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更新时间:2022-02-21 浏览次数:126 类型:高考模拟
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A. B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers talking about?
      A . An app. B . Computers. C . The woman's job.
    2. (2) Why does the woman dislike working as an accountant?
      A . It is related to numbers. B . It is hardly promising. C . It is short of challenge.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where will the woman go tomorrow?
      A . To a cinema. B . To a farm. C . To a museum.
    2. (2) What does the man plan to do for the weekend?
      A . See an exhibition. B . Pick apples. C . Watch a movie.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What was the weather like on weekdays during the speakers' holiday?
      A . Sunny. B . Rainy. . C . Foggy.
    2. (2) What were the speakers dissatisfied with?
      A . The food in the hotel. B . The waiters in the restaurant. C . The temperature in the room.
    3. (3) Where does the woman want to go next time?
      A . To the forest. B . To the beach. C . To the mountains.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman do every Saturday?
      A . Go running. B . Practice skating. C . Teach the man skating.
    2. (2) Why is the woman unable to go cycling right now?
      A . She needs to do her homework. B . She has to see her sister. C . She has no bike.
    3. (3) Where will the speakers meet this afternoon?
      A . At a park. B . At the man's house. C . By the lake.
    4. (4) What will the speakers do this afternoon?
      A . Cycle. B . Do their homework. C . Swim in the park.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the speaker recommend working in the computer industry?
      A . It's popular. B . It's challenging. C . I's well- paid.
    2. (2) What course did the speaker major in at university?
      A . Computer. B . Physics. C . History.
    3. (3) Who helped the speaker find a job in the computer industry?
      A . His mother. B . His father. C . His uncle.
    4. (4) What did the speaker do at first at a computer company?
      A . He tested programs. B . He learned how to program. C . He did research on new programs.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Fall 2021 Story Contest

    Our Fall Contest is open to all fiction and nonfiction writers. We're looking for short

    stories, essays, memoirs, photo essays, graphic stories, all forms of literary nonfiction, and excerpts (摘录) from longer works of both fiction and nonfiction. Entries (参赛作品) must be previously unpublished, no longer than 15, 000 words, and must not have been previously chosen a8 a winner, finalist, or honorable mention in another contest,

    As always, we are looking for works with a strong narrative drive, with characters we can respond to, and with effects of language, situation, and insight that are intense and total. We look for works that have the ambition of enlarging our view of ourselves and the world.


    Awards: First Prize is $ 2, 500, Second Prize is $ 1, 000, Third Prize is $ 500, and up to ten finalists will receive $ 100 each, All entries will be considered for publication.

    Submission Fee: There is a $ 27 fee for each entry. With your entry, you'll receive three months of free access to Narrative Backstage.

    All contest entries are qualified for the $ 4, 000 Narrative Prize and for acceptance as a Story of the Week.

    Timing: The contest deadline is November 30, 2021, at midnight, Pacific standard time.

    1. (1) Which of the following will be accepted by the contest?
      A . A short story once published in a magazine. B . An essay not ever published with 2, 000 words. C . A novel that entered the 2020 year ten finalists. D . An essay having won honorable mention in other contests.
    2. (2) What will you receive if your entry is accepted?
      A . $27 for submission. B . A guarantee of publication. C . Qualification for prize money. D . Free lifetime access to Narrative Backstage.
    3. (3) What can we say about the contest?
      A . It is held in the UK. B . It is free for every entry, C . It charges $ 100 as entrance fee. D . It has a deadline of November 30, 2021.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Some parents may have had trouble getting their kids away from electronics and outside this summer. But for one Virginia family, this wasn't the case. Josh and Cassie Sutton recently completed a fall-length hike of the Appalachian Trail with their son, Harvey.

    At just 5 years old, Harvey, who earned the nickname "Little Man" from fellow hikers, is one of the youngest people known to have completed the roughly 2, 100-mile trail that stretches across 14 states in 209 days.

    When Harvey was 2 years old, his parents began training him for hiking by going on mini walks. They slowly increased their mileage day by day- eventually making him adapt to his big adventure. "A lot of people are surprised at how well be did. They're like, 'How did you get your 5-year-old to do that while my 5-year old won't even walk half a mile without com-Paining?'" Mom Cassie Sutton said.

    The Sutton s said that while the adventure of the 2, 100- mile hike was fun as a family, it did have its challenges- especially when it came to keeping Harvey entertained. "We learned that he is gifted in hiking, but as long as were playing make-believe with him all day long, then he moves quickly and hikes a lot faster than a lot of us imagine," Josh Sutton said.

    While the Sutton s have plans for more hikes and family adventures ahead, the family is getting adjusted to life at home again as Harvey begins his latest adventure; kindergarten.

