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更新时间:2022-03-16 浏览次数:47 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Students can have fun and learn many things with these following four apps.

    Exam Vocabulary Builder

    Learning new English words is not difficult anymore when you have Exam Vocabulary Builder on your smartphone. Apart from learning new words with their meanings, you can also find an example of using the word in a sentence. Moreover, you can test yourself in a quiz.

    MyScript Smart Note

    Aren't you quick enough to write notes in the classroom on your tablet's QWERTY keyboard? No problem, because MyScript Smart Note can help you easily take notes on your tablet. It allows you to edit (编辑) your handwriting with special gestures. Moreover, it also comes with downloadable language packs.

    Exam Countdown

    If you're feeling distracted (思想不集中) when the exams draw near, you might need Exam Countdown app. There might be a possibility that you forgot to submit your last assignment before the finals. The app acts like a scheduler where you can keep track of your assignments, exams, quizzes and presentations.


    Quizlet is a simple app that allows you to learn anything, create your own study sets, and improve your class grades by studying with flashcards. It will give you a whole new experience on how you learn things in a fun way. Next time you have a problem with learning a new chapter or topic, try Quizlet and see how things work out.

    1. (1) What do Exam Vocabulary Builder and MyScript Smart Note have in common?
      A . They can be used for note taking. B . They can be used with hand gestures. C . They can be used for language learning. D . They can be used to test language skills.
    2. (2) Which is a good choice for better managing your routine study?
      A . Quizlet. B . Exam Countdown. C . MyScript Smart Note. D . Exam Vocabulary Builder.
    3. (3) What does the text mainly want to introduce?
      A . Some practical apps for students to pass the exam. B . Some wonderful learning methods for students. C . Some good learning opportunities for students. D . Some useful apps for students.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    I was watching my kids play on the sidewalk when I looked up and saw a crow sitting on the telephone wire. The crow sat with its head turned to one side, observing us with one friendly black eye.

    I'm not a bird expert or a birdwatcher, but crows intrigue me. Since that day, I have become friends with the neighborhood crows, and I've learned a thing or two along the way.

    The best way to introduce yourself to a crow is by feeding it. I'm sure there are other ways to go about it, but the easiest and fastest way to a crow's heart is food. Some may argue that a crow is a wild animal and by feeding it, you encourage the unnatural dependence. And to most wildlife, this is an excellent philosophy. But crows and humans have been living side by side for centuries, and researchers like Marzluff and Angell, who wrote In the Company of Crows and Ravens, point to many examples of cultural co﹣evolution (共同进化) between us. It's been a rather symbiotic (共生的) relationship for quite a while.

    Certainly, humans' and crows' lives and histories have become closely related. I moved to this neighborhood in this small city 5 years ago. I'm relatively new here, but the crows in my neighborhood may have lived here for many years. They've watched people come and go for years - people who may have watched them right back.

    So anyway, we're neighbors, and feeding is the neighborly thing to do.

    1. (1) Which of the following can replace the underlined word "intrigue" in Paragraph 2?
      A . Dislike. B . Interest. C . Surprise. D . Frighten.
    2. (2) What does the author think is the easiest and fastest way to let the crows like you?
      A . To play with them. B . To make friends with them. C . To give food to them. D . To watch them closely.
    3. (3) We can infer from Paragraph 3 the purpose of the author is to    .
      A . develop a philosophy B . introduce a book C . correct people's ideas D . share personal experience
    4. (4) What's the author's attitude toward the relationship of man and crows?
      A . Positive. B . Unclear. C . Doubtful. D . Indifferent.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Ireland has long been known for its strange slang (俚语) words and unusual use of the English language.

    One expression-"the Jacks" -has long been used to describe the everyday toilet. Every Irish person knows what this term means, but few know they use it. In fact, it's difficult to find a dependable explanation. There are different stories behind this term, and one of them goes like this.

    While Thomas Crapper is commonly known for inventing the first flushing (冲水) toilet in the late 1800s, the first ever multi-cubicle (多隔间) toilet dates back to 1806 to an Irish inventor by the name of Jack Power. Jack Power, a father of 38 children, was the first person in the world to develop a separate cubicle.

