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更新时间:2022-01-05 浏览次数:54 类型:期末考试
一、Read and write. 按要求完成下列语音题。
三、Read and choose. 选出划线部分读音不同的一项。
  • 5. 选出划线部分读音不同的一项
    1. (1)
      A . fly B . early C . dictionary
    2. (2)
      A . get B . ferry C . evening
    3. (3)
      A . us B . put C . up
    4. (4)
      A . taxi B . fast C . ant
    5. (5)
      A . down B . slow C . window
四、Read and choose. 读句子选择合适的单词填空。
  • 6. 读句子选择合适的单词填空

    A. afraid   B. sad   C. hungry   D. ill   E. happy

    1. (1) I am so. I want to eat some sandwiches.
    2. (2) It's rainy. Chen Jie can't fly kites. She's
    3. (3) Oliver isof the tigers.
    4. (4) Mary gets a gift. She is very.
    5. (5) I don't feel well. Maybe I am.
五、Read ,choose and write. 选择合适的单词,完成句子。
六、Read and write. 根据图片提示,完成短文。
  • 12. 根据图片提示,完成短文

    First, you can  at the crossing, and then  . You can see a . It's next to the library. Or you can get there  Get off (下车) at the post office, and then  . You'll see the library.

七、Read and choose. 选择填空。
八、Read and write. 按要求完成下列谷题。
九、Read and choose. 阅读短文,按要求完成下列任务。
  • 29. 阅读理解

    l have a pen pal. Her name is Vivian. She lives in Alaska. She is tall and kind. She likes singing songs and playing the piano. She is going to be a singer one day. She is eleven years old. She studies in a middle school. She goes to school by bike. Her father is a police officer. He is very tall and strong. He chases the bad men. Vivian's mother is are porter. She goes to work by car. She likes music. And she likes cooking. The food is delicious.

    1. (1) Vivian is a boy.
    2. (2) Vivian wants to be a piano player.
    3. (3) Vivian is a student.
    4. (4) Vivian's father goes to work by car.
    5. (5) Vivian's mother can cook delicious food.
    6. (6) Vivian lives in       .
      A . China B . the UK C . the USA
    7. (7) Vivian likes
      A . singing songs. B . playing the piano C . A and B
    8. (8) Her father is       .
      A . tall and kind B . strong C . kind
    9. (9) Her mother goes to work       .
      A . on foot B . by car C . by bus
    10. (10) The tittle(题目) should be       .
      A . My Pen Pal B . My Family C . In Alska
十、Writing. 书面表达。
  • 30. 天气冷了,Nan穿得少,所以感冒了,但是他/她不想去医院,父母很担心他/她。作为好朋友的你应该对 Nan 说些什么呢?


    参考词汇: see a doctor, wear warm clothes, stay at home,  drink some water.

