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更新时间:2021-12-25 浏览次数:133 类型:高考模拟
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why will the man go to Shanghai?
      A . To accompany his boss. B . To take a business trip. C . To see some old friends.
    2. (2) What day is it today?
      A . Thursday. B . Friday. C . Saturday.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why did the woman join the club?
      A . To lose weight. B . To make friends. C . To become a professor.
    2. (2) What does the man ask the woman to do?
      A . Just listen to him. B . Try a new diet immediately. C . Try a systematic training program.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who is making the telephone call?
      A . Thomas Brothers. B . Mike Landon. C . Jack Cooper.
    2. (2) What possible relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper?
      A . His wife. B . His boss. C . His secretary.
    3. (3) What is the message about?
      A . A meeting. B . A visit to France. C . The date for a trip.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Husband and wife. B . Teacher and student. C . Classmates.
    2. (2) What are the speakers talking about?
      A . A typical weekend. B . Their homework. C . A final exam.
    3. (3) When will be the exam?
      A . Next Tuesday. B . At the weekend. C . At the end of this month.
    4. (4) Where does the conversation probably take place?
      A . In an office. B . On the street. C . In the classroom.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where is the market now?
      A . In front of a bank. B . Under a car park. C . By a river.
    2. (2) What is sold on Sunday?
      A . Handmade products. B . Old furniture. C . Local food.
    3. (3) What does the speaker say could be considered this area's specialty(特色)?
      A . An ice cream. B . An apple cake. C . A fish dish.
    4. (4) What change has taken place in the harbor area?
      A . The number of the cafes. B . The life of local fishermen. C . The location of the restaurants.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Being overweight as a teenager can be a struggle. If you are unhappy with your body or your weight, itis recommended that you live a healthy life by paying attention to your ways of eating and living. Meanwhile, make suitable choices when pursuing those goals.

    Healthy Eating

    One of the best way to safely lose unwanted weight is to return to basic nutrition. Speak with your personal trainer about your personal nutritional and caloric needs. The British Nutrition Foundation recommends a healthy die based on:

    ※Bread, cereal or potatoes making up a third of your total diet※ Consuming 5 different fruits and vegetables per day.

    ※ Fitting in 2 to 3 servings of milk or dairy products per day.

    ※ Proper meat, fish, including 2 servings of fish per week

    ※A serving or less of fatty or sugary foods per day (including sugary drinks).

    ※Drinking at least six glasses of water per day, and more when you are active.

    ※ Limiting the number of alcoholic beverages consumed per week.

    Healthy Living

    In addition to a healthy diet, making healthy lifestyle choices is important to maintain a healthy weight. For instance:

    ※Sleep eight to ten hours per night.

    ※Exercise at least three times per week for at least thirty minutes at a stretch.

    ※ Take at least 10, 000 steps per day to ensure enough movement.

    ※ Quit smoking.

    ※Avoid drugs.

    Healthy Choices

    To make sure that a healthier lifestyle is appropriate for you, be sure to:

    ※ Have specific goals in mind.

    ※Discuss all of your plans with your personal trainer. ※ Be clear that you want better health, not a model's shape.

    ※ Understand your body shape and which weight is optional for your needs.

    1. (1) Which of the following belongs to a healthy diet?
      A . Eating 5 different fruits and vegetables per day. B . Drinking at most 6 glasses of water per day. C . Having two servings or more of fatty foods per day. D . Having 4 to 5 servings of milk or dairy products per day.
    2. (2) To keep a healthy life, you should not ________.
      A . stop smoking B . sleep less than eight hours per night C . take exercise at least three times per week D . take more than 10, 000 steps per day
    3. (3) According to the passage, the best and safe method of losing unwanted weight is________.
      A . to eat less food and do excessive exercise B . to have healthy diets and a healthy lifestyle C . to know you want better health, not a model's shape D . to understand your body shape and which weight is suitable for your health
  • 12. 阅读理解

    I hadn't walked across our old farm in fifteen years. Yet the memories came flooding back Rain or shine, I used to walk this path each day to see Greta. She always made me smile, even after my sister and I had just had a big quarrel. I would help Greta with her chores(家务活). Then we would taste her delicious homemade chocolate cookies and ice cream. Staying in a wheel chair didn't stop Greta from being an outstanding cook.

