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更新时间:2022-04-20 浏览次数:78 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Childhood is particularly important for learning. We obviously can't do all the work as every child is different. However, we're hoping that these learning apps for kids can help!


    Price: $2.99

    Download on Amazon App Store

    ClassDojo is one of a few virtual classroom style learning apps. Using this app, parents, students, and teachers can all interact with one another. Unlike many, it doesn't replace the classroom experience but acts more as a positive reinforcement(强化)and communication tool to help keep everyone on the same page. The most important thing is that you'll need to find teachers who would want to use this kind of tool.

    Cram.com Flashcards

    Price: $169.4 per year/$29.95 per month

    Download on Ubuntu Software

    Cram.com Flashcards is a study app. It allows you to create flashcards about any subject. This is a great study aid for almost anybody. The app features cross-platform syncing(同步), and provides access to over 75 million flashcards that others have made, and it works both offline and online.


    Price: Free with in-app purchases

    Download on George Play

    Duolingo is one of the best learning apps for kids when it comes to learning a new language. It has a variety of language supports, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Irish, Danish, and even English. What makes the app so great is that it's completely free to download and use.

    DragonBox series

    Price $24.99 or $27.99

    Download on App Store

    The DragonBox series are a set of education games that help kids learn basic math. There are five learning apps for kids in total. All five of them deal with numbers to some extent. Math is hard to understand sometimes so it might be good to teach these concepts via the app. All five games require an up-front payment, but none of them have in-app purchases.

    1. (1) When using ClassDojo, you should ____________.
      A . keep up with others B . get support from teachers C . use it in your classroom D . be able to make flashcards
    2. (2) How much will you pay at least to use Cram.com Flashcards for 5 months?
      A . $149.75. B . $75. C . $29.95 D . $169.4
    3. (3) What can DragonBox series enable students to do?
      A . Learn high-level math in a fun way. B . Figure out difficult math problems. C . Design educational games about math. D . Master math concepts through games.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When American Matt Stopera's iPhone went missing, he thought, "Well, bad luck. These things happen." One year later, Matt's misfortune has turned to good fortune as he found a new friend and became an Internet celebrity in China.

    You may already be familiar with this story since it spread on Weibo for weeks during the Spring Festival, but it started when Matt began seeing photos of a Chinese man in front of an orange tree on his photo stream(照片流). He wrote about it and some Chinese readers decided to see if they could find the mysterious man. They did. It turns out that "Brother Orange," as he became known, owned a restaurant in Guangdong and the iPhone he was using, a gift from a nephew, was Matt's old phone.

    Matt and Brother Orange began messaging each other and a friendship blossomed with Matt invited to China to feast at Brother Orange's restaurant on his delicious Hakkacuisine(客家菜). Matt was also overwhelmed by the warmth of the millions of Chinese who were following the story. When he opened a Weibo account he had 22 million followers almost overnight, many of them inviting him to their hometowns and offering to be his tour guide.

    Matt's story is another example of how powerful the Internet and social networking has become in bringing people together. But there is a darker side to this story and that involves how Matt's missing iPhone turned up in China. Over three million smart-phones were stolen in America last year. Because of identification numbers, these phones can't be used in America, so they are sent to other countries and many of them end up in China, where they can be re-activated. This is why Matt and Brother Orange could share the same iCloud account.

    You should keep this in mind when buying a second-hand phone and check the serial number to see that it has not been stolen. Finding a friend through social networking is wonderful, but using a stolen phone isn't really the best way to make the connection.

    1. (1) What happened to Matt one year after he lost his phone?
      A . He was fortunate enough to get his phone back. B . He became a famous figure on American website. C . He gained friendship and became popular in China. D . He lost another phone because of his iCloud account.
    2. (2) How did Matt and Brother Orange establish their friendship?
      A . Brother Orange's photo was found on the Internet. B . Chinese readers tried their best to find Brother Orange. C . Brother Orange received an iPhone from his nephew. D . Brother Orange contacted Matt and invited him to China.
    3. (3) How did Matt's followers react to his Weibo?
      A . cautiously B . enthusiastically C . anxiously D . humorously
    4. (4) What does the story indicate?
      A . It's wonderful to find a friend through social net-working. B . A stolen phone is the best way to make connections. C . People should be careful when buying a second-hand phone. D . Matt and Brother Orange set a good example to us.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    The key to a successful garage sale is to get the word out. The best way of advertising your sale is to place an ad in the local newspaper. If you have a city and neighborhood paper, make sure you advertise in both. The ad should be large enough to stand out. It should also include information on where the sale is located with directions, the "hot" items you're selling and the time when the sale will start and end. An ad should be placed at least two days before the sale and run until the day of your event. That way people can plan their route to the sale in advance.

