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更新时间:2021-08-18 浏览次数:123 类型:期中考试
  • 18. 听录音,根据所听短文判断正误。
    1. (1) Ben lives in the US.
    2. (2) Ben runs to school every day.
    3. (3) Jerry and Tom go to school by bike.
    4. (4) Tom and Jerry live far from their school.
    5. (5) They like chatting on the Internet at weekends.
    6. (6) Ben is not very fat.
  • 29. 选择相对应的答句。

    ⑴Where is Mr. Green?        A. By taxi.

    ⑵Why does he have a toothache?    B. Yes, there is.

    ⑶Would you like some apple juice?     C. Sorry, I don't know.

    ⑷Can you come and help me?      D. Because he has a lot of sweets.

    ⑸What should she do?            E. Sure.

    ⑹How does Liu Tao come to school?   F. He's at the traffic lights.

    ⑺Why does she look so sad?      G. She should take some medicine.

    ⑻Is there a party at the prince's house?  H. Of course. He's a driver.

    ⑼Can your father drive?    I. No, I'd like some warm water.

    ⑽Why is he not at school?  J. Because he has a cold.

  • 30. 从方框中选用合适的句子补全对话,其中有一项是多余的。

    A. How do we go there?

    B. What time is it, Dad?

    C. You can go there on foot.

    D. We'll drive there.

    E. It's time to go to school.

    F. I have no classes today.

    A: Get up, get up, Tom!


    A: It's seven fifty, dear.

    B: It's Sunday, Dad.

    A: Yes. But we'll go to the library today. It's time to go.

    B: Oh, I forgot it.

    A:  because it's too far from here.

    B: OK. Let's go.

  • 31. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Tina and Helen are sisters. They have three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. They have breakfast at home. On weekdays they have lunch at school, but at weekends they have lunch at home with their parents. They always eat dinner at home. Dinner is the big meal of the day. Father comes home from work at five, and Mother offers dinner at six. They usually start with soup. Then, they have meat, potatoes and a salad.

    After dinner, they have desserts. Father doesn't like desserts, but Mother and the children do. Their favourite desserts are cakes and ice creams.

    1. (1) Tina and Helen aren't brothers.
    2. (2) They have lunch at home with their grandparents at weekends.
    3. (3) They sometimes eat dinner at school.
    4. (4) There is some meat, potatoes, a salad and soup for their dinner.
    5. (5) They all like their desserts.
  • 32. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    My name is Su Yang. My home is in Gulangyu. Do you know Gulangyu? It is in Xiamen. It's near the sea. Gulangyu is a small place, but it's very nice and clean. There are no cars, no buses and no bikes. People only walk. So it is very quiet. People go to visit Gulangyu by ship.

    Our house is in the middle of Gulangyu. It's not big, but it's very warm. The sea is big and blue. There are a lot of fish in the sea. After school, I go there and catch fish with my friends. We always have a lot of fun.

    1. (1) Gulangyu is in               .
      A . Hunan B . Xiamen C . Shanghai
    2. (2) Su Yang tells us a lot about her            .
      A . parents B . school C . hometown
    3. (3) Su Yang's house is            .
      A . near the hill B . near the sea C . in the park
    4. (4) Gulangyu is very quiet. Why?
      A . Because people only walk. B . Because there are no ships. C . Because it's a small place.
    5. (5) What does Su Yang always do after school?
      A . She swims in the sea. B . She catches fish. C . She plays football with his friends.
  • 53. 根据首字母提示,在横线上填上合适的词,完成这封电子邮件。

    Dear Betty,

    Thank you very much for your email. I know you'd like to visit the National Museum in our city. It is a big and famous museum. Let me tell you the w . When you drive out of your house, go along Hongxing Street. Turn l at the third turning and drive into Nanjing Road. You'll see RT Mart on your right. The museum is opposite the mart.

    The museum is open f 9:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. every day. There are lots of old things and nice pictures in it. I hope you can have a good time there. But you cannot take photos in the museum. So don't bring a c. There is a small shop in the museum. You can bsome souvenirs for your friends in it.



  • 54. 写一篇小短文,不少于五句话。

    Where do you live? How do you get to your school?


    I live on… , It's.…, I come to school…, First, … Then,…

