 p. m.

    go shopping


    9:00 a. m. ~ 12:00 a. m.

    go to see my grandparents

    1. (1) I have a dancing class on Monday.
    2. (2) I go running for two hours(小时) on Tuesday.
    3. (3) I go shopping on Saturday afternoon.
    4. (4) I go to see my friends on Sunday.
    5. (5) I have three classes a week.

