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人教版(2019)必修一高中英语 Welcome unit ...

更新时间:2022-03-15 浏览次数:103 类型:单元试卷
二、<b >单句语法填空</b>
  • 46. 短文语法填空

    Today is my first school day in senior high school. I was a little anxious because I wanted to make a good first (impress) on others. In the morning, I had my first maths class is quite difficult for me. (lucky), the teacher and most classmates were kind-hearted friendly. The teacher even told a funny story, making everyone laugh. In the afternoon, we had interesting chemistry class in the newly-built lab. However, a guy beside me always tried to talk to me. What he did stopped me from (concentrate) on those interesting (experiment), and all that (annoy) me greatly. At the end of the day, my worry disappeared. I no longer felt awkward or (frighten). instead, I began to feel much (confident) than I felt this morning.

  • 47. 短文语法填空

    Linda is a really hard-working student, but her grades (fall) since three months ago. This is because she sometimes has trouble concentrating her study. She also refuses (talk) with her teachers and friends. What's worse, she not only feels (tire) all the time but has difficulty in falling asleep. she is going through is brought to her mother's attention. Therefore, her mother asks her what happens to her, but she just says she feels like (cry).

    As a matter of fact, Linda is suffering from clinical depression (临床抑郁症). It can be described as a mood is so low that it affects your daily life (bad). The first signs of it in teens are (poor) school reports than before, learning difficulties and staying away from classmates and teachers. If you have these signs, don't worry. are many effective ways to deal with this problem, such as medicine, small talk, more exercise and a balanced diet.

