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更新时间:2021-07-29 浏览次数:169 类型:期末考试
  • 12. 根据你所听到的内容补全信息。
    A. M.
    Go to school 8:30
    Have breakfast
    Begin classes
    Have lunch 11:50
    P. M.
    Begin classes 1:30
    Finish classes 3:30
    Have dinner
    Go to bed 10:00
  • 18. 选用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

    My family lived in a big city, and we had no garden, but I often (go, went) to a small park near my home. There (are, were) a lot of trees in the park. Early in spring, those trees (get, got) green. I liked to see all the green leaves. In summer there were flowers everywhere. I often (read, reads) picture books on the bench. In autumn, the leaves turned yellow and red. I often (take, took) a walk with my parents. I also (like, liked) to walk after supper with my grandpa. He (know, knew) a lot of stories. Every time we had a walk together, he (tells, told) me an interesting story. When I (am, was) young, I (have, had) a good time in the small park.

  • 29. 完形填空

    Some scientists were working in a spaceship in outer space. They looked out of the1of the spaceship. They could2the planet Earth. It looked like a blue and white3. Scientists4very powerful cameras. They took many5of our planet from outer space. The photos were very6. The scientists were surprised at7they saw.

    In the photos, they saw land, blue sea and8clouds. Some scientists said they could see a9, dark line on the yellow earth. They thought it10the Great Wall of China! Do you think so?

    A . door B . window C . room D . house
    A . look B . draw C . read D . see
    A . clock B . plane C . ball D . ship
    A . made B . played C . knew D . had
    A . photos B . trees C . flowers D . books
    A . fresh B . clear C . old D . clean
    A . where B . when C . what D . which
    A . white B . colourful C . black D . dirty
    A . straight B . round C . short D . long
    A . be B . was C . are D . were
  • 30. 选择适当的答案完成对话。


    Guide: We are going to visit the Great Wall.


    Guide: We're going to visit the Ming Tombs.


    Guide: Not too far. They're in the north of Beijing.


    Guide: We are going to get there by coach.


    Guide: Tomorrow morning. Then we are going to visit the Forbidden City.

    Lily: That's great! We can learn a lot about the history of China.

    A. How are we going to get there?

    B. Where are we going this morning?

    C. When are we going to the Summer Palace?

    D. How about this afternoon?

    E. Are the two places far from here?

  • 31. 阅读理解


    Northern Area Primary Schools' Sports Day

    Schools in the competition

    Red School Sunny School Blue School Happy School

    All the students meet in front of Red School at 8: 15 a. m.

    Please bring: Sports clothes and shoes Lunch Water bottle

    Football teams A and B

    Teachers: Mr. Brown and Miss Simpson

    A school bus will leave at 8:30 a. m. to take you to Forest Sports Ground.

    Baseball teams

    Teachers: Mr. Strong and Miss Evans

    Girls' baseball team: A school bus will take you to Happy School Sports Ground at 8:30 a. m. Boys' baseball team: Meet at Red School Sports Ground at 8:45 a. m.

    Tae Kwon Do team

    Teachers: Miss Lim and Mr. Foster

    Go to the Red School Gym at 8:30 a. m.

    1. (1) This notice is about what to do on Sports Day.
    2. (2) The school buses will take all the students to the ground at 8:30 a. m.
    3. (3) How many teams will have competitions(竞赛)on Sports Day?
      A . Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six.
    4. (4) What time do the children have to be at school on Sports Day?
      A . At 8:15. B . At 8:30. C . At 8:45. D . At 9:00.
    5. (5) Where does the Tae Kwon Do team go?
      A . Forest Sports Ground. B . Happy School Sports Ground. C . Red Sports Center. D . Red School Gym.
    6. (6) There are primary schools in the Northern Area(地区).
    7. (7) There are teachers for each .
    8. (8) The students will not have at home on Sports Day.
    9. (9) Girls' and boys' baseball teams have competitions in different .
  • 32. 参照图片所提示的信息完成短文。

    Hello, friends. Here's a of my community. Look at the tall buildings. I live in a flat in one of the . My bedroom's windows just face(面向)to the park, so I can it from my flat. The park is very beautiful and there are a lot of in it. Across the Sunny Road, there's a supermarket. It's not very big. But we can many kinds of things there. There's a bookshop in our community, too. It's the flower shop and the hotel. On the other side of Main Street, the clothes shop is a toy shop. The cake shop is on the right of our . Saturdays and Sundays, many people go to work. They usually go out with their families. They go to the shops or take a walk in the park.

    l like my community. It's a busy, clean and nice place.