    1. (1) What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
      A . A 5 year old hiked 2, 100 miles in about 7 months. B . Josh earned the nickname "Little Man" because of his son. C . Harvey is the youngest person to cover the 2, 100 mile trail. D . One Virginia family had trouble getting away from electronics.
    2. (2) What is the challenge of making Harvey finish the adventure?
      A . Playing make believe. B . Keeping him amused. C . Hiking fast enough, D . Having meals as a family.
    3. (3) Which word can best describe Harvey in hiking?
      A . Negative. B . Naughty. C . Normal. D . Talented.
    4. (4) What is Harvey's next adventure?
      A . To have more games. B . To get adjusted to family life. C . To receive preschool education, D . To have more hikes with his family.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    The number of weather -related disasters has increased by five times over the past 50years, the latest report by the World Meteorological (气象) Organization (WMO) said on September 1, However, thanks to improved early warning systems and disaster management, the number of death from these hazards (危险) has been almost three times less.

    According to the WMO, from 1970 to 2019, weather, climate and water hazards account ted for 50 percent of all disasters. Among the top 10 hazards that led to the largest loss of human life during this period were droughts, storms, floods and extreme temperatures. How-ever, deaths fell from over 50, 000 in the 1970s to less than 20, 000 in the 2010s.

    "Weather, climate and water extremes are increasing and will become more frequent and severe in many parts of the world as a result of climate change," says WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas,

    "That means more heatwaves, drought and forest fires such as those we have observed recently in Europe and North America. We have more water vapor in the atmosphere, which is worsening extreme rainfall and deadly flooding. The warming of the oceans has affected the frequency and area of existence of the most intense tropical storms.

    "Economic losses are increasing as exposure increases. But behind the statistics lies a message of hope. Improved multi-hazard early warning systems have led to a significant reduction in deaths. Quite simply, we are better than ever before at saving lives," Taalas said.

    1. (1) What do we know from the first paragraph?
      A . Disasters connected with weather have gone up. B . The number of weather related disasters has decreased. C . The number of deaths from hazards has been increasing. D . Early warning systems have made disasters decline much.
    2. (2) What will happen according to Petteri Taalas?
      A . There will be more extreme weather. B . Extreme rainfall will no longer exist. C . Water vapor in the atmosphere will go down. D . Humans will conquer extreme weather in the end.
    3. (3) What is hopeful behind the bad news?
      A . Improved warning systems will save economic losses. B . Economic losses are going down as exposure increases. C . More lives will be saved thanks to early warning systems. D . Improved early warning systems will control extreme weather.
    4. (4) Where may the text be taken from?
      A . A novel. B . An advertisement. C . A guideline. D . A magazine.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    New research suggests that a gene that governs the body's biological (circadian) clock acts differently in males versus females and may protect females from heart disease. The study is the first to analyze circadian blood pressure rhythms (节奏) in female mice.

    The body's circadian clock- the biological clock that organizes bodily activities over a 24-hour period一contributes to normal variations in blood pressure and heart function over the course of the day. In most healthy humans, blood pressure dips (下降) at night. People who do not experience this temporary drop, called "non-dippers",are more likely to develop heart disease. The circadian clock is made up of four main proteins (encoded by "lock genes") that regulate close to half of all genes in the body, including those important for blood pressure regulation.

    Previous research has shown that male mice that are missing one of the four clock genes (PER1) become non-dippers and have a higher risk for heart and kidney disease. A research team studied the circadian response and blood pressure of female mice that lack PER1 and compared them with a healthy female control group. On both low- and high-salt diets, both groups "retained an apparent circadian rhythm" of blood pressure, the researchers explained. Unlike the male mice in previous research, the females without PERI showed normal dips in blood pressure overnight,

    These results suggest that the lack of PER1 acts differently in males and females. The findings are consistent with research showing that women are less likely to be non-dippers than men of the same age. "This study represents an important step in understanding sex differences in the regulation of cardiovascular (心血管) function by the circadian clock, " the researchers wrote.

    1. (1) What does the new research find?
      A . Biological clock may protect males from heart disease. B . Biological blood pressure rhythms in female mice act normally. C . Biological clock organizes bodily activities over a 24 hour period. D . A gene controlling biological clock works differently between sexes,
    2. (2) What role can circadian clock play according to the text?
      A . Helping males cure heart disease. B . Helping blood pressure vary normally. C . Contributing to abnormal variations in blood pressure. D . Making up four main proteins regulating almost half of all genes.
    3. (3) Which word can best replace the underlined word "retained" in paragraph 3?
      A . Treated B . warned C . kept D . watched
    4. (4) What would be a suitable title for the text?
      A . One clock gene is important B . Women may benefit from biological clock C . New study analyzes blood pressure rhythms D . Blood pressure of healthy humans dips at night
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Volunteering means to carry out a duty or a job without expecting payment or reward. The concept is very popular in advanced or rich countries. But in some countries, many people look at volunteering as a waste of time and effort.

    One is immediately seen as selfless and helpful when one volunteer to help out someone such as a friend, teacher or parent. when you help a teacher to clean the classroom or get involved in a cleanliness campaign at the school level or other community projects. Teachers and adults would look at a young person who volunteers his or her time for certain activities as mature, responsible and deserving of respect.

