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更新时间:2022-03-29 浏览次数:82 类型:期中考试
四、读一读<b >, </b>选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)
  • 12. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . May B . June C . Easter
    2. (2)
      A . spring B . autumn C . snowman
    3. (3)
      A . breakfast B . dinner C . exercise
    4. (4)
      A . pick B . swim C . snow
    5. (5)
      A . start B . after C . finish
  • 23. 你想知道你的朋友周末做什么,你该怎么问:________
    A . When do you do on the weekend? B . What do you do on the weekend? C . What do you do on Fridays?
  • 24. 你想告诉张鹏你们三点整上课,你可以说:________
    A . Classes finish at 3 o'clock. B . Classes start at 3 o'clock. C . Classes start at 5 o'clock.
  • 25. 你想表达你不喜欢冬天,你可以说:________
    A . I don't like winter. B . I like winter. C . I like summer.
  • 26. 当你想问别人晚会什么时候举行时,你应该说:________
    A . When is the party? B . When is the sports meet? C . Where is the party?
  • 27. 当你想告诉你的朋友你有时会和父母野餐时,你应该说:________
    A . I always go on a picnic with my parents. B . I sometimes go on a picnic with my parents. C . I sometimes go for a walk with my parents.
七、从方框中选出合适的选项<b >,</b>补全对话。(10分)
  • 28. 从方框中选出合适的选项补全对话

    A: Hi, John.

    B: I usually go shopping with Mum.

    A: I usually go for a walk.


    A: I like summer best.


    A: Because I can go swimming every day!

    B: I like summer, too. But I like Children's Day.


    B: It's in June.

    A. What about you, Tina?

    B. Which season do you like best?

    C. What do you do on the weekend?

    D. Why?

    E. When is it?

八、连词成句, 注意首字母大写与标点符号。(10分)
九、阅读短文<b >, </b>判断下列句子的正误。(10分)
  • 34. 阅读短文, 判断下列句子的正误

    My name's Jack. I'm a careless man.

    One day, I get up at 7:00. I eat breakfast at 7:30. After breakfast, I go shopping by car. I stop my car near the shop.

    Thirty minutes later, I come out. I buy many things. I want to put them into the car. But I can't open the door of the car. So I ask the policeman to help me. Just then a woman comes up and shouts, "What are you doing with my car?" I look at the car's number and I'm shocked(震惊的) there. It isn't my car!

    1. (1) Jack gets up at 7:30.
    2. (2) Jack goes shopping by car after lunch.
    3. (3) Jack stops his car near the shop.
    4. (4) Jack buys many things.
    5. (5) Jack makes a mistake(错误).

