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更新时间:2021-05-11 浏览次数:141 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. (2020·海口模拟) What does the woman think of the trip to Indonesia?
    Jenny, why don't you want to travel to Indonesia?<br />Well, I learned that it sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire.<br />Earthquakes are quite common there.<br />They don't take place every day.<br />Well, I prefer somewhere safer.
    A . Safe. B . Dangerous. C . Exciting.
  • 2. (2019·衡阳模拟) What does the man advise the woman to do?
    I'd like to take a trip to Tibet for my spring break.<br />Can you give me some suggestions about where to go?<br />I could tell you about the places I've visited, but I think you'd better get a professional<br />there to make your arrangements.
    A . Go to Tibet with a professor. B . Consult a local travel agent. C . Make the arrangements herself.
  • 3. (2020高一上·桂林期中) What does the man want to do?
    A . Organize a baseball team. B . Learn to play baseball. C . Find a baseball player.
  • 4. (2020高一上·眉山期末) Why is the woman going to Shanghai?
    I am moving to Shanghai. I have got a new job there.<br />Oh, how nice! Congratulations! But we'll miss you!
    A . To have a holiday. B . To visit a friend. C . To work there.
  • 5. (2019高二下·泉港期末) How did the woman read the book?
    Have you finished reading the book you bought last month?<br />Oh, I didn't read straight from the beginning to the end.<br />I just covered a few chapters which interested me most.
    A . She chose some chapters to read. B . She read it slowly. C . She went over the book chapter by chapter.
  • 6. (2019高一下·张家口期末) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    Hey, Carol. I hear you may get that new job.<br />Yeah. They're going to call me. There are still a couple of problems, though.<br />Really? What problems?<br />Well, the job is in Vancouver. My closest friend lives there, but I'm not sure I want to move.<br />Also, the position may be better, but the money is the same. I really don't know what to do.<br />Well, don't accept the offer right away. You should make a list of all the good and bad things about your new job.<br />You should also talk to your boss and tell her that you need a pay raise. You'll have more work to do after all.<br />What do you think about the move?<br />Take a trip to Vancouver. See if you like it.<br />Hey, Carol. I hear you may get that new job.<br />Yeah. They're going to call me. There are still a couple of problems, though.<br />Really? What problems?<br />Well, the job is in Vancouver. My closest friend lives there, but I'm not sure I want to move.<br />Also, the position may be better, but the money is the same. I really don't know what to do.<br />Well, don't accept the offer right away. You should make a list of all the good and bad things about your new job.<br />You should also talk to your boss and tell her that you need a pay raise. You'll have more work to do after all.<br />What do you think about the move?<br />Take a trip to Vancouver. See if you like it.
    1. (1) What does the woman dislike about the new job?
      A . The workload B . The pay C . The position
    2. (2) What does the man advise the woman to do?
      A . Live with her best friend. B . Accept the offer right away. C . Go to Vancouver and have a look.
  • 7. (2020高一上·眉山期末) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    What do you think is the best way to get to our branch office in Miami?<br />Well, I would suggest flying, but the weather has been unpredictable recently with heavy rain.<br />Driving might be dangerous too, so taking the train might be the best idea.<br />Yeah, you're right. I'll call the station and find out if they are still running on schedule.<br />Actually, we can just look on their website. Please wait a moment until I finish this email.<br />What do you think is the best way to get to our branch office in Miami?<br />Well, I would suggest flying, but the weather has been unpredictable recently with heavy rain.<br />Driving might be dangerous too, so taking the train might be the best idea.<br />Yeah, you're right. I'll call the station and find out if they are still running on schedule.<br />Actually, we can just look on their website. Please wait a moment until I finish this email.
    1. (1) How will the woman probably get to her branch office?
      A . By plane. B . By car. C . By train.
    2. (2) What does the man suggest doing?
      A . Checking the Internet. B . Making a phone call. C . Writing an e-mail.
  • 8. (2019·如皋模拟) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) Why does the woman come to Manchester?
      A . To watch a concert. B . To visit a friend. C . To give a performance.
    2. (2) How did the woman feel when she first sang in public?
      A . Nervous. B . Happy. C . Disappointed.
    3. (3) Where will the woman go tonight?
      A . To theatres. B . To clubs. C . To bars.
    4. (4) Who is Dean?
      A . The woman's boyfriend. B . A club owner. C . A newspaper reporter.
  • 9. (2020高一上·黑龙江期中) 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    You look upset. What's wrong with you?<br />Well, I overslept, and when I got up, my brother was taking a shower in the bathroom.<br />Oh, no!<br />After he got out of the bathroom, I took a quick shower and got dressed.<br />By the time I arrived at the bus station, the bus had already left.<br />What a bad luck!<br />I had to go back home to ride my bike.<br />Oh, what a poor girl.<br />Then, when I got to school, I realized that I had left my school bag at home.<br />You look upset. What's wrong with you?<br />Well, I overslept, and when I got up, my brother was taking a shower in the bathroom.<br />Oh, no!<br />After he got out of the bathroom, I took a quick shower and got dressed.<br />By the time I arrived at the bus station, the bus had already left.<br />Bad luck!<br />I had to go back home to ride my bike.<br />Oh, what a poor girl.<br />Then, when I got to school, I realized that I had left my school bag at home.
    1. (1) What happened to the woman this morning?
      A . She got up late. B . She lost her bike. C . She quarreled with her brother.
    2. (2) How did the woman go to school today?
      A . On foot. B . By bike. C . By bus.
    3. (3) What did the woman leave at home?
      A . Her wallet. B . Her keys. C . Her schoolbag.
  • 10. (2019高二下·邢台月考) 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    1. (1) What kind of English lessons does the speaker recommend?
      A . Listening and speaking. B . Reading and writing. C . Examination skills.
    2. (2) How can a learner review the lessons when he is not online according to the speaker?
      A . By using the downloaded sound files. B . By making conversations with others. C . By reviewing words, phrases and idioms.
    3. (3) What is mentioned as an advantage of the speaker's online course?
      A . It helps learners to study abroad. B . It offers learners better study methods. C . It improves learners' English skills quickly.
    4. (4) What's the speaker's idea about learning English?
      A . Being confident in learning. B . Learning English little by little. C . Having clear learning goals.
  • 11. 阅读理解