    Due to the size of his family, Jack had to create something to meet their needs of using the toilet at the same time, so he built a large outhouse with five separate toilets. Following its success at home, Jack went on to produce cubicles for business and soon became very rich.

    In 1811, Jack Power was named as one of Ireland's richest businessmen, but the fame and wealth soon brought something unpleasant. Jack patented (取得专利) his multiple toilet system and insisted on calling it a "Multipoo", but the people of Ireland preferred "Jacks" instead—a term first used by his children. This made Jack unhappy because he never liked his name having anything to do with going to the toilet. The more he insisted, the more people called the cubicle system "the Jacks".

    Unable to stand what the Irish people had done, Jack later changed his name and moved to the UK with his family. There he began inventing new toilet systems and became the world's leading producer of toilet systems, which are still in operation today.

    Whether this story is true or not is still open to question. All we can say for sure is that in Ireland today, "the Jacks" is still a term used to describe a toilet.

    1. (1) What led to Jack Power inventing the multiple toilet system?
      A . The story of Thomas Crapper. B . His interest in doing creative work. C . His dream of succeeding in business. D . The needs of his unusual big family.
    2. (2) Who first called Jack's toilet system "Jacks"?
      A . Jack himself. B . Jack's children. C . The Irish people. D . Thomas Crapper.
    3. (3) Why did Jack leave his home country?
      A . He was made fun of by the Irish people. B . He wanted to try his toilet systems elsewhere. C . He accepted a job in a world leading company. D . He didn't like his name being related to toilets.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . A story behind "the Jacks". B . An inventor named Jack Power. C . The invention of multiple toilet systems. D . An introduction to slang words in Ireland.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Bornholm is a Danish island in the southern part of the Baltic Sea. At only 588 square kilometers, the island is home to about 40, 000 people and welcomes around 600, 000 visitors each year. The island is known for its sunny weather, round churches and rocky sea cliffs. But soon it hopes to make history for its lack of trash (垃圾).

    Bornholm's only waste incineration (焚烧) plant is on its last legs, so instead of replacing it, the island has come up with another plan. "In 2032 there'll be no more waste on Bornholm, " the island's waste management company announced. "All unwanted items are resources that can be recycled to the benefit of the entire community. "

    The government doesn't yet know all the specifics of how the plan will work, but officials have laid out a basic outline. For example, they fancy citizens sorting waste into easily recyclable items such as metal, plastic, glass, paper and cardboard, and then plan to add new items such as fishing nets, insulation materials and more plastics to the recycling system. Organic waste, as well as garden and park waste, will be changed into energy, and the nutrient-rich waste from energy recovery will be used as fertilizer in fields, gardens and parks on the island.

    Residents will be encouraged to make use of the sharing economy, lending and borrowing goods and services. They'll reuse everything from furniture to children's clothing, and businesses will repair a large number of items from bicycles to kitchen appliances. And elementary school students will be educated as "resource heroes" with practical, hands-on lessons about waste, resources, the environment and nature.

    "Yet, in the waste area we were falling behind, so it was important for us to move ahead, " Anne Thomas, the deputy mayor of Bornholm, tells National Geographic.

    1. (1) What do we know about Bornholm?
      A . It is a large island surrounded by sea. B . It is a small beautiful tourist attraction. C . It used to be a place filled with rubbish. D . It is famous mainly for its cultural buildings.
    2. (2) What will be expected to happen to Bornholm by 2032?
      A . Students will receive awards for protecting the environment. B . The trash will be handled quickly and effectively. C . Everything will be recycled, repaired or reused. D . People will feed on nothing but organic food.
    3. (3) What does Bornholm's basic outline focus on?
      A . Encouraging trash-free lifestyle. B . Improving waste management. C . Developing the local economy. D . Appreciating the nature.
    4. (4) Where is the text most likely from?
      A . A biology textbook. B . A food brochure. C . A geography magazine. D . A research report.
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Party favors are small gifts given to guests who attend an event such as a baby shower, wedding or birthday party. Traditionally, a party favor is given as a way of thanking guests for their gifts and for their presence at the event.