    Greta gave me two of the greatest gifts I've ever received. First, she taught me how to read. She also taught me that when I forgave sister for our quarrels, it meant I wouldn't keep feeling like a victim. Instead, I would feel sunny.

    Mr. Dinking, the local banker, tried to foreclose on Greta's house and land after her husband passed away. Thanks to Pa and Uncle Johan, Greta got to keep everything.

    Soon folks were coming from miles around to buy Greta's homemade cakes, pies, breads cookies, cider, and ice cream. Greta even had me take a big apple pie to Mr. Dinking who later became one of her best customers and friends. "That's just how Greta was. She could turn anyone into a friend!

    Greta always said, "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!" No matter how terrible my day started, I always felt sunny walking home from Greta's house-even beneath the winter starlight.

    I arrived at Greta's house today just after sunset. An ambulance had stopped a few feet from her door. When I ran into the old house, Greta recognized mc right away.

    She was almost out of breath when she reached out and softly touched my arm. Her last words to me were "Dear, keep walking in sunshine!"

    I'm sure that Greta is walking in the brightest sunshine she's ever seen.

    1. (1) From the passage, we can learn that ________.
      A . the author always quarreled with his sister B . Greta often asked the author to help her with her chores C . Greta was tired of Mr. Dinking's taking away her house D . the author had a sense of happiness staying in Greta's house
    2. (2) What made Greta work out her problem when her husband passed away?
      A . The author's help and the folks' support. B . The author's Papa and Uncle Johan's help as well as her attitude to people. C . Mrs. Greta's delicious home-made chocolate cookies and ice cream. D . Mrs. Greta's brave fighting for her house and land.
    3. (3) From the fact that Greta had me take a big apple pie to Mr. Dinking, we can infer Greta was a ________ woman.
      A . Tolerant B . talented C . helpful D . warm-hearted
    4. (4) What does the author intend to tell us by writing this passage?
      A . To honor Greta's kindness and her good cooking skill. B . To express the pity that Greta died at such a young age. C . To stress the importance of having a true friend in one's life. D . To share a memory of Greta from whom I learned to be positive.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    For many of us, summertime means road trips to the beach or mountains, or at the very least some additional dust and bird poop on the exterior of our vehicles. The extra dirt leads us to do one of two things: wash our car in the driveway or head to the car wash. But which choice is better for the environment?

    The main concerns with either choice are the amount of fresh water being used and the types of chemicals used to remove the dirt. Both of these concerns can be closely monitored when washing the carat home, says Katy Gresh, spokeswoman for the Southwest Region of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. She advises car owners to keep a set amount of water for the entire wash. "It's just like brushing your teeth," she says. "You don't want to leave the water running or use more than you need for the job." But even following this advice comes with an environmental risk: Washing your car in the driveway or street flushes the dirty water into storm drains (下水道).

    "Drains are not made for treating waste, " says John Schombert, executive director of 3 Rivers Wet Weather. Even when car owners use natural soaps to wash their cars, Schombert says they are probably ineffective in breaking down grease (油脂) anyway.

    The commercial car wish down the street knows full well the rules regarding wastewater in storm drains. According to the International Carwash Association (ICA), professional car washes must use water reclamation systems. These mandated processes not only keep the dirty water out of storm drains and regular water treatment systems, but they also work to reduce water usage at commercial facilities.

    As experts point out, cleaning our car at home can use 100 gallons of water. Compare that to self-service car washes, which allow you to use only about 17 or 18 gallons of water. And most full-service car washes average about 30 to 45 gallons of water per vehicle.

