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更新时间:2022-01-31 浏览次数:74 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 请在句子中找出一个与例词画线部分含有相同发音的单词

    例:  (trousers) tree They are my new trousers.

    1. (1) mask  There are some books on the desk.
    2. (2) sport The weather is warm in spring.
    3. (3) toast  Don't run too fast in the corridors.
三、根据图片及首字母提示补全单词, 完成句子。
  • 11. 选出合适的句子完成对话

    Jill: Hello. This is Jim.

    Mary: Hello, Jim. This is Mary.

    Jill: Sure.


    Jill: I'm making a model plane.


    Jill: No. I'm afraid of flying.


    Jill: I like teaching English. I want to be an English teacher.

    Mary: Thank you for telling me that.


    A. What are you doing?

    B. You're welcome.

    C. Do you want to be a pilot?

    D. Can I ask you some questions?

    E. What do you want to be?

  • 12. 阅读理解

    Today is Sunday. The Browns are on holiday in Hainan. They're at the beach now. It's sunny and windy today. The clouds are white and the sky is blue. Mr. Brown is swimming in the sea. Mrs. Brown is enjoying the sunshine. Bob and Mary are collecting shells on the beach. There is a windmill near here. It stops. Some birds are standing on it. Who is that old woman? Oh, she is Mary's grandmother. She is cooking lunch for them.

    1. (1) There are people in the family.
      A . three B . four C . five
    2. (2) It's_______ .
      A . Saturday B . Friday C . Sunday
    3. (3) Mr. Brown is_______ .
      A . swimming in the sea B . sleeping on the beach C . enjoying the sunshine
  • 13. 根据短文, 判断正误。

    Mrs. Green: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the museum? Policeman: Certainly. Just go straight this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can't miss it. Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Walk along this street, turn left at the second crossing.  And the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right? Policeman: Yes, that's right. You can take the No. 112 bus. Mrs. Green: Is the bus stop near? Policeman: Yes, it is very near. Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye. Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.

    1. (1) Mrs. Green wants to go to the museum.
    2. (2) Go straight this street and turn left at the first crossing.
    3. (3) The third building from the corner is the museum.
  • 14. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。

    There are four seasons in a year. In spring, the wind blows gently. The grass grows up. The leaves become green quietly. The children play games in the park happily. It's hot in summer. Sometimes the wind blows strongly. We call it “ typhoon (台风)”, When it comes , it ' s very dangerous to go outside . It rains very hard. Sometimes the trees fall down. We can stay at home and put our plants into the house. The wind blows gently in autumn. But the leaves become yellow. They dance in the wind. The children ride their bikes in the park happily. The wind blows strongly in winter. It's very cold. But the children like running outside. They can ski and make snowmen happily.

    1. (1) There are___ seasons in a year .
      A . two B . three C . four
    2. (2) In spring , the wind blows ____ and the plants become_____.
      A . gently; yellow B . gently; green C . strongly; green
    3. (3) When the typhoon comes , we can___.
      A . go outside B . stay at home C . play in the park
  • 16. 假如你是 Peter , 请以“ At the weekend"为题目, 根据下面的短语提示, 写一写你和家人的周末活动。

    要求:语句通顺, 语法正确, 不少于五句话。

    At the weekend Father usually play sports Mother often Wash clothes Paul sometimes play word games  Sally often clean her room sometimes watch TV.

