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更新时间:2021-06-23 浏览次数:131 类型:期中考试
  • 11. 请根据你听到的内容,把地名和相对应的天气图标配对。

    ⑴Haikou  A.

    ⑵Harbin  B.

    ⑶Qingdao  C.

    ⑷Hangzhou  D.

    ⑸Beijing  E.

  • 23. 请根据所给的图片,找出它相对应的单词。

    A. bird       B. ship       C. China      D. aunt       E. old

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 24. 请将下列单词按照所给单词的类别分类。

    hot  Tuesday  pencil  nice  take  beautiful  book  Saturday  sunny  call

    1. (1) Sunday         
    2. (2) windy          
    3. (3) clever           
    4. (4) pen             
    5. (5) fly               
  • 30. 请从方框中选出恰当的句子,补全图片中的对话。

    A. Nice to meet you, too.

    B. Can you play football?

    C. OK.

    D. It's about London.

    E. What are you doing?

  • 31. 句子匹配。请从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的句子。

    A                               B

    ⑴What's that?               A. Yes, I will.

    ⑵Will you take your bag?    B. Because I'm the winner.

    ⑶Who are they?              C. No, it isn't.

    ⑷Is it a monster?             D. It's a dog.

    ⑸Why are you happy?        E. They are my grandparents.

  • 32. 根据短文内容,判断句子的正误。

    Hello. I'm Fanfan. I'm from Nanning. Nanning is the capital(首府) of Guangxi. It's big and beautiful. The Nanhu Park is near the Nanhu Lake. It's beautiful. The Yongjiang Bridge is very famous in Nanning. It is wide(宽广的) and long. There are many boats on the river. I like Nanning.

    1. (1) Fanfan is from Nanning.
    2. (2) Nanning is the capital of Guangdong.
    3. (3) Nanning is small and beautiful.
    4. (4) The Yongjiang Bridge is wide and long.
    5. (5) I don't like Nanning.
  • 33. 阅读理解

    Here are photos of my family. Look, they are my grandparents. They were young then. Now they are old. This is my mother. Her hair was long then. Now her hair is short. This is my father. He was handsome(英俊的). This is my sister. She was very cute and very naughty. And that's me. I was very naughty too!

    1. (1) There are __________________ people in my family.
      A . four B . five C . six
    2. (2) My grandparents were __________________then.
      A . old B . young C . long
    3. (3) My mother's hair __________________ short now.
      A . was B . is C . are
    4. (4) My father was __________________.
      A . handsome B . short C . old
    5. (5) Who was naughty?
      A . My sister B . I C . My sister and I

