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更新时间:2021-07-28 浏览次数:80 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Reese Witherspoon was born on March 22, 1976 in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is the second child of the family. Reese spent the first four years of her life in Wiesbaden, Germany, where her father John Witherspoon served in the US Army Reserves. Shortly after, John moved the family back to the United States, settling in Nashville, Tennessee.

    Reese was introduced to the entertainment industry at a very early age. At age 7, she began modeling. This led to appearances on several local television commercials. At age 11, she was placed first in a Ten-State Talent Fair.

    In 1990, she landed her first major acting role in The Man in the Moon (1991). Her role as a 14-year old tomboy earned her good reviews. Roles in bigger films such as Jack the Bear (1993) and A Far Off Place (1993) followed shortly after.

    Following high school graduation in 1994, Reese decided to have a pause in her acting career and attend Stanford University where she would major in English literature. However, her plans were shortly stopped when she accepted roles to star in two major motion pictures. Although neither film was a huge box-office success, they did help to make Reese a rising star in Hollywood and open the door for bigger and better film roles.

    Her breakthrough role came as Elle Woods in the 2001 comedy Legally Blonde In box office terms, the movie was a great success and made Reese one of the top female stars in Hollywood. In the year 2014, she produced both Gone Girl and Wild, for which she got nominated (提名) for a best actress Oscar again for her role.

    Reese is actively involved in children's and women's advocacy organizations. She is a longtime supporter of Save the Children, an organization that helps provide children around the world with education, health care and emergency aid.

    1. (1) Why did Reese stop her studies at Stanford University?
      A . Because she starred in two successful films. B . Because she was more famous in Hollywood. C . Because she was involved in advocacy organizations. D . Because she decided to take on roles in two important films.
    2. (2) What is the author's attitude toward Reese?
      A . Caring. B . Defensive. C . Confusing D . Admiring.
    3. (3) How does the passage develop?
      A . Following the order of time. B . Using figures. C . Giving examples. D . Making comparison.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When people sit together at night and enjoy the glorious moon, an ancient poem, Prelude to Water Melody, is often read for this occasion. Critics say it's probably the best poem about the Mid-Autumn Festival. Let's just focus on its most famous five lines to make some analysis.

    In the first two lines of the five, the writer is comparing the life of a man with the changing face of the moon. In Chinese culture the moon is always considered to be a perfect carrier of emotions like nostalgia (怀旧) and longing for family reunion. A full moon symbolizes perfection and unity, while a gloomy night may remind people of their misfortunes. When the moon is round and fair but people are separated from their loved ones, such moments can be even more heartbreaking.

    Before the comparison, the poet actually complains about the seemingly "ruthless(无情的)" moon and asks her: You should have no spite (怨恨) against man, but why. When people part, are you often full and bright? However, he soon realizes that no one has an easy ride, just like the moon may not always be bright. The imperfections have been going on since the beginning of time. That's why he says "There has been nothing perfect since the olden days."

    But should we get bogged down(陷入) by the suffering of things with which we can't change? The poet gives his answer: Change your attitude and stay positive. So, we have this everlasting line,"May we all be blessed with a long life; miles apart, we'll share the beauty, of moon together." The poet hopes that people appreciate the fact that no matter where they are, as long as the ones they love and miss are healthy and happy, they can all admire the same moon high in the sky.

    To this day people still use this verse to express their good will and wishes for family members and friends who can't be with them, especially during major festivals.

    1. (1) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . How we can appreciate Chinese poetry about the Mid-Autumn Day. B . When we must recite the best Chinese poetry about the Mid-Autumn Day. C . What made a poet write the best ever Mid-Autumn Day Chinese poem. D . Why a poem is the peak of Chinese poetry about the Mid-Autumn Day.
    2. (2) Why does the poet write "nothing is perfect since the olden day" in the poem?
      A . He doesn't understand why the moon hates humans. B . He knows eventually the moon will become full again. C . He realizes life is always accompanied by imperfections. D . He understands life is too ruthless and has lost his interest in it.
    3. (3) We can infer from this article that the author ________.
      A . is a very optimistic poet B . likes the first two lines of the five most C . appreciates the poet's optimism in the poem D . believes a positive state of mind is a must to a good poet
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Foreseeing a time when a patient's own cells may be harvested, multiplied, and fashioned into a replacement organ, researchers in Boston have successfully transplanted laboratory grown bladders (肾) into six dogs.

