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更新时间:2021-08-25 浏览次数:185 类型:期末考试
  • 21. 根据所听内容,完成句子,每空一词。

    Lily is an girl. She from the UK. Now, she in Beijing with her parents. Her parents are both . They teach English in a middle school. Lily only a Chinese and she couldn't speak very . But she has many at school. She always them English and Chinese from them. She says she likes China very much.

  • 22. 选出不同类的词
    1. (1)
      A . Art B . Maths C . Music D . player
    2. (2)
      A . traffic B . plane C . metro D . train
    3. (3)
      A . windy B . cloud C . sunny D . rainy
    4. (4)
      A . town B . museum C . library D . hospital
    5. (5)
      A . Beijing B . Sydney C . Japan D . London
  • 33. 选内容补全对话/短文

    Lily: Hi, Amy. Nice to see you again.

    Amy: Hi, Lily.

    Lily: Where did you go for the summer holiday?


    Lily: Nanjing is old but beautiful. What did you do there?

    Amy: I saw many interesting things there.

    Lily: That's wonderful. Who did you go with?


    Lily: Did you have any yummy food?

    Amy: Of course. There are many snacks there.

    Lily: Sounds great! I want to visit Nanjing too.

    A. Duck blood soup is very yummy.

    B. Nice to see you too.

    C. I went there with my family.

    D. I went there by car.

    E.I went to Nanjing.

    F.I visited the Nanjing Museum.

  • 34. 句子匹配

    A. Yes, they do.

    B. He has seven.

    C. She read books at home.

    D. No. I will go to Macao(澳门).

    E. I want to be an artist.

    F. It is yellow.

    G. No, we can't.

    H. There are some books.

    I. I'm going to take some photos.

    J. We stayed there for two weeks.

    1. (1) —Can we pick these flowers?

    2. (2) —How long did you stay in Russia?

    3. (3) —Do they have any good habits?

    4. (4) —What colour is the picture?

    5. (5) —What are you going to do?

    6. (6) —What did Nancy do last night?

    7. (7) —What's on the desk?

    8. (8) — How many tickets does he have?

    9. (9) —What's your dream?

    10. (10) —Will you go to Taipei?

  • 35. 阅读选择

    My younger sister, Wang Ling, loves to read. Reading is her greatest hobby. She can read books for the whole (整个) day and will not feel tired. When she is back from school at three o'clock every afternoon, she will do her homework and revise (复习) her subjects for the next two hours.

    As soon as she finishes all the schoolwork (功课), she will sit comfortably and happily in the soft sofa and start reading. She likes to read books by Yang Hongying, Jin Bo, and Cao Wenxuan, but her favourite writer is J. K. Rowling. Her favourite book series (系列) is the Harry Potter Series. She reads the whole series for more than 3 times (次).

    1. (1) Wang Ling is the writer's _________.
      A . cousin B . elder sister C . younger brother D . younger sister
    2. (2) Wang Ling's hobby is _________.
      A . doing homework B . reading C . revising subjects D . going to school
    3. (3) Wang Ling usually does her schoolwork for _________.
      A . 1 hour B . 2 hours C . 3 hours D . the whole afternoon
    4. (4) Maybe the word "comfortably" means (意思是) _________.
      A . 舒适地 B . 紧张地 C . 大声地 D . 伤心地
    5. (5) Which of the following is true?
      A . Wang Ling's favourite writer is Harry Potter. B . Wang Ling reads the Harry Potter series for three times. C . Wang Ling goes back home after school. D . Wang Ling feels tired after reading.
  • 36. 每个人都拥有自己的梦想,并会为之而努力,你的梦想是什么呢?请告诉大家你的梦想,不少于5句话。

    提示:I want to be … in the future.

    I want to…

    To make my dream come true, I will…

    My dream