        Nola (August 21, 1974—November 22, 2015) was a northern white rhino who lived at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park near Escondido, California. At her death, she was one of only four remaining northern white rhinos in the world. The other three lived in Kenya. World Rhino Day, held on September 2, is to raise awareness (意识) of the less than 30 000 other rhinos left on Earth.

        "Rhinos need our help today, not tomorrow," Nola's lead keeper Jane Kennedy said. "Last year we lost over 1 200 rhinos just in South Africa. If we continue to lose more than 1 000 rhinos a year, in 10 to 20 years all the rhinos on the planet will be gone."

        "Unfortunately, most animals are in danger of dying out because of humans," Kennedy says. "Humans have either poached animals, or because there are over seven billion of us, we've taken up too much of the world's resources". Poachers illegally hunt rhinos for their horns. They sell the horns for thousands of dollars per pound, to be used for art, jewelry, and decorations. Experts believe that one rhino is poached every eight hours.

        In 1975, the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research started the Frozen Zoo, a program through which researchers have collected cell (细胞) samples from more than 8 000 different types of animals, including the northern white rhino. Scientists hope that by studying the rhino cells, they will get greater understanding of it, and will find ways to increase its numbers.

        Jane Kennedy describes World Rhino Day as "a celebration of rhinos along with an awareness campaign for everybody across the world to know that rhinos need our help." At the San Diego Zoo, children and adults are welcome to visit and speak with zookeepers to learn about rhinos. But you don't have to live in San Diego to celebrate World Rhino Day. It is observed around the world, with zoos and wildlife parks holding special events and programs to teach people about rhinos, and enable them to see the animals up close. For more information, go to www.worldrhinoday.org.

    1. (1) What do we know about Nola?
      A . It was a baby white rhino. B . It was one of the last of its kind. C . It lived with other northern white rhinos in Kenya. D . It died on September 22 at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.
    2. (2) What troubled Jane Kennedy according to Paragraph 2?
      A . The rhinos' uncertain future. B . The rhinos' strange activities. C . The limited natural resources. D . The rare animals in South Africa.
    3. (3) What does the Frozen Zoo aim to do?
      A . Invent new kinds of animals. B . Keep animals from dying out. C . Prevent rhinos from being hunted. D . Raise public awareness of rhinos.
    4. (4) What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?
      A . To help people know more about animals. B . To encourage people to protect rhinos. C . To report special events in San Diego. D . To introduce World Rhino Day.
  • 12. (2019高三上·太原月考) 阅读理解

        It was the beginning of 2011. I had just finished filming the first season of Game of Thrones(《权利的游戏》). With almost no professional experience, I had been given the role of Daenerys Targaryen. The show was so successful that young girls would dress themselves up as Daenerys for Halloween.

        And yet, terrified of the attention, terrified of trying to make good on the faith that the creators had put in me, I worked much harder.

        On the morning of February 11, 2011, I was getting dressed in a gym when I started to feel a bad headache. I was so exhausted that I could barely put on my sneakers. I tried to ignore the pain, but I couldn't. I reached the toilet and sank to my knees. A woman came to help me. Then everything became unclear. I only remember the sound of an ambulance.

