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更新时间:2022-03-10 浏览次数:74 类型:期末考试
一、选择能最佳答案, 并将序号写在题前的括号内。
  • 11. 根据短文内容, 选择正确答案, 将其序号写入题前括号里。

    A: Mike, shall we go to the court(球场)now?

    B: But it's 9 p. m. now. The court must be closed.

    A: Don't worry. We can climb over the wall.

    B: Hey, Ben. I'm at the gate. Do you want to play football? I'm going to find you.

    A: I'm sitting on the fence.

    B: What? You are sitting on the fence? Hold on! I'm coming.

    A: What are you doing, Mike?

    B: I'm sitting on the fence now. You said you were on the fence. So I came to help you.

    A: Ha ha, you fool. Sit on the fence means not making a decision or taking a side.

    1. (1) Where do Mike and Ben go?
      A . The playground. B . The court. C . The school.
    2. (2) Is the court open at 9 p. m.?
      A . Yes, it is. B . No, it isn't. C . Sorry, I don't know.
    3. (3) Who is really sitting on the fence(坐在围墙上)now?
      A . Mike B . Ben C . Nobody
    4. (4) What's the meaning of this idiom's it on the fence"?
      A . 坐在围墙上 B . 坐在大门上 C . 保持中立, 采取观望态度
    5. (5) Can we climb up the wall when the court is closed?
      A . Yes, we can. B . No, we can't. C . sorry, I don't know.
  • 12. 根据短文内容, 判断句子。

    Is Ada a good singer?

    Grace and Ada are sisters. One day, Grace hears Ada singing in the living room.

    Grace: Your voice surprised me.

    Ada: I spent ten thousand yuan on singing lessons.

    Grace: I would love to introduce my friend Tom to you.

    Ada: Does he like singing too?

    Grace: No. He is a lawyer. He can get your money back.

    1. (1) The story takes place(发生)in the classroom.
    2. (2) Ada has singing lessons.
    3. (3) Tom is a lawyer. “lawyer”means“律师”
    4. (4) Tom likes singing too.
    5. (5) Ada can sing very well.
  • 13. 给图片选择合适的对话。

    A. —Look at this robot.  

    —Oh, he's very tall.

    B. —How many stickers do you have?

     —I have eight.

    C. —Where's the robot?

    —It's behind the door.

    D. —Let's make a fruit salad.


    E. —Do you like lions?

    —No, I don't. I like tigers.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
  • 14. 从Ⅱ栏中找出与I栏中匹配选项。


    ⑴What would you like?     

    ⑵What do you like?     

    ⑶How much are the pineapples?   

    ⑷How many Pineapples can I have?    

    ⑸Where is my cap?             

    ⑹Can I have some tea?           

    ⑺Can the robot run?          

    ⑻Do you have an apple?      


    A. It's in your bedroom.

    B. Four.

    C. Four yuan.

    D. No, I don't.

    E. Yes, it can.

    F. I like toy dogs.

    G. I'd like these grapes.

    H. Sure. Here you are.

  • 15. 将下列句子排列成完整的对话。

    A. I can play football. What about you?

    B. Look!It's behind the door.

    C. Hello, Tom. What can you do after school(放学后)?

    D. Sure. But where's my football?

    E. I can play football too. Can I play football with(和)you?

    F. Is it in your bag?

    G. Oh, yes. It's my ball. Let's go and play it now.

    H. No, it isn't.


六、根据中文提示, 填入适当的单词, 每空一词, 注意大小写。