    1. (1) What does Katy suggest people do about washing cars?
      A . Save treated water. B . Avoid using chemicals. C . Put aside some water. D . Use soft toothbrushes.
    2. (2) What is Schombert's attitude to washing cars at home?
      A . Disapproving. B . Favourable. C . Optimistic. D . Objective.
    3. (3) What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
      A . Rules of handling wastewater. B . Processes of getting rid of dirty water. C . Advantages of professional car washes. D . Drawbacks of water treatment systems.
    4. (4) Which method of car washing consumes the least water?
      A . The full-service car washes. B . The self-service car washes. C . Car washing in the driveway. D . Car washing using natural soaps.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Global economic and epidemiologic (流行病学的) trends have led to significant increases in the burden of mental health among older adults, especially in the low-and middle-income countries. On top of that, mental health issues related to social isolation and loneliness are on the rise as China's number of older adults—as in other nations--continues to increase. When it comes to solving the issue, it might be as simple as a game of mahjong, according to a new study published in Social Science & Medicine.

    Study co-author Adam Chen and collaborators from China's Huazhong University of Science and Technology analyzed survey data from nearly 11, 000 citizens aged 45 and older from the nationally representative China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. They looked at symptoms of depression and compared them to the type and frequency of social participation, including visiting friends, playing mahjong, participating in a sport or social club, and volunteering in the community.

    They found that, on the whole,participating in a wide variety of activities more frequently was associated with better mental health. Specifically, urban citizens who played mahjong, a popular strategy game, were less likely to feel depressed. That wasn't too surprising for Chen, as this finding was in line with other studies, but he was surprised to find that rural Chinese overall tended to report poor mental health compared to their urban counterparts.

    "Traditionally, rural China featured tight-knit communities of close relationship, often with a limited number of extended families in a village, " he said. "We were expecting strong ties and communal bonds in rural China, but it appears that we were wrong." Chen suspects that the social structures in rural China were disrupted as many adults moved into cities to find work. While family ties remained strong, community ties weakened in rural areas.

    What is more sup rising is that mahjong playing does not associate with better mental health among rural elderly citizens. Chen added, "One assumption is that mahjong playing tends to be more competitive and at times becomes a means of gambling (赌博) in rural China." The authors believe these findings may offer a guide to health departments designing policies and interventions to improve mental health among older Chinese.

    1. (1) Why is the loneliness on the rise in China according to paragraph 1?
      A . Due to the aging of population. B . Owing to the strong social pressure. C . Because of the wide variety of diseases. D . On account of the world economic downturn.
    2. (2) What surprised Adam Chen when he analyzed the data?
      A . The popularity of strategy games. B . The frequency of social participation. C . The poorer mental health of elderly rural people. D . The various forms of entertainment among urban citizens.
    3. (3) Which can best replace the underlined word "disputed" in paragraph 4?
      A . Improved. B . Destroyed. C . Arranged. D . Fastened.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Should Mahjong be promoted among the old? B . Can the new way of playing mahjong deal with depression? C . will the elderly population create a huge entertainment market? D . Can playing mahjong improve mental health among older Chinese?
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Build True Self-Confidence from Within

    For many, the teen years are filled with self-doubt, a questionable body image, and insecurities. If you are among them, I'm sure that you wish to be self-assured, filled with confidence. . Here are some strategies that may help to develop life-long self-confidence in you.

    Balance Self-Acceptance with Self-Improvement

    Teens who struggle to master a skill may conclude that they're complete failures. . Or a teen who fails to make the volleyball team may decide she'll never be good at sports. It is possible to accept your disadvantages while also striving to become better rather than label yourself as "failure".

    Join a new club, play a musical instrument, or find a part-time job. Mastering new skills will not only help you to feel better about yourself, it will make you better.

    Make Good choices

    Staying up late scrolling through social media on your phone, spreading an unpleasant rumor about a classmate, or skipping class to fit in with friends—these poor choices might be attractive in the moment but in the long run there will be consequences to face. , it ruins your self-confidence. Making better choices will increase your confidence in your ability to make healthy decisions.

    Develop Positive Self-Talk

    If you're always thinking about things like," I'm so ugly, " or "No one likes me, "you'll be bound to feel bad about yourself. . Reframe unreasonable thoughts like, "I'm going to fail because I'm dumb," with something more realistic like," I can pass math class if I work hard and put in some extra effort. "

    A. Seek Positive Role Model

    B. So develop healthy self-talk

    C. Explore New Opportunities

    D. If you do not have the ability to make decisions

    E. The good news is that you can build your self-confidence

    F. When you make bad choices against your own better judgment

    G. A teen who has difficulty with math may decide she's not smart

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Noah and Ella is a couple who consider birthdays as a good chance to appreciate life.