    For a century, physicians have replaced diseased or damaged bladders by removing sections of a person's intestines (肠子) and shaping them into a substitute bladder. While the procedure offers some relief to patients, complications often develop because nature designs intestinal tissue for a purpose-absorbing nutrients-other than holding waste liquid of the body. "You start absorbing stuff that should be removed," says Anthony Atala of the Children's Hospital in Boston.

    Other physicians have turned to human-made materials to create artificial bladders, but those efforts have also run into problems. Consequently, to build a better bladder, Atala and his colleagues decided to employ the organ's own cells.

    To turn the cells into an organ, the researchers first form plastic which can break down naturally into bladder-shaped shell. They then coat its outside and inside with layers of cells needed.

    To test this strategy, Atala's group obtained bladder tissue from dogs and grew it into organs. After removing the dogs' bladders, the investigators implanted(移植)the artificial ones coming from the dogs' own cells. Within a month, the organs began to perform like normal bladders.

    Within three months, the plastic shells had broken down naturally, and the implanted organs were hard to distinguish from natural ones, Blood vessels(血管) quickly grew into them. Moreover, nerves seem to form proper connections with the new organs, allowing the dogs to regain normal control of their bladders. Some dogs have had the artificial bladders for nearly a year without any problems nearly a year without any problems.

    While the bladders of dogs closely resemble those of people, Atala warns that more testing of this transplant strategy must occur before artificial bladders are ready for the clinic.

    1. (1) The traditional method of shaping parts of intestines into a substitute bladder ________.
      A . allows the patient to absorb useless things B . brings the patient a lot of sufferings C . prevents the patient from absorbing nutrients D . worsens both the function of the intestines and the bladder
    2. (2) The artificial bladders implanted in dogs ________.
      A . worked perfectly as long as three months B . began to work as well as a normal one in a few weeks C . proved to be able to work for several years D . did not work properly until after a month
    3. (3) Why is it suggested that more testing should be made?
      A . What suits dogs' bladders will also suit human bladders. B . Dogs' bladders can be implanted into human bodies. C . Human bladders may well be different from dogs. D . Artificial bladders grown in dogs can be used for human beings
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . The way of turning intestines into bladders. B . The prospect of manufacturing plastic bladders. C . The history of making artificial bladders. D . The possibility of making bladders from their own cells.
  • 4. 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选。选项中有两项为多余选。

    Nowadays, WeChat is about expressing our opinions and Weibo is about collecting things we like. Both of them develop our self-focus. Self-focus simply means you pay attention to how you feel, think and behave. Self-focus isn't naturally a bad thing. Particularly in individualistic (个人主义的) cultures, we value our ability to be self-aware.

    Unfortunately, when you are regularly focusing on yourself, you'll notice any dissatisfaction, anxiety, or general discomfort you might not have otherwise. As a result, self-focus contributes to a wide range of mental health problems like anxiety.

    But quitting technology is no longer a practical solution. For example, don't post about things you did, which focuses your attention on yourself. Instead, you could share advice and words of support from your smart phone. As a result, you'll feel better, and so will the people around you.

    Do you like to take selfies (自拍)? It's easy to take a quick picture of yourself to show what you re doing or how you re feeling. But paying attention to ourselves often makes us feel worse. Do your best to highlight (突出) the wonderful things that make them special. In this way, you won't focus so much on your bad hair day, and you will get along better with your friends.

    But if we can learn to move the focus off ourselves and onto doing good for others, technology can help us grow. Anyway, the point is that it's up to you to handle the ability of your self-focus.

    A. Too much self-focus means few friends.

    B. Self-focus is generally helpful in daily life.

    C. Therefore, try taking pictures of your friends.

    D. In fact, we can use technology in ways that are less self-focused.

    E. By bringing your attention to those negative emotions, you strengthen them.

    F. We want to know who we are and why we do what we do to uncover possible ways to improve our lives.

    G. Technology-when used in certain ways is having negative effects on our mental health and well-being.

  • 5. 完形填空

    About a year ago, I left my well-paying job as a magazine editor with no particular plan. Having worked for a half-century on other people's 1, I wanted to be the boss of myself. I longed to read more, to 2 more and learn more about beautiful objects created by people of different cultures. I wanted to do work not just with my 3, but with my hands as well.

    As we 4 in years, each choice rules out other possibilities until—Surprise!—I am a 53-year-old lady who lives a(n) 5 life in downtown Manhattan with a husband and two kids, and has spent my working life in the magazine industry.6, over the past year I have been interested in learning the techniques of bakery, 7, and natural dyeing. Although I learned a lot, I know well a dilettante(一知半解者) of many 8 is in effect a master of 9.I have also traveled to villages and towns in countries I had never been to and have been 10 by the diversity of lives and cultures still amazingly 11, and by the people I've met, craftspeople who, whether through choice or the 12 of it, make 13 objects day in and day out.

