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更新时间:2021-07-26 浏览次数:173 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听短文,完成下面的表格。

    Name      What to buy?             How much?

    Peter      a toy        ¥

    Coco      short        ¥

    Jim        a book      ¥ 20

  • 7. 听短文,根据短文判断下列句子正误。
    1. (1) Mr. Baker's school is big and new.
    2. (2) Mr. Baker's school is famous for lessons.
    3. (3) The boys like playing football best.
    4. (4) The girls also like playing football best.
    5. (5) There are 12 computers in the classroom.
  • 8. 根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词或短语。

    A. take some medicine  B. preparing  C. maths  D. too late  E. chocolates

    1. (1) You are ill. So you should .
    2. (2) Here are some for you.
    3. (3) Mary will help me with my .
    4. (4) Peter and his classmates are for an English party.
    5. (5) Don't watch TV .
  • 34. 补全对话

    A. I have a bad stomachache.

    B. Can I go to school this afternoon?

    C. May I speak to Miss Liu, please?

    D. Don't worry about your lessons.

    E. l ate a lot of ice cream.


    B: This is Miss Liu speaking.

    A: Good morning, Miss Liu. This is Kate.

    B: Oh, dear! What did you eat?

    A: l can't go to school now.

    B: OK. You should go to see a doctor.


    B: No, you should take a good rest.

    A: But I'm worried about my lessons.

    B: Gao Wei and Li Yan will help you with your lessons.

    A: Thank you, Miss Liu.

    B: Take good care of yourself. Goodbye!

    A: Goodbye!

  • 35. 阅读理解

    The biggest library in the world is in America. It is the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C. The library was started in 1800. Today, it has over 118 million items—books, maps, important old papers films, DVDs, CD-ROMs and other things. The library is a wonderful place for reading and studying. Every day many people go there to ask for help for their studies. They can borrow books from the library. They can also read quietly in the library all day. Also, hundreds of people ask questions and get answers over the phone. Through the Internet, the library can help more and more people around the world.

    1. (1) There is a big library in Washington, D. C.
    2. (2) In the library, we can read quietly only in the morning.
    3. (3) The Library of Congress has more than 118 million items.
    4. (4) Many people can and study in the library.
    5. (5) The biggest library in the world in England, it's in America.
  • 36. 阅读理解

    l have a bad cold. I don't go to school. After breakfast I read a book. There are many signs in it. From this book I know a lot about traffic(交通). Every country has the same traffic lights; red, yellow and green. "Red" means "Stop", "Yellow" means "Wait", and "Green" means "Go". In China and the USA, drivers drive on the right side(右边) of the road. However, drivers drive on the left side(左边) in England and Australia. If we go to other countries, we must know the traffic rules.


    1. (1) There are many signs in the book.
    2. (2) You must stop at a red light.
    3. (3) In all the countries, drivers drive on the right side of the road.
    4. (4) Why don't you go to school?
    5. (5) What does "Yellow" mean?
  • 37. 学校正在举行运动会,同学们和老师们都积极参加,请合理想象,以短文或对话的形式写一写大家正在做什么。

    要求:条理清晰,语法正确,25个单词左右,并用上以下提示语: playground, watch the game, play football, runner, happy。

