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更新时间:2022-01-13 浏览次数:141 类型:期末考试
二、根据中文提示及上下文, 完成句子。
三、根据中文提示及上下文, 写出正确的单词。
  • 11. 根据中文提示及上下文, 写出正确的单词。

    The Earth is our home. There are rivers and (森林), mountains and fields. The Earth gives us air, water and food. So we should (保护)it. What can we do? We can(种植)more trees because they help keep the air clean. Too much (塑料)is bad for the Earth. So we should use paper bags and glass bottles.

  • 22. 阅读下列表格, 根据描述, 选出对应的节日。选项中有一项为多余选项。

      Festivals: A. Spring Festival     B. Mid-Autumn Festival

    C. Dragon Boat Festival        D. Double Ninth Festival        E. Lantern Festival



    It is the most important festival in China. People usually have a big dinner together. At this festival, people usually eat some cakes and tang yuan.

    It is a festival for old people. At this festival, people climb Yu Mountain in Chang shu. People also eat rice cakes.

    It is a festival for Qu Yuan. In Chang shu, people usually watch dragon boat races in Shang Lake. And people eat rice dumplings at this festival.

    It is a festival of reunion(团聚). People sit together and look at the moon at night. At this festival, people like eating moon cakes.

  • 23. 根据对话内容, 从方框内选择最佳选项, 使对话完整、通顺。选项中有一项为多余选项。

    A. What are you doing now?

    B. Where did you go for the holiday?

    C. What are you going to do for the holiday?

    D. We are going to have a lot of fun.

    E. This is Jim speaking.

    The National Day holiday is coming. Jack and Jim are talking about their plans on the phone.

    Jack: Hello, this is Jack. May I speak to Jim?


    Jim: I am watching TV.

    Jack: The National Day holiday is coming. I'm very excited.

    Jim: I'm going to visit the Bund. How about you?

    Jack: I am going to a farm. And I'm going to pick some apples there.

    Jim: But I have to do my homework now. See you next time.

    Jack: See you.

七、补全句子。根据中文提示, 将下列句子补充完整, 每空一词。
  • 29. 阅读短文, 根据上下文选择正确的答案。

    Mr. Smith is a teacher. His office is not far 1his home, but he always 2to work every day. Mr. Smith likes his car very much, so he often 3his car and he uses a lot of water 4it. He tells Mrs. Smith, "I must keep my car 5." Mrs. Smith says to Mr. Smith, "You shouldn't wash your car too often. You shouldn't 6too much water. "Mrs. Smith goes shopping every day. She goes to the shopping centre 7. She likes walking. She thinks it's 8for her health(健康)。

    A . in B . at C . from
    A . drives B . walks C . goes
    A . makes B . cleans C . uses
    A . wash B . to wash C . washing
    A . dirty B . messy C . clean
    A . waste B . save C . reuse
    A . on foot B . by car C . by bus
    A . good B . not good C . clever
  • 30. 根据表格信息, 选出最佳答案。



         IP MAN

       Spider Man

        Mu Lan



    1  January

    2  January

    2  January

    4  January

    3  January

    4  January

    3  January

    6  January


    1. You can take Bus No. 10 and No. 117 to the cinema.

    2. 50%of(半价)on the fourth of January for all.

    1. (1) We can watch _______ on the sixth of January.
      A . FROZEN B . IPMAN C . Spider—Man D . MuLan
    2. (2) If Amy goes to see FROZEN on the first of January, she should pay(支付)_______.
      A . ¥25 B . ¥50 C . ¥40 D . ¥60
    3. (3) Which bus can we take to the cinema?
      A . Take Bus No. 10. B . Take Bus No. 117. C . Take Bus No. 107. D . Both A&B.
    4. (4) Tim should pay ¥30 when he goes to see Spider—Man on.
      A . the third of January B . the fourth of January C . the first of January D . the sixth of January
  • 31. 阅读短文, 选出最佳答案。

    Everybody has a home. People have homes. Animals also have their homes. People live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different kinds of houses too. Some animals live in holes under the ground. Woodchucks(土拨鼠)live under the ground. Its home has two doors. If any enemy(敌人)comes through one door, the woodchuck will go out through the other one. Some animals live in holes or in trees. Birds build their nests(窝)high in the trees. Only hawks build their nests in the mountains. They like flying high in the sky.

    1. (1) How many doors are there in a woodchuck's home?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    2. (2) Whose nests are in the trees?
      A . Woodchucks' nests. B . Fish's nests. C . Hawks' nests. D . Birds 'nests.
    3. (3) You can see this passage(短文)in a_______.
      A . newspaper about animals B . storybook C . fairy tale D . poster about food
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . People live in many different kinds of places. B . All the animals live in holes under the ground. C . Birds build their nests high in the trees. D . Everybody has a home.
    5. (5) Only hawks build their nests high in the mountains. They like flying in the sky.


      A . B . C . D .
  • 32. 阅读短文, 根据短文内容填空, 每空一词。

    Beijing has four seasons. It is very hot in summer, so I like to go swimming. Sometimes I go to the countryside(农村)near Beijing too. Autumn is very nice. It's cool and the sky is blue. I like playing football with my friends. We have Mid-Autumn Festival in this season. We can eat yummy moon cakes then. The autumn in Beijing is very short. Winter is long and cold. I like making snowmen with my friends. I also eat a lot of spicy(辣的)food. My favourite season is spring. It's warm and there are many beautiful flowers. This season is a good time to fly kites. I often fly kites with my father in spring.

    1. (1) There are seasons in Beijing.
    2. (2) It's very in summer in Beijing. So I like to go.
    3. (3) I like playing football with my friends in .
    4. (4) It is in winter. I can make snowmen with my friends.
    5. (5) My favourite season is . We can see many beautiful flowers in this season.
  • 35. 国庆刚过, 杨玲的网友Kate写了一封电子邮件, 问杨玲节日过得怎么样, 杨玲回信一一向她做了介绍。Kate 主要问了下面三个问题:

    Where did you go for the National Day holiday?

    What did you do?

    How was your holiday?

         . . . . . . . .

    回信要求:1)时态标点正确, 语句通顺, 书写规范。

    2)所写内容需包含以上所有信息, 可适当补充内容。


    Dear Kate,

    How are you?

    I went        ▲▲▲        


    How about you?


    Yang Ling

