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更新时间:2022-01-16 浏览次数:54 类型:月考试卷
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does Jack want to do?
      A . Watch TV. B . Play outside. C . Go to the zoo.
    2. (2) Where does the conversation probably take place?
      A . At home. B . In a cinema. C . In a supermarket.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does Richard do?
      A . He's a newsman. B . He's a manager. C . He's a researcher.
    2. (2) Where is Richard going next week?
      A . Birmingham. B . Mexico City. C . Shanghai.
    3. (3) What will the speakers do tomorrow?
      A . Eat out together. B . Visit a university. C . See Professor Hayes.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . School friends. B . Teacher and student. C . Librarian and library user.
    2. (2) Why does Jim suggest Mary buy the book?
      A . It's sold at a discount price. B . It's important for her study. C . It's written by Professor Lee.
    3. (3) What will Jim do for Mary?
      A . Share his book with her B . Lend her some money.     C . Ask Henry for help.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does Stella live?
      A . In Memphis. B . In Boston. C . In St Louis.
    2. (2) What would Peter and his family like to do on Beale Street?
      A . Visit a museum. B . Listen to music. C . Have dinner.
    3. (3) What kind of hotel does Peter prefer?
      A . big one. B . A quiet one. C . A modern one.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) How many lab sessions (节、场) will the students have every week?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
    2. (2) What are the students allowed to wear in the lab?
      A . Long scarves (围巾). B . Loose (宽松的) clothes. C . Tennis shoes.
    3. (3) Why should the students avoid mixing liquid (液体) with paper?
      A . It may cause a fire. B . It may create waste. C . It may produce pollution.
    4. (4) What does the speaker mainly talk about?
      A . Grades the students will receive. B . Rules the students should follow. C . Experiments the students will do.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Many Westerners have the idea that everyone in China knows how to do kung fu. This is, of course, a silly belief. But it is true that kung fu is a big part of Chinese culture.

    Like most people from the West, I was first introduced to kung fu through Hong Kong action films. Stars like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan made kung fu popular in the Western world. The flashy and impressive performances they gave in films like Rumble in the Bronx and Enter the Dragon made them household names in the U.S. and elsewhere.

    However, my own personal interest in kung fu was actually inspired by a hip hop group. Wu-Tang Clan, founded in the early 1990s in New York City, is one of the most influential hip hop groups in history.

    In their songs, they sometimes mention philosophical concepts that come from

    Wudang quan — a classic Chinese martial art from which they take their name — and Shaolin Temple. I was just a teenager when I first started listening to Wu-Tang Clan — little did I know that I would actually end up living in China later in my life!

    I myself do not practice kung fu. However, the concepts behind it are quite interesting to me. There is a Bruce Lee quote that I often think of when I'm struggling with challenges in life. "Be formless, shapeless, like water," he once said. By this, he meant that you should be ready to adapt to and change your attitudes or beliefs when you face difficulties. I think this is a good way to deal with life.

    1. (1) What does "a silly belief" in Paragraph 1 refer to?
      A . China is most famous for its kung fu. B . All Chinese people can do kung fu C . Kung fu is a big part of Chinese culture. D . Many Westerners admire kung fu.
    2. (2) What inspired the author's interest in kung fu?
      A . Hong Kong action movies. B . A TV program about kung fu. C . A US hip hop group. D . Kung fu stars in Hollywood.
    3. (3) What do we know about the Wu-Tang Clan?
      A . They showed the author the way to live in China. B . They taught the author how to do Wudang quan. C . They performed Chinese martial arts in the U.S. D . They have Chinese culture in their songs.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Keeping pace with teachers is a fine way to study English. Teachers are experienced and their plans are systematic. But remember to work in a way that suits you. It's important to learn from past mistakes as well. Keep a notebook to make a record of the mistakes you make — It'll help you avoid making the same ones later.

    The time of life may be hard, but you're not alone. You may be busy studying, but you can show your care by calling your friends or sending short messages. Don't let your friendships die.

    It's as important to live well as it is to study well. Going to bed no later than 11:30 pm is important. It puts you in the right mood for the next day. You needn't follow a special diet, but make sure you are eating nutritious meals each day.

