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更新时间:2022-04-12 浏览次数:119 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . tea B . eat C . heavy
    2. (2)
      A . trip B . driver C . picture
    3. (3)
      A . lamp B . grape C . apple
    4. (4)
      A . grow B . show C . now
    5. (5)
      A . many B . fly C . sunny
    6. (6)
      A . warm B . car C . park
  • 8. 读问句,选择正确的答句。

    ⑴What happened?     

    ⑵Did you go hiking yesterday?     

    ⑶How did they go to Dalian?     

    ⑷Whose schoolbag is heavier?     

    ⑸What size are your shoes?     

    ⑹Are you all right?     

    A. Size 7.

    B. Jim fell off his bike.

    C. I'm OK now.

    D. By plane.

    E. No, I didn't.

    F. Mine.

  • 20. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,将字母标号填入横线中。

    Chen Jie: Hi, Mike, come and see this photo.

    Mike: OK.

    Chen Jie: He is Zhong Nanshan. He is very famous(著名的) in China.


    Chen Jie: He is a scientist and a doctor.


    Chen Jie: Because he did very well in fighting against COVID(抗击新冠病毒) in China.

    Mike: Oh, I see. He is old.

    Chen Jie: Yes, you are right. He likes sports very much.


    Chen Jie: He likes running, playing basketball and so on.

    Mike: I think all of us should learn from the old man.

    A. What's his job?    
    B. What sports does he like?

    C. Who is he?        
    D. Why is he famous?

    E. But he looks very healthy.

  • 21. 把短文补充完整。每空一词,每词只用一次,并注意大小写。

    stay        with        happy        took        went

    Saturday     didn't        sad        cold       doctor

    Today is. Jane to the library her friends this morning. They were veryin it.

    Yesterday Jane had a bad. So her mother her to the hospital. The said she must at home and drink more water. So she go to the library. She was so .

  • 22. 阅读短文,选出正确的选项。

    In hospitals many nurses work day and night. They are very busy and kind. People often call nurses the "angels (天使) in white". But did you notice? They don't always wear white clothes. Sometimes they wear other colours, too. Nurses who look after children often wear pink. Nurses working in operating rooms (手术室) wear green. Those who take care of old people often wear blue.

    1. (1) Many nurses work day and night. They are very ______.
      A . kind and busy B . strict and young C . quiet and smart
    2. (2) People often call ______ the "angels in white".
      A . scientists B . cooks C . nurses
    3. (3) Nurses who take care of old people often wear ______.
      A . blue B . pink C . white
    4. (4) What does the underlined phrase "look after" mean(词意)?
      A . 看后面 B . 照顾 C . 喜欢
    5. (5) Choose the best title for the passage.
      A . Nurses and colours B . Nurses and angels C . Nurses and patients(病人)