    Wedding party favors are often both handmade and bought. For example, purchased candies may be put into handmade bags tied with ribbons (丝带). Or, bars of chocolate may be presented with special handmade labels.

    There are many things to keep in mind when you choose for wedding favors.  This is because most couples who are planning for a wedding are working within their plan for money.

    Party favors at children's birthday parties are usually inexpensive items that may include small toys, puzzles and candies. They are often given in little plastic or paper gift bags to children as they leave the party. They allow them to have a gift along with the birthday child.

    Christmas crackers are party favors that are often given along with paper hats and small cheap decorations. Some outdoor weddings may include a small container of bubbles on each guest's chair as a party favor for the guests to use.

    A. Price should be on the top of your list.

    B. These are the items you can use as party favors.

    C. The types of items given as party favors vary widely.

    D. These cheap party favor bags can be fun for children.

    E. Giving out party favors is a way of thanking guests for attending the party.

    F. They are printed with the word "love" or other appropriate wedding messages.

    G. Items that guests are given to use during parties can also be considered as party favors.

  • 6. 完形填空

    We did homework in the kitchen while my mom cooked. Usually, I complained about my classmates treating me 1. "She didn't even save me a seat. " or "He2my pencil. "

    One afternoon during my emotion-release time, my mom turned to me and said 3, "If everyone around you is being a stupid person, then it is you who is behaving like the most stupid one of all. " I was 4and argued that it was the faults of other kids. I felt so5that I didn't think I could ever forgive my mother.

    But a week later, after a 6day when my classmates refused to play with me, I decided to see if Mom was right in action. It was a(n)7 with my own behavior.

    That Monday at school, I no longer 8 everyone there to change their behavior to fit me. 9, I tried to change myself. Properly managing my emotions10everything. I no longer felt like I was a victim (受害者), but a victor. I11 my classmates.

    Tolerance (宽容) in our own 12 helps us recognize and 13the imperfections in others. Now I 14my mom's words in this way, "If everyone around you is15, chances are that you are the kindest of all. "

    A . kindly B . commonly C . unfairly D . impatiently
    A . borrowed B . liked C . returned D . broke
    A . quickly B . seriously C . secretly D . happily
    A . satisfied B . ashamed C . shocked D . tired
    A . angry B . afraid C . nervous D . shy
    A . hot B . busy C . noisy D . rough
    A . experiment B . experience C . game D . battle
    A . forced B . advised C . allowed D . expected
    A . Therefore B . Instead C . Though D . However
    A . witnessed B . challenged C . destroyed D . changed
    A . forgave B . welcomed C . scolded D . advised
    A . selfishness B . impoliteness C . weakness D . optimism
    A . find B . learn C . accept D . correct
    A . doubt B . understand C . recall D . oppose
    A . friendly B . lucky C . brave D . confident
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容


    The Beatles is the name of a band formed in 1960. members were from Liverpool, England. The Beatles did a lot to change the music and culture of the 1960s. Even today, their music continues to inspire youth all over the world.

    The band was made up four young men: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. These four men never took music lessons. They taught themselves (play) music. They played rock and roll pop music and sold(many) records in both England and America than any other singer or band of the 20th century. They had millions of fans all over the world.

    The Beatles fans screamed hysterically during the band's concerts and during their travels to and from  (city) around the world. Often during a concert, the screaming wasloud that the band's music was (total) drowned out. That kind of excitement(create) by the Beatles was called "Beatlemania" by newspapers and magazines.

    Not only did the Beatles inspire people through their music,  they also set trends in their clothing, hairstyles, behavior, and language.

    Although the band broke up in 1970, the Beatles' influence on pop culture (be) still great today and many people remain Beatles fans.

  • 18. 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Henry来信询问中国人过母亲节的情况和你的看法,请根据以下内容,给他写一封回信,要点如下:





