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更新时间:2022-03-22 浏览次数:70 类型:竞赛测试
一、Role Play(每题2分,共10分)
  • 1. 情景介绍: 角色:你是学生








    1. (1) They will .
    2. (2) She .
    3. (3) Because she believes the good education in the university can help her prepare for a  and an ideal career.
    4. (4) She wants to be a .
    5. (5) She may go to university but she will spend most of her .
二、Story Retelling(每题2分,共10分)
  • 2. 根据故事内容,把下面的故事复述补充完整。

    When I worked as a waiter at a restaurant, I happened to before Christmas. I didn't open the wallet because __. I thought if it contained something valuable, the owner would return to ask for it. An hour later, a man came to ask if . After he described the wallet exactly, I gave him the wallet. Having learned that I hadn't checked the wallet, he opened it and showed nearly $800 in cash inside. He then gave me as a reward for my honesty. After that, I am wondering whether I would keep it if I knew what was in the wallet. However, I think the feeling of returning the wallet was worth .

  • 3. 阅读理解

    When someone mentions the Philippines, one can't help but think of beautiful beaches, but the Philippines is not just about beaches. With over 7,000 islands, there's a perfect tourist spot in the Philippines that will satisfy every traveler's wanderlust.


    One of the most famous Philippine attractions is Ifugao Province, where you'll find the UNESCO World Heritage Site Banaue Rice Terraces. There are many places in Ifugao that will teach you the unique way of life and culture.

    How to get there: From Manila, ride a bus bound for Banaue, a tough exhausting trip of around 9 hours.


    What makes Siargao an ideal travel destination is that it has remained remote, and still relatively under the radar, making it even more appealing to travelers who are longing for natural beauty and a slower pace. This tourist spot in Mindanao will surely captivate your heart.

    How to get there: From Manila, you can book a flight or board a ferry bound for Siargao easily.


    Topping our list of the most beautiful tourist spots in the Philippines is none other than Palawan. With its undeniable beauty, Palawan has already become a regular on the list of the world's best islands of international travel magazines. Of course, this doesn't come as a surprise. Besides the clear blue-green waters of lakes, colorful reefs and pure white beaches, what more can you ask for?

    How to get there: From Manila, there are flights that travel directly to all parts of Palawan.

    1. (1) If you are tired of the fast pace of urban life, __________can be a good choice.
      A . Palawan B . Siargao C . Manila D . Ifugao
    2. (2) Among the attractions mentioned, Ifugao may have a disadvantage of __________.
      A . service B . scenery C . transportation D . food
    3. (3) Where can the text probably be found?
      A . In a scientific research. B . In a book review. C . In a biography. D . In a travel magazine.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    According to data, there are under 100,000 people entering Canada every year to work for limited periods of time. Generally speaking, these people have professions where there is a shortage of skilled workers in Canada. There are opportunities for holidaymakers to enrich their travel experiences through paid work.

    A work permit is a non-immigration permit. It is for the purpose of working in Canada for a set period of time. To qualify for a work permit in Canada, you must have a valid offer of employment from a Canadian company or employer. That offer must be admitted by the Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC). The employer will have to meet all the conditions given by the government. Besides, the work that you will carry out will not be disadvantaging similarly qualified Canadian workers.

    To get a work permit, you must convince a Canadian immigration officer that you intend to be in Canada only for the duration of your employment. Depending on the type of work and the length of stay that you intend to do in Canada, you may be asked to attend an interview to discuss the matter further and you may also be asked to complete a medical examination. What's more, you are responsible for these costs. When your work permit expires (到期), you should return to your homeland. You cannot get a work permit if you go travelling in Canada.

    One thing to bear in mind is that although you have received a work permit, you may still be refused entry into Canada by Port of Entry officials. You may need to clarify to them your purposes of visiting Canada. Once you arrive in Canada you will need a Social Insurance Number (SIN), which is a requirement for working in Canada. You can request a Social Insurance Number application form at the Port of Entry when you arrive in Canada or from the HRDC later. Once you have filled out this form, you will receive your SIN later by post. And you can give it to your employer before you work in his or her company.

    1. (1) What is needed to get a work permit in Canada?
      A . Personal information. B . A recommendation letter. C . Valid immigration papers. D . A legal offer of work.
    2. (2) What will you have to do after your work permit expires?
      A . Leave Canada. B . Find another job. C . Ask for a travel permit. D . Apply for a new work permit.
    3. (3) What do we know about SIN in the text?
      A . All visitors to Canada need it. B . It's as important as a work permit. C . Employers will help you get it. D . You should get it before arriving in Canada.
    4. (4) What is this text mainly about?
      A . Advice for foreign workers in Canada. B . Travel tips for tourists to Canada. C . Work regulations in Canadian companies. D . Tips for immigrants in Canada.
  • 5. 阅读理解

    In 2007, Bianca Valenti had an experience which nearly killed her. When she surfed (冲浪) at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, she met a wave as tall as a two-story house.

    The wind was strong enough to block my vision. The moment I went under water, I was just getting knocked and spun (旋转) every which way. And then my feet touched the sand bottom there. When I swam to the surface, my lungs were burning painfully. I just thought to myself, "If there's one more wave after this, I'm going to die." Luckily there wasn't another wave. That was when Valenti knew she had the drive and skill to surf big waves.

    By 2014, Valenti surfed and won her first big waves contest (比赛) at Nelscott Reef in Oregon. There, she met fellow professionals Alms, Moller, and Kennelly. "One thing got me fired up at that point," she said. "I wanted to have the opportunity to win more events, but there weren't more events for women. That's really annoying." Luckily, Valenti, Alms, Moller, and Kennelly decided to stick together, support each other, and then fight together.

    The four surfers formed Committee for Equity in Women's Surfing (CEWS) to fight for entrance at Mavericks—a contest set in the surfing location of the same name, north of Half Moon Bay. Mavericks was invitation-only and was open to only men when CEWS was formed. Now, through the organization's hard work with the State of California, women are allowed to surf in the event.

    When Valenti was young, there weren't many women represented in surfing culture. "I think it's important for young kids to have all kinds of role models. That way they know all the people who they see as superheroes are just normal people who have crazy dreams. And sometimes the dreams aren't even that crazy. If you work hard and you stick together with your friends, you can do anything. You can move mountains."

    1. (1) What inspired Valenti to surf big waves?
      A . Her gift in learning surfing skills. B . Her near-death experience in 2007. C . Her courage to challenge men surfers. D . Her ambition to be the best role model.
    2. (2) What does "fired up" probably mean in Paragraph 3?
      A . Angry. B . Excited. C . Satisfied. D . Concerned.
    3. (3) What do we know about Mavericks in Valenti's time?
      A . It was named after a famous surfer. B . All surfers were admitted to it freely. C . Surfers could only attend it by invitation. D . Valenti won the contest for the first time.
    4. (4) Which of the following words can best describe Valenti?
      A . Determined and courageous. B . Impolite and Careless. C . Simple-minded and helpful. D . Tough and impatient.
  • 6. 阅读理解

    Harvard researchers have created a tough, low-cost, biodegradable (可生物降解的) material inspired by insects' hard outer shells. The material's inventors say it has a number of possible uses and someday could provide a more environmentally friendly alternative(可能的选择) to plastic. The material, made from shrimp (虾) shells and proteins produced from silk, is called "shrilk." It is thin, clear, flexible and strong.

    A major benefit of the material is its biodegradability. Plastic's toughness and flexibility represented a revolution in materials science during the 1950s and 1960s. Decades later however, plastic's very durability (耐用性) is raising questions about how proper it is for one-time products such as plastic bags, or short-lived consumer goods, used in the home for a few years and then cast into a landfill where they will degrade for centuries. What is the point of making something that lasts 1,000 years?

    Shrilk not only will degrade in a landfill, but its basic components are used as fertilizer, and so will enrich the soil.

    Shrilk has great potential, the inventors said. Materials from which is made are plentiful in nature, found in everything ranging from shrimp shells, insect bodies to living plants. That makes shrilk low cost, and its mass production possible should it be used for products demanding a lot of material.

    Work on shrilk is continuing in the lab. The inventors said the material becomes flexible when wet, so they're exploring ways to use it in wet environments. They're also developing simpler production processes, which could be used for non-medical products, like for computer cases and other products inside the home. They're even exploring combining it with other materials, like carbon fibers, to give it new properties.

    1. (1) What has become a concern about plastic?
      A . Using it properly. B . Producing it cheaply. C . Developing its properties quickly. D . Evaluating its contributions fairly.
    2. (2) According to the inventors, shrilk has great potential partly because ____.
      A . it can help plastic degrade B . it can be found in living things C . its mass production has been realized D . its raw materials are rich in nature
    3. (3) What are the inventors doing in the lab?
      A . Replacing carbon fibers with shrilk. B . Testing shrilk's use in wet conditions. C . Making shrilk out of used household goods. D . Improving shrilk's flexibility for medical purpose.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
      A . Recent Progress in Environmental Protection B . Benefits of Insects in Scientific Research C . The Harm of One-time Products D . A Possible Alternative to Plastic
  • 7. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Last year, I had the chance to study at a British secondary school as an exchange student. I stayed with a lovely host family and went to school with their son, Daniel. . He is learning Chinese and will come to stay with me this year in China!

    The British school day begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. . Every student in the UK must study English, Maths, and the Science subjects: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Students can also choose to study other subjects, such as History, Art and Business.

    I enjoyed most of the classes. Technology classes were interesting. I made a clock to take home. . I like it so much that I still use it as my alarm. I found Maths quite easy and enjoyable because the material was less advanced in the UK than in China.