    Signs must be another great way to inform your community. Post them where people gather, such as stores and community centers. Some businesses have a central bulletin board, which is the best place to advertise. Other places to post are at the local college or university campus. This is especially helpful if your sale is happening in August or early September when students have returned to school and are looking for cheap finds.

    Post signs round your neighborhood. You should also place both ads and direction signs, especially if you're located on a side street without a major presence. Signs will attract and direct people. Just make sure your print is in bold letters and use large direction signs so that people can read the information from the front seat of their car.

    1. (1) You should place an ad at least two days before the sale so that people can________.
      A . get enough cash for the sale B . compare prices of the items C . select the items they will buy D . decide on their route beforehand
    2. (2) Why should signs be posted in a community center?
      A . Schools are nearby. B . There are many stores. C . Students often meet there. D . More people gather there.
    3. (3) What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph?
      A . Colored signs are preferred. B . Bold letters should be used. C . Large pictures should be included. D . Phone numbers should be provided.
    4. (4) The best title for the passage might be _________.
      A . Advertising Garage Sales B . Advantages of Garage Sales C . Importance of Garage Sales D . Printing Ads for Garage Sales
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Many people think daydreaming is bad for their emotions and has negative effects on their life and those around them. It makes adapting to life very hard and brains work less effectively.

    Contrary to common ideas, the brains of people who are daydreaming might not stop working, but may be working harder, new research has shown. Scientists scanned the brains of people lying inside magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)machines, as they pushed buttons or rested in turn. The scans showed that the "default(默认的)network" deep inside a human brain becomes more active during daydreaming.

    In a surprise finding, the scans also showed strong activity in the executive network, the outlying region of the brain associated with complex problem-solving, says Professor Kalina Christoff, who is a co-author of the study. "People assume that when the mind wanders away, it just gets turned off but we show the opposite. When it wanders, it is turned on." says Christoff.

    The findings, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest, "People who let themselves daydream might not think in the same focused way as when performing a goal-oriented task, but they bring in more mental and brain resources," says Christoff.

    F. Diane Barth said at Psychology Today that the more we daydream, the more our brain is able to hold onto the task when we are being bombarded (轰炸)from all sides by all kinds of noises, information input, and conflicting demands. You're not trying to escape the task at hand; rather, you're trying to get rid of all of the information and stimuli(刺激物)that could pose as bothers.

    According to Christoff, people typically spend one third of their waking time daydreaming. "It is a big part of our lives, but it has been largely ignored by science, she says. "The study is the first to use MRIs to study brain activity during spontaneous thoughts and subjective experiences. Until now the only way is to use self-reports that are not always reliable."

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
      A . Scientists. B . Scans. C . MRI machines. D . Study subjects.
    2. (2) The findings by Christoff show daydreaming__________.
      A . may help us get relaxed B . may be beneficial to our health C . may use less energy than focusing D . may help us arrive at solutions faster
    3. (3) Which of the following may Barth agree with?
      A . Daydreaming provides us with many stimuli. B . Daydreaming is actually an act of concentration. C . Daydreaming can make us forget unhappy things. D . Daydreaming reminds us of more useful information.
    4. (4) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . MRIs are reliable to study brain activity. B . People should spend more time daydreaming. C . More studies about daydreaming need to be done. D . People should make full use of daydreaming time.
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    "Music is where everything started," Samira Horton says.She has been rapping and performing since she was 6 years old. Through music, DJ Annie Red says, "I can express myself and let out my emotion."

    The rising hip-hop star uses music to share a message about bullying. "I was bullied a lot," she says, "even today, especially because of my voice." DJ Annie Red has a deep voice.But DJ Annie Red has found a way to rise above their rude remarks. Instead of thinking of her voice as a weakness, she uses it to spread her anti-bullying message far and wide.

    She posts her music online, too. She likes to give students a rhythmic and interactive show while teaching them how to overcome bullying. "It makes them feel like they're not alone."

    Annie Red believes that standing up to bullying is more important than ever."You don't have to show your face at all," she says. "Someone could easily be affected by that."

    She believes that kids of her generation can make things better by finding their passions, and using those passions to inspire changes, as she has. "Kids' being more confident in themselves and wanting to do something that they really enjoy doing is something that motivates me to keep doing what I do."

    A. But she sees a brighter future ahead.

    B. People have told her she sounds like a boy.

    C. She encourages kids of all ages to stand up to bullying.

    D. DJ Annie Red has performed at schools, festivals and Brooklyn Net games.

    E. Her 2017 book, The Bully Stop, is based on her song "No You Won't Bully Me".

    F. The 13-year-old from Brooklyn, New York, is known to the world as-DJ Annie Red.

    G. That's because people can bully others on social media while hiding behind a username.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    My parents' new dog Mercy would rush out of bed and go-go-go all day long. So when they brought home a Christmas tree, they expected1. But to their astonishment, Mercy didn't seem to care. She paid zero attention to the tree2growing in the living room. Nor did she3the fancy gifts under it.