    The person who plays well studies well. Having a lot of schoolwork doesn't mean having to give up other activities. Playing basketball or having a talk with your classmates can relax yourself. Time out is not a waste of time but helps you study more efficiently.

    Besides taking the College Entrance Examination, you have other choices for college. Some students even apply for studying abroad. Pay attention to the useful information you can find, whether it's from school, the news media or other sources.

    1. (1) What should you do if you want to keep your friendship fresh?
      A . Have frequent talks with them. B . Always have lunch with them. C . Make them at some distance. D . Keep connected by some means.
    2. (2) The third paragraph is mainly about ________.
      A . health B . friendship C . relaxation D . study
    3. (3) What does the underlined phrase "Time out" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?
      A . An activity without a break. B . Sleeping outdoors. C . A pause from studying. D . Studying outside.
    4. (4) Who is the passage mainly written for?
      A . Students. B . editors C . Teachers. D . Parents.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    A thief returned a mobile phone and thousands of yuan he had stolen from a woman after receiving 21 text messages(短信) from her a local newspaper reported.

    Pan Aiying, a Chinese teacher at Wutou Middle School in Shandong Province, didn't think her text messages would help to get her mobile phone back.

    A young man riding a motorcycle robbed her of her bag, in which there was her mobile phone, bank cards and 4,900 yuan, as she was riding her bicycle home on Saturday evening.

    Pan said at first she considered calling the police, but then decided to try to persuade the young man to return her bag. Pan called her lost phone with her friend's, but couldn't get through. So she began sending messages.

    "Hey, I'm Pan Aiying, a teacher from Wutou Middle School. You must be going through a difficult time. If so, I will not blame you." Wrote Pan in her first text message, which got no answer. "Keep the 4,900 yuan if you really need it, but please return the other things to me. You are still young. To make mistakes is human. Correcting your mistake is more important than anything." Pan wrote in another message.

    She gave up hope after sending 21 text messages without any answer and planned to call the police the next morning. However, as she left her home on Sunday morning, Pan found her stolen bag lying in the courtyard. Nothing was lost.

    "Pan: I am sorry. I made a mistake. Please forgive me. You are so kind even though I stole from you. I'll correct my ways and be an honest person," said a letter left with the bag.

    1. (1) Where was Pan Aiying robbed?
      A . In the schoo B . On her way home C . In the garden. D . At home.
    2. (2) Why didn't Pan Aiying call the police at first?
      A . Because she thought the police wouldn't help her.  B . Because it was too late at that time. C . Because she wanted to communicate with the thief first. D . Because her friend asked her not to.
    3. (3) How long was Pan Aiying's bag missing?
      A . About two days. B . About 24 hours C . About one day and a half. D . About 12 hours.
    4. (4) From the news we can learn that ________.
      A . the young man would pay a visit to Pan Aiying personally B . Pan Aiying didn't give up hope after sending 21 text messages C . the young man would not steal any more D . Pan Aiying teaches English in a middle school in Shandong Province
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Friends are important to children. Research shows that children who have no friends can suffer from difficulties later in life. Friendship provides children with more than just fun. In making friends,children learn how to get in touch with others and solve problems. Having friends even does good to children for they can help each other during class.

    If the parents are concerned about whether their children make many friends, they need to understand the steps children take in building friendships. First of all, be a friend to your child. Good friendships start at home. Children begin to develop the necessary ability to go out and meet others through getting along with their parents.

    Teach children how to solve conflicts(争端). Being able to work out conflicts is an important skill in getting along with others. If parents know the children have a conflict, let them work it out on their own and help if necessary.

    Parents should try to give children chances to practice staying together. Having children play games requires cooperation. For example, races are fun and provide plenty of practice in teamwork. Encourage children to show thanks to others. The parents can encourage children to do this by setting the example for them.