        That operation lasted three hours. When I woke, the pain was unbearable. After four days, they moved me out of the I.C.U. (重症监护室). But one day when a nurse asked me, as part of a series of cognitive (认知的) exercises, " What's your name?", I couldn't remember my name and I felt terrified: I am an actor; I need to remember my lines. Now, I couldn't recall my name.

        The phenomenon is called aphasia. Then I was sent back to the I.C.U. and, after about a week, I was able to speak and know my name. And I was also aware that there were people in the beds around me who didn't make it out of the I.C.U. I was continually reminded of just how fortunate I was.

        I rarely gave a thought to my health. Nearly all I thought about was acting. I thought of myself as healthy. Once in a while, I would get dizzy. When I was fourteen, I had a migraine (偏头痛) that kept me in bed for a couple of days. But it all seemed manageable — part of the stress of being an actor. Now I think I might have been experiencing warning signs of what was to come.

        Anyway, there is something pleasant about coming to the end of Thrones. And I'm so happy to be here to see the beginning of whatever comes next.

    1. (1) The author felt terrified after acting in the first season of Game of Thrones because _____.

      ①she felt nervous about the public attention.

      ②she had been criticized for her lack of experience.

      ③she was experiencing some warning signs of a serious illness.

      ④she wasn't sure if she had performed well in Season 1.

      A . ①④ B . ②③ C . ①② D . ③④
    2. (2) When did the author lose consciousness?
      A . After she took an operation. B . After a woman came to her rescue in a gym. C . When trying to ignore a headache while working out. D . When knowing many patients wouldn't survive the illness.
    3. (3) A patient who is suffering from aphasia ______.
      A . cannot move his or her body B . will fall into serious depression C . must undergo brain surgery at once D . is not able to remember things from the past
    4. (4) What can you infer from the end of the passage?
      A . The author feels very lucky to be an actress. B . The author is quite confident about her role. C . The author can't go on acting due to the illness. D . The author will pay more attention to her health.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    In many countries of the world, people can confidently tell you the meaning of their town or city, but most people who live in Manchester, Oxford or Birmingham would not be able to explain what the name of their city means. The name of every British town and city, however, has a long history.

    Two thousand years ago, most people living in Britain were Celts. Even the word "Britain" is Celtic. Then the Romans arrived and built camps which became cities called "castra". This is why there are so many place names in England which end in "-chester" or "-caster" – Manchester, for example.

    The Romans never reached Wales or Scotland, and many place names there are Celtic (凯尔特语的). For example, Welsh place names that begin with "Llan" come from the Celtic word for church.

    After the Romans left Britain, it was attacked by tribes (部落) called the Anglo-Saxons who were from the area of Europe that is now Germany and Holland. Without the Roman army, it was impossible to protect the country from these people. The names of their villages often ended in "-ham" or "-ton". Some got their name from the leader of the village, so Birmingham, for example, means "Beormund's village".

    The Anglo-Saxons were farmers and the landscape was very important to them, so we have villages called Upton ("village on a hill" – a good place to build a village) and Moreton ("village by a lake", where floods could make life tough). Place names that end in "-ford" (a place where you could cross a river) also describe the location of Anglo-Saxon villages.

    Twelve hundred years ago, the Vikings came to England from Scandinavia. They traded with the Anglo-Saxons but lived in their own villages. These often ended in "-by" or "-thorpe". The name "Kirkby" means "a village with a church" and Scunthorpe was the village of a man called Skuma.

    Finally, in 1066, England became Norman – the Normans gave us the place name "grange", which means farm.

    And how about London? Experts cannot agree. The Romans called the city Londinium, but they were not the first inhabitants (居民). People once believed that the United Kingdom's capital city got its name from the castle (城堡) of a King called Lud, but this is very unlikely. Our best guess today is that the name comes from a Celtic word meaning a fastflowing river. Like a number of British place names, its history is lost in time.

    1. (1) The origin of British place names is unfamiliar to many local people because of ______.
      A . the death of ancient languages B . their lack of interest in the names C . the long lost history of the names D . the frequent changes to the names
    2. (2) According to the article, Stratford-upon-Avon is most likely a town built______.
      A . beside a river B . near a castle C . on a hill D . with a church
    3. (3) Which of the following shows the correct order of the arrival of inhabitants in Britain?
      A . The Celts — The Romans — The Vikings — The Normans — The Anglo Saxons B . The Celts — The Romans — The Anglo Saxons — The Vikings — The Normans C . The Romans — The Celts — The Vikings — The Anglo Saxons — The Normans D . The Romans — The