    . There were a lot of difficult English words, especially in Geography and Biology. Class discussion is very important in the UK, but I could not make much of a contribution because sometimes I wasn't able to express myself clearly in English. Although there was not as much homework as I was used to, it was still challenging. Fortunately my teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave me lots of encouragement. My language skills improved over time.

    I am glad to have the opportunity to experience this different way of life. I met some great people and learnt a lot about school life in the UK. Daniel and his family were kind hosts, and his friends were very nice as well. .

    A. I can't wait for Daniel to visit China.

    B. The teacher is strict with the students.

    C. It is useful for us to learn English well.

    D. The teacher helped me put the parts together.

    E. We were both 14 years old and we got on well.

    F. However, learning in English was a great challenge for me.

    G. Students usually have to learn nine subjects at secondary school.

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    There was no need to consult my smart-watch to know that we had climbed to an altitude of more than 4,500 meters.1discomfort serves as a warning system on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

    After a four-hour journey, our coach 2 a parking lot in Madoi county, a sprawling herding district in the northwestern province of Qinghai. I got off and took a walk, but it felt like hard work. What seemed like a slightly dazed feeling at lower place—such as when I visited Lhasa, capital of the Tibet autonomous region, in 2019 at about 3,000 meters above sea level—had 3 into a severe headache because of the thin air.

    As the air pressure 4 rapidly, my sunscreen bottle swelled and its 5 spilled out. Trees were a rare 6. The soil was frozen. Rice tasted half-cooked.

    I 7 a small hotel, where about 35 doctors and journalists would stay for the next few days as part of a volunteer medical program. I was assigned a roommate, a photojournalist in his 50s. We climbed 8 of stairs carrying suitcases packed with winter clothes and other necessities to 9 the sunburn-producing ultraviolet. The climb clearly worsened our symptoms. We were both breathless when we reached our room.

    Cracks could be seen meandering across the walls of the room, a warning sign of the quake's destruction and a 10 that the danger had not gone away.

    It certainly hadn't. At about midnight, a magnitude 4.8 quake 11 the county and made my roommate and I—both 12 because of the discomfort we were feeling—jump out of our beds.

    We scrambled for our clothes and shoes and argued about whether we had enough time to run outside. Before we had reached agreement, the shaking had stopped. The street our room overlooked was quickly 13 with people, and my sixth sense for survival told me to join those life-cherishing people downstairs, but the 14 told me to stay put.

    The older man and I stared at each other and then decided to creep back to our beds, but we kept our pants on, just 15.

    A . Bodily B . Heart C . Verbal D . Eye
    A . pulled out B . stopped by C . pulled over D . pulled into
    A . Lengthened B . worsened C . lessened D . weakened
    A . fell B . rose C . increased D . applied
    A . pressure B . contents C . water D . cap
    A . sight B . type C . style D . scene
    A . signed up B . walked into C . checked up D . checked into
    A . several B . flights C . few D . steps
    A . survive B . save C . use D . waste
    A . note B . reminder C . view D . site
    A . came B . broke C . struck D . scared
    A . awake B . sleepy C . quiet D . ill
    A . credited B . accompanied C . flooded D . covered
    A . danger B . discomfort C . disbelief D . destruction
    A . in comfort B . in relief C . in case D . in vain
  • 9. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Earthquake -proof (抗震的) buildings

    There are a number of ways buildings can be made strong enough to stand up to earthquakes. The simplest way is to make them much (strong). A building strong enough not (destroy) by a large earthquake, however, would probably look more like a bunker (地堡) than a nice place to live .

    So engineers have looked for other ways. One is to make the building that can swing (摇摆) from side to side. is to design it so that it doesn't sit directly on the ground but on something that allows it to move a bit with the earthquake. If only a small part of a building (fall) down in an earthquake, damage can be (great) reduced, so buildings are often designed to do this as well.

    However, (make) new earthquake -proof buildings is expensive, but with the (develop) of science and technology more efforts will be made to solve problem in the future.

  • 30. 请给下列词汇选择适当的英语解释,有两个选项多余。

    A. a long period of time with little or no rain

    B. to feel pain in the body or mind

    C. a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface

    D. a thing that happens, especially something important

    E. to make less or smaller in number, size or amount; to cut

    F. to give or receive one thing for another offerer

    G. a place built to give protection, especially from danger or bad weather

    1. (1) Earthquake
    2. (2) Exchange
    3. (3) Shelter
    4. (4) Event
    5. (5) Drought
  • 31. 假设你是李津,最近你收到英国笔友Peter的来信,他说最近感到压力大,想就 "How to live with pressure" 的话题和你交流。请根据此话题及以下提示,写一封回信。内容要点如下:








    Dear Peter,

    I've received your letter and I'm sorry that you are under great pressure.


    Best wishes!


    Li Jin

