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更新时间:2021-11-26 浏览次数:167 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 判断下列各组划线部分的发音是否相同。
    1. (1) A. together  B. seven  C. dress
    2. (2) A. cute  B.use   C. sunny
    3. (3) A. doctor  B.today   C. office
    4. (4) A.rice   B. kite  C. behind
  • 12. 判断下列句子是否与短文相符

    It's a sunny day. Sandy is very happy. Because today is her birthday. She decorates(装饰) her house with many round balloons and star lights. Look, her best friends are coming. Cindy brings a square cake. Sandy likes it very much. Ben brings a triangle kite. It's beautiful and colourful. Fanny brings a pink T-shirt. Sandy loves it because pink is her favourite colour .Sandy's father comes and says, "I have a big gift for you! There are two big circles on it. Guess!" But Sandy can't see anything on his hands. "I don't know." Sandy says." Look, it's over there!" Wow, a pink bike is beside the door!

    1. (1) Cindy brings a triangle kite.
    2. (2) Sandy's favourite colour is pink.
    3. (3) Sandy has four best friends.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Today's Weather










    1. (1) In Beijing, it is _____________________ today.
      A . rainy B . cloudy C . snowy
    2. (2) The temperature(温度) of _____________________ is between nineteen and twenty-six degrees (度).
      A . Beijing B . Shanghai C . Shenzhen
    3. (3) It's sunny in Shenzhen. We can put on a_____________________.
      A . cap B . shirt C . sweater
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Tom and Alice have a pet bird. The bird lives in a cage. They like it very much and watch it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants to catch the bird for her dinner. But the bird is in the cage. The cat can't catch it. She is not happy. One day, the cat opens the door of the cage. Then the bird flies away. The cat can't catch the bird because she has no wings. Tom and Alice come home. They can't find the bird. They are very angry and put the cat into the cage.

    1. (1) The bird lives in the _____________________.
      A . cage B . box C . bag
    2. (2) The cat wants to _____________________.
      A . catch the bird B . eat the bird C . both A and B
    3. (3) The cat opens the cage and the bird _____________________.
      A . swims away B . flies away C . runs after
    4. (4) The cat is in the cage. Because _____________________
      A . The cat likes the cage. B . Tom and Alice like the cat. C . Tom and Alice are angry.
  • 15. 从所给出的单词中选出合适的完成对话,注意大小写。

    A. behind     B. garden    C. slide    D. beautiful    E. classroom

    Jerry: Good morning. Welcome to Happy Primary School.

    Betty: Thank you. What's in your school?

    Jerry: Look, there's a big . There are many flowers and trees in it.

    Betty: Wow. There's a and two swings too.

    Jerry: Yes. We like playing here after class. It is fun.

    Betty: And what's that building the garden?

    Jerry: That's our teaching building. Do you want to go to my ?

    Betty: OK. Let's go.

    Jerry: There is a bookshelf. There are some books and toy cars in it.

    Betty: So cool. Your classroom is big, clean and . I like it.

    Jerry: Thank you.

  • 16. 从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。

    A. The biscuit is a triangle.    B. Are you hungry?     C. It's a mango biscuit.

    D. It's sweet and sour.    E. Here are some biscuits and milk.

    Tim: Mum. I'm back.


    Tim: Yes, Mum. I'm thirsty and hungry.


    Tim: Thanks. Look. How nice!

    Mum: Taste it. How is it?


    Mum: Yes, it's a lemon biscuit. Here's a big square one.

    Tim: Is it a chocolate biscuit?

    Mum: No, it isn't. You can taste it.

    Tim: That's cool. I like mangoes.

  • 17. 选出适当的短语,完成各组对话,注意大小写。

    A. How much    B. See you    C. go out    D. How many    E. climb trees

    1. (1) — Goodbye, Kitty.

      , Peter.

    2. (2) — I'd like some meat. is it?

      — It's twenty yuan, please.

    3. (3) — How's the weather today, Nick?

      — It's a fine day. Let's and have fun.

    4. (4) — Look at this picture. circles are there?

      — One, two, three... There are seven circles.

    5. (5) — There are some tall trees. Can we ?

      — No, we can't. It's very dangerous.


