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更新时间:2021-08-11 浏览次数:185 类型:期末考试
  • 32. 根据提供的句子选择合适的单词。

    A. summer         B. bed         C. Music         D. park         E. kite

    1. (1) It is fun. We can sing and dance at this lesson.
    2. (2) It is colourful. We can fly it in the playground.
    3. (3) It is in the bedroom. We sleep in it.
    4. (4) It is beautiful. We can go and play there.
    5. (5) It is hot. We can eat ice creams in this season.
  • 33. 选内容补全对话/短文

    Sam: Hello, this is Sam. .

    Bobby: Hello, Sam. This is Bobby.

    Sam: Bobby, can you come to my party this evening?

    Bobby: When is the party?


    Bobby: All right.

    Sam: What about Tina?

    Bobby: No, she can't. She has a piano lesson this evening.


    A. At six o'clock.

    B. It's Saturday.

    C. I'd love to.

    D. Oh, what a pity!

    E. Can she come to the party too?

    F. Is that Bobby speaking?

  • 34. 阅读选择

    Joe: Hello, may I speak to Roy?

    Roy: Yes, speaking. Who's that?

    Joe: This is Joe. We will have a football match tomorrow. Would you like to go with us?

    Roy: Sorry, I can't go with you.

    Joe: What's the matter?

    Roy: I'm ill. I have a bad cold.

    Joe:  I'm sorry to hear that. You can have some hot water. Do you take the pill?

    Roy: Yes. I want to go to bed and have a good rest.

    Joe: Can I come to see you after the match?

    Roy: Sure.

    1. (1) Who can't go to the football match tomorrow?
      A . Joe B . Roy C . Bill
    2. (2) What's the matter with Roy?
      A . He is thirsty. B . He is tired. C . He's ill.
    3. (3) What can Roy do?
      A . Have some coffee. B . Take the pill. C . Have an ice cream.
    4. (4) Can Joe come to see Roy today?
      A . Yes, he can. B . No, he can't. C . I don't know.
    5. (5) Where is Roy now?
      A . At school. B . At the party. C . At home.
  • 35. 阅读判断

    Mary is my good friend. She is twelve. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We have three lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, we have two lessons. I like English, but she likes Maths. She thinks Maths is easy. Miss Smith is our English teacher. We all like her. We don't have any lessons on Saturdays or Sundays. We usually fly kites in the park. We can see a small hill behind the river. The park is beautiful. We like it very much.

    1. (1) Mary likes Maths. She thinks it's not difficult.
    2. (2) They have five lessons on Saturday.
    3. (3) Mr. Smith is their English teacher.
    4. (4) The hill is beside the river.
    5. (5) They can fly kites in the park.

