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更新时间:2021-12-23 浏览次数:88 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 看图选短语。

    A. get news for people         B. do one's homework

    C. a strong factory worker      D. have meals

    E. a white shirt                         F. help sick people

    G. a clean bathroom           H. play sports

    I. a pair of trousers           J. on the floor

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
    6. (6)
    7. (7)  
    8. (8)
    9. (9)
    10. (10)  
  • 14. 选择方框里的单词填空,每词只用一次。

    science sing songs draw write

    1. (1) I like to read andstories. I like Chinese best.
    2. (2) My favourite subject is. I like to understand the world.
    3. (3) I like art best. I canpictures well.
    4. (4) My favourite subjects is music. I like to .
  • 15. 问答配对,把答句的大写字母编号写在相应问句前的括号内。

    ⑴How many pupils are there in your class?   

    ⑵What's the man's job?              

    ⑶Where's your classroom?            

    ⑷What's your favourite subject?           

    ⑸What's twenty and thirty?            

    ⑹How many T-shirts do you have?       

    A. He's a builder.
    B. It's fifty.
    C. There are thirty-nine.
    D. I have four.
    E. I like maths best.
    F. It's beside the gym.
  • 21. 选择方框里的单词填空,把对话补充完整。

    like   are   can   they're   when   doctor   shoes   help   about   job

    1. (1) A:What do you want to beyou grow up, Tom?

      B:Guess! I want tosick people.

      A:You want to be a doctor.

      B:Yes. My father is a.

      A:What's your mother's?

      B:She's a doctor, too.

      A:Oh,I see. You want to be a doctoryour father and mother.

    2. (2) A:I help you?

      B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of sport. How muchthe black shoes?

      A:650 yuan.

      B:That's too expensive. Whatthose brown ones?

      A:320 yuan.

      B: OK. I'll take them.