    A few days before Christmas, Polly, my step mom, awoke early as usual. As she4the living room, she stopped cold. She saw that every last5was gone. Only the tree was still there. To find out the burglar, Polly walked toward the back door. She pushed the6, bathing the backyard in light. Oh, yes, it was Mercy. She7in a nest of torn wrapping papers,8boxes, and curling bits of ribbons. Clearly Mercy's self-control had9. She'd silently carried one after another out of the doggy door and anything edible(可吃的)was10, including cookies, chocolates, and four pounds of Milk-Bones.

    Nature took11on Mercy, and she eventually survived her midnight snack. Only one problem12. With all the gift tags destroyed, how could my parents send back thank-you cards?

    Mercy presented the problem, so Mercy provided the13. A few days later, Polly happened to find Mercy14

    licking a plate where a doughnut had just been. Polly shot a picture of the shamefaced puppy and used it to make the cover of the thank-you card. Inside, the whole story was15. We all laughed off the ruined presents and admitted that amid all the gift-giving, it's really a season for MERCY.

    A . risk B . chaos C . fun D . change
    A . suddenly B . naturally C . gradually D . immediately
    A . used to B . adapt to C . react to D . appeal to
    A . left B . found C . heard D . approached
    A . dust B . leaf C . decoration D . present
    A . switch B . tree C . pet D . alarm
    A . waited B . lay C . appeared D . moved
    A . cleaned-up B . fixed-up C . chewed-up D . used-up
    A . failed B . worked C . counted D . improved
    A . discovered B . wasted C . gone D . rescued
    A . punishment B . respect C . comfort D . pity
    A . changed B . remained C . ended D . repeated
    A . love B . answer C . luck D . food
    A . guiltily B . hopefully C . regretfully D . regularly
    A . created B . offered C . explained D . announced
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    A group of doctors has been specially trained in skiing skills in China over the last four years in(prepare)for providing medical treatment during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

    In the field, if there's an accident, ski doctors have to bethe scene in four minutes with a 10-kilogram medical bag,they have to deal with the injuries and remove injured athletes from the track in just 15 minutes.

    The(great)challenge for alpine skiing doctors is not only skiing skillfully on professional mountain courses with a gradient(倾斜度)of around 70 degrees, but(stop)accurately on smooth courses, according to media reports.

    When foreign ski doctors first came to China beforeopening ceremony, they may have had some doubts because there were no professional ski doctors in China before that point. After communication and working together, they have seen that our professional and skiing skills are(actual)very strong, Bai said.

    The doctors(equip)with 5G walkie-talkies as well as large medical bags f filled with medical essentials. "If the injured remain conscious, we communicate within English. We had a lot of English lessons during our training," said Li Qiyi, a 49-year-old surgeon usually(station)at Xiehe Hospital.

  • 8. 书面表达(满分15分)






    Dear Tom,

    How is everything going with you?


    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    My wife, Megan, and I went out to dinner with an old friend who we had not seen for a while. There had been some talk of COVID-19 on the news, but it was early in the outbreak and people were still going about their daily routines. Even though everyone in group felt perfectly, we took precautions(预防): we washed our hands with soap and used hand sanitizer(洗手液), did not share food, and had no significantly close contact.

    A few days later, our friend called and told us that she had tested positive for the coronavirus. She had felt some mild symptoms for a day or so after that dinner and was able to be tested because she is a doctor. On the following day, I started to feel a little tired and my head was a bit cloudy. I decided to stay in the master bedroom away from the rest of my family. The next morning, I woke up with a 39-degree fever. That was when we realized that I might have caught the virus from our friend.

    At once, Megan called our state's coronavirus hotline, who then called in our primary care doctor and the head of our local hospital system's coronavirus team. We explained that we had been in contact with someone who had been tested positive, and I was having symptoms. They quickly approved me to receive a test at an urgent care center located 5 kilometer's drive from my house. The result made my heart sink-I was also tested positive, and the local hospital didn't have the facilities for my disease. As a mild case, I was recommended to stay home and quarantine(隔离)myself.

    Following the doctor's advice, Megan and I quarantined ourselves and our kids. With my symptoms developing, I started isolation in the bedroom, and the only interaction I had with Megan was when she brought in food. She slept on a small couch in our home office away from the kids' rooms. She also minimized her contact with our kids in case she was carrying the virus.





    We decided to call everyone we had contacted over the course of the past week.


    Though worried about the seriousness of the virus, I knew I had to be brave.