    When their daughter, Jessica,turned six in 2012, they1friends and relatives to attend her birthday party. Afterwards, the 2decided to find ways to 3Jessie about giving to others.

    "We wanted to do something that Jessie could 4in and work with us to have a(n)5 on our community. We didn't know what 6fortunate children do on their birthdays. Therefore, we rang up a shelter, and leant that 7children there actually did 8to observe their birthdays. No cakes or gifts, let alone parties. "

    Later, the family 9a party for the kids who had birthdays that month at the 10they rang up earlier. Jessie eagerly helped to 11gifts.12 that first party, they 13their simple idea into Birthday Blessings, a nonprofit organization for the needy.

    So far, Birthday Blessings has held over five hundred 14at different shelters and delivered countless party 15to thousands of homeless children around their community.

    16 entirely by volunteers, the charity accepts almost anything—toys, shoes, baby items 17 it's not used and in good condition. What the organization does for the kids makes a big 18to them mentally and spiritually.

    Being "part of this labor love" has 19made a positive impression and influence on Jessie. On her ninth birthday, her grandparents sent her a check as a gift.20 it, the first thing she said was that she wanted to give half to Birthday Blessings.

    A . had B . owned C . came D . invited
    A . couple B . neighbors C . friends D . relatives
    A . inform B . thank C . educate D . congratulate
    A . take B . bring C . move D . participate
    A . impression B . influence C . permission D . description
    A . more B . rather C . less D . fairly
    A . penniless B . homeless C . jobless D . hopeless
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . threw B . approved C . commanded D . claimed
    A . shelter B . church C . school D . community
    A . mark out B . figure out C . hand out D . leave out
    A . Before B . Since C . After D . Until
    A . made B . transformed C . combined D . conducted
    A . parties B . debates C . lectures D . donations
    A . achievements B . honors C . favors D . profits
    A . Operated B . Analyzed C . Continued D . Instructed
    A . as far as B . as soon as C . as long as D . as simple as
    A . advantage B . surprise C . benefit D . difference
    A . never B . still C . already D . hardly
    A . Realizing B . Wrapping C . Saving D . Unfolding
  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    I will never forget my first assignment as a foreign reporter in Brazil to cover the Rio Carnival. It is one of Brazil's largest cultural events, (draw)up to two million tourists to Rio every year.

    I was out on the streets on the first day of the Carnival, (equip) with my camera and notebook, ready to do some work. Being there (be) a constant assault (冲击) on my senses. Hundreds of people were singing and dancing, Brazilian samba music filling the air. I wandered for hours, from one block party to . At one point, someone offered (trade) me an alcoholic beverage(饮料) and a golden feathered headdress for my camera. I'm still not sure why, but I agreed to the deal. It was(probable) a question of getting swept up in the Carnival spirit. Unfortunately, my boss did not accept this (explain), so I had to pay for a new camera in the end.

    It was worth it, though. I still have that golden headdress, as it reminds me of those (forgettable) days. The Rio Carnival is without doubt something everyone should add to his or her bucket list.

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

    增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。





    It is no doubt that we have benefited a lot from the Internet in our everyday life. We can read news, watch films, keep in the touch with our relatives, make friends, or play games to get relaxed on the Internet.

    But every coin has two sides. The Internet also has worse effects on people, especial on teenagers. Things, such as violence and cheating, often appears on the Internet, ruined their physical and mental health. As a result, children will gradually lose interest on their studies.

    Now, it's high time that the govemment took effective measure. Some websites that disobey the rules should made public and closed up. I'm sure you will have a better online environment soon so that the internet can serve us better.

  • 19. 假设你是李华,你校英文报Youth 正在庆祝创刊十周年并考虑改版,拟从三个备选栏目(旅游、魅力中国、职业规划)中挑选一个纳入该报。请你给校编辑部写一封电子邮件,要点如下:




    2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。


    Charming China魅力中国

    Career Planning 职业规划

    Dear Editor,



    Li Hua

