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更新时间:2021-11-11 浏览次数:135 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 根据上下文,用括号内所给词的适当形式补全短文。

    It is Sunday today. It's (sun) and warm. My (friend) and I (be) in the park. Look! Kitty is (sit) beside John. John is (read) a book under a tree. Sarah is (fly) a kite. Zhang Peng and Mike are (talk) (happy). Betty is (collect) rubbish. They are all (have) a good time.

  • 17. 补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。

    Sandy: I'm home.

    Damon: No, I'm not. Sandy.


    Damon: I'm in the bathroom.


    Damon: I'm washing my hair.

    Sandy: Lucy, where are you?

    Lucy: Mum, I'm in my bedroom.

    Sandy: Where is your brother Tim?

    Lucy: He's in his bedroom.

    Sandy: Is he doing his homework?

    Lucy: No.

    A. She's playing chess with Grandpa.

    B. Damon, are you in the kitchen?

    C. He's playing chess on the computer.

    D. Where are you?

    E. I'm doing my homework.

    F. What are you doing?

  • 18. 根据短文内容,判断正误

    Hello, I'm Zoe. I have three good friends, Linda, Alice and Mary. We are in the same class. Linda and Alice live near our school. They come to school on foot. I come to school by bus. Mary lives far from our school. She comes to school by underground. I like music. I like playing the guitar. Linda, Alice and Mary all like sport. They usually play volleyball.

    1. (1) Zoe has three good friends.
    2. (2) Zoe and her friends are in the same class.
    3. (3) Alice comes to school by bus.
    4. (4) Zoe likes playing the piano.
    5. (5) Zoe usually plays volleyball with her friends.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    I'm Wu Binbin. I like Science. I like making model planes. I want to be a pilot. I want to fly a plane in the sky. My birthday is on 5th June. My friends come to my birthday party every year. They make some interesting model planes for me, they play word games with me and they tell me stories. We have a good time. I often visit my grandparents on Saturday. They live far from my home. I usually grow crops with them.

    1. (1) Wu Binbin likes ______________.
      A . Chinese B . Music C . Science
    2. (2) Wu Binbin's birthday is on ______________.
      A . 5th June B . 5th July C . 15th June
    3. (3) Wu Binbin's ______________ play word games with him.
      A . parents B . friends C . teachers
    4. (4) Wu Binbin visits his grandparents on ______________.
      A . Wednesday B . Saturday C . Friday
    5. (5) What does Wu Binbin usually do with his grandparents?
      A . He usually grows crops with them. B . He usually goes shopping with them. C . He usually plays sport with them.