    1. (1) According to the article, if one child has no friend, he will ________.
      A . not know the importance of making friends        B . worry about everything in the future C . have some trouble in the future D . not find anybody to help him
    2. (2) Friendship can be helpful to the children EXCEPT ________.
      A . providing a lot of fun B . helping to cheat in the exams C . solving the problems D . getting in touch with others
    3. (3) When the children have conflicts with each other, parents should ________.
      A . let them fight with each other until they find who is the winner B . let them work it out by themselves and help if necessary C . do nothing to the children and believe in their abilities D . talk with them and try to find good ways to stay together
    4. (4) From the text, we can know a good friend should know how to ________.
      A . fall in love with each other B . ignore their differences C . exchange their presents D . show thanks to others
  • 15. 完形填空

    One day, I saw a notice. It said girl volleyball players were 1 for the school team and I was so happy! I 2 playing volleyball so I was filled with 3 and couldn't wait to play! Then I read more details of the 4 and found that there would be a tryout(选拔赛)after three weeks! I 5 how to play volleyball, but I was not very good at playing it. 6, I decided to have a try. After that I practiced volleyball every day. I never got 7of doing the same practice.

    Finally, the day came. I was 8 for the day and hurried to the gym. When I reached the gym, I was 9 to see 14 girls lining up! I was the last one to 10. They were waiting for me. Our tryout 11. Some of the girls 12 to pass the tryout while some passed. When it was my turn, I felt 13. I stood in the middle of the court, trying to calm myself down. Then the coach said, "Okay, you, serve(发球)." She 14 me the ball and I held it. As the ball was in my hands, I thought the 15 that I'd done in the past three weeks was all for the day. I must 16 it! Then I breathed deeply. I moved my arm up and ahead and 17 the ball. It flew over the net! That was the highest serve I had done in the past few weeks. That was the 18 I did! I was very 19! I realized that 20 could lead you to a successful ending.

    A . found B . needed C . helped D . protected
    A . enjoy B . remember C . consider D . keep
    A . worry B . courage C . excitement D . thankfulness
    A . gym B . school C . team D . notice
    A . cared B . asked C . knew D . realized
    A . However B . Besides C . Finally D . Suddenly
    A . afraid B . proud C . tired D . shy
    A . ready B . grateful C . famous D . fit
    A . glad B . lucky C . quick D . surprised
    A . arrive B . stand C . meet D . rest
    A . changed B . began C . stopped D . lasted
    A . preferred B . learned C . tried D . failed
    A . bored B . pleased C . nervous D . sick
    A . returned B . sold C . handed D . showed
    A . trouble B . action C . growth D . practice
    A . pass B . lead C . watch D . play
    A . threw B . hit C . saw D . held
    A . farthest B . hardest C . fastest D . best
    A . careful B . sad C . happy D . active
    A . encouragement B . determination C . ability D . attitude
六、语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  • 26. 语法填空

    With my high school life  (begin), I feel a little anxious right now. I hope to make a good first (impress). But I wonder whether I will make friends or what if no one talks to me.

    To tell the truth, the maths class was difficult for me,  the teacher was kind and friendly. He told us a funny story and every student laughed so much! In the afternoon, we had our chemistry class. The lab is new and the lesson was  (interest), but the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. Therefore, I couldn't concentrate  the experiment. I  (real) wanted to tell him to be quiet and leave me alone!

    All in all, the first day is  wonderful day. Though I was worried in the morning, I didn't feel awkward or  (frighten) at all. I believe I will make new  (friend) in the new school here and there's a lot  (explore) at senior high. I think that tomorrow will be a great day!

七、单句改错(共5小题;每小题1分,满分 5分)
  • 27. 单句改错
    1. (1) We can have many lives on stage, but only one life in real.
    2. (2) The best way to feel and look fine is develop healthy eat habits.
    3. (3) You needn't explain to me the reason that you came late for class.
    4. (4) There is a lot of people on the street.
    5. (5) Their teachers are not in favours of it.
  • 33. 假如你是学校学生会主席,请你以学校学生会的名义给"校园拒绝零食"为题,根据下面的要点提示,给全校学生写一封倡议书。










    3)参考词汇:现象phenomenon;零食snacks;乱扔包装袋 litter the food wrappers

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