    In addition, volunteering with an organization such as orphanages, community centers and other nonprofit organizations l lows you to interact with society at large. In addition to helping these organizations carry out their duties, you not only gain experience but can learn a variety of skills, Even though they are not being paid, through volunteering time, effort and skills, they would learn more than what money can buy.

    For example, if you volunteer your time regularly at a charity organization, you would learn how the organization works and the importance of teamwork, and other essential ideas related to the day- to day operations of the organizations.

    Thus, with s0 many benefits, students, in particular, should be allowed to participate in volunteer activities.

    A. You will feel you are proud

    B. You will feel you are respected

    C. This is especially beneficial to students

    D. One should actively be involved in volunteering

    E. However, one can gain many benefits from volunteering

    F. They can learn useful interpersonal and organizational skills

    G. Volunteering also exposes one to many interesting ideas and issues

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Brave daughter Never, aged seven, and son Billy, five, saved their mum's life after calling 999 to say "mummy's dead". A proud mum was1by her young kids after she fell down the stairs and knocked herself out. Never found her phone and2called 999, while anxious Billy who3her a blanket as the mum4unconscious was saying, "My mummy is dead. "Ambulance service chiefs gave a lot of 5to the children, describing Never as "very brave".

    The mum said she remembered going upstairs at her home that morning, but after that everything went6and she estimated she had been black out for half an hour. Never told the operator, "I need 7for my mummy. She's not awake. "8 , Never was able to give the ambulance service her full9 , and counted her mum's breaths for the10.

    Rebecca, who is diabetic (糖尿病患者) and has had four 11 on her back in the last two years, said, "I've always12 them that if anything happens, this is what they have to do. She listened to everything. "Never even had the presence of13to call a friend of Rebecca's and a neighbour as the drama 14" Billy went to get a blanket, he's a very15lite boy."

    The mother said it16the value of being prepared, and said paramedics (急救人员)were full of praise for Never and Billy for their incredible17to the crisis. An ambulance service spokeswoman said, "We'd like to say a very big well done to the little girl for her18thinking to help her mum! We would encourage parents and19to teach their children about 999 using our20campaign called Little Lifesaver."

    A . rescued B . monitored C . observed D . operated
    A . secretly B . calmly C . normally D . desperately
    A . left B . lent C . fetched D . bought
    A . sounded B . slept C . stood D . lay
    A . permission B . praise C . hesitation D . violence
    A . open B . virtual C . blank D . available
    A . help B . award C . love D . care
    A . Finally B . Gradually C . Directly D . Incredibly
    A . report B . idea C . address D . principal
    A . driver B . operator C . service D . hospital
    A . operations B . debts C . burden D . requirements
    A . astonished B . pleased C . ordered D . trained
    A . mind B . mercy C . promise D . spirit
    A . unpacked B . unfolded C . undid D . unsettled
    A . demanding B . determined C . shy D . caring
    A . insists B . establishes C . highlights D . replies
    A . response B . meaning C . sense D . inspiration
    A . creative B . considerable C . objective D . quick
    A . teenagers B . guardians C . directors D . assistants
    A . personal B . selectional C . educational D . religious
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games sent a thank you letter to volunteer applicants who were not(previous) selected, and expressed gratitude for their support in the preparation work of the Games.

    The letter says the COVID 19 pandemic has brought great challenges to many aspects of the preparation work, and the committee(adjust) requirements for volunteers in(consider) of virus control and prevention.

     you were not selected as a volunteer of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, every applicant is an excellent promoter for the Olympic spirit and volunteer-ism, " the committee says in the letter,

    Many applicants said they (move) by the touching letter and posted their replies online. A netizen (网民)  (name) Joleen-kun said their application had been seen, which was something to be proud   as they were respected by the committee.

    Another netizen Xiguali commented that their enthusiasm has been respected and the committee is warm to pay attention to details, thus  (send) a letter like this.

    According to the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee, more than 1 million people applied to serve as volunteers and nearly 20 , 000 were selected, most of  are from colleges and  ( university) in Beijing and Hebei Province.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一 词;


    Good morning, everyone! I feel honored to be stood here, sharing my opinions with the relationship between the environment and the economy.

    Personal, environmental protection seems able to go hand in hand with economic development. For one thing, it's unavoidable to damage the environment that while we develop the economy. For another, environmental protection, in turn, limiting the development of our economy.

    Undoubtedly, it's your duty to protect the environment while we aim for economic development. We should ensure the development strategies are followed in the environmentally friendly way. Everyone can help fight pollutions by the following golden rule: reduce, reuse and recycle. Only in this way can a balance between the environment and the economy achieved.

  • 19. 假定你是李华,下周你将去英国交换学习两个月,并打算在此期间游览英国风景名胜。请给你的英国网友Jack写封信,请他推荐一处最点,内容包括:






    2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