    I have come to 14 the way these objects are inseparable from the communities and 15 in which they are created. But what will I do with the 16 access I've had?Will I find a way to be 17 or help resolve the problems I have witnessed?I don't have a 18.I don't know what my next move is or whether, when I figure it out, I'll be able to 19 in it. But in my otherwise rather stable life, I find that 20.

    A . goals B . schedules C . expectations D . seminars
    A . travel B . earn C . sacrifice D . recommend
    A . feet B . eyes C . heart D . mind
    A . adjust B . advance C . participate D . predict
    A . tough B . comfortable C . intelligent D . ordinary
    A . Therefore B . Besides C . However D . Moreover
    A . painting B . weaving C . manufacturing D . communicating
    A . skills B . jobs C . ideas D . secrets
    A . himself B . arts C . none D . economics
    A . brought out B . worn out C . driven away D . carried away
    A . developing B . existing C . weakening D . expanding
    A . lack B . suspension C . criticism D . reservation
    A . solid B . unidentified C . souvenir D . remarkable
    A . explore B . change C . appreciate D . rescue
    A . societies B . traditions C . cultures D . civilizations
    A . limited B . improved C . denied D . privileged
    A . useful B . powerful C . fanciful D . grateful
    A . code B . clue C . license D . dream
    A . compete B . interpret C . succeed D . assist
    A . exciting B . authentic C . casual D . compulsory
  • 6. 语法填空

    The warm weather outside may look perfect for outdoor exercise. But for those are not that sporty, what could be nicer than having (relax) afternoon tea with a few good friends taking a break?

    But are you familiar with the culture of afternoon tea its origins, what is included, and proper etiquette(礼仪)? Here are a few things you need to know about this (tradition) English custom so that you can enjoy it more.

    While the tradition of drinking tea (date) back to about 3000 BC in China, it was not until the mid-17th century that the concept of "afternoon tea" first appeared in the UK.

    In 1840, Anna Maria Russell, the (seven) Duchess of Bedford, started asking for a tea tray with butter, bread and cakes at 4 pm every day, as she found she was hungry at this time every day while the evening meal in her house (serve) late at 8 pm. She found this new habit difficult (break) and soon invited other ladies in society to join her.

    This pause for tea quickly became a fashionable social event. the 1880s, the upper class would put on gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea.

  • 7. 假如你是某高中的学生李华,从海报上得知杭州正在招募亚运会(the Hangzhou Asian Games)志愿者。你有意申请成为其中的一员。请按照下列提示,写一份申请书。

    要点:1)自我介绍(红星中学高三学生, 英语流利)


    3)曾 G20杭州峰会志愿者;(G20 Hangzhou Summit)




  • 8. 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。

    Jennifer, a senior high school student, was driving the old blue sedan(轿车) owned by her father. She lived on a farm about ten miles away from downtown and used the car back and forth every day.

    Jennifer had driven into town that night to see a basketball game between Rockets and Warriors. Now she was on her way home, thinking about the game-winning shot by Harden. As she pulled away from the stadium, she noticed a red pick-up truck follow her out of the parking lot. A few minutes later the truck was still behind her.

    "I guess we're going in the same direction," she whispered to herself. Anxious and suspicious, she began to watch the truck in her mirror. When she changed her speed, the driver of the truck changed his speed too! When she passed a car, so he did.

    Then he turned on his high beams, flooding her car with light. He left them on for almost a minute. "He probably wants to pass me," she tried to comfort herself. But this time she was becoming uneasy. Usually, Jennifer drove home over a back road. It was a narrow and bumpy country road with no few lights, so not too many people went that way. But when she turned onto that road, so did the truck.

    "I've got to get away from him," she was seized with sudden trembling and became deathly pale, feeling cold sweat flowing down her back, and without a second thought, Jennifer began to slam on the gas and picked up her speed. Then he turned his high beams on again. After a minute, he turned them off. Then he turned them on again and off again.

    She changed gears(档位) and drove even faster, but the truck driver stayed right behind her. Then he turned his high beams on again. Once more her car was ablaze(明亮的)with light. "What is he doing?" she wondered. "What does he want?" Then he turned them off again. But a minute later he had them on again, and he left them on.




    3)续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好;

    4)续写完成后, 请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

    At last Jennifer pulled into her driveway, and the truck pulled right behind her.


    The driver of the truck explained that the man slipped into the girl's car just before she left the parking lot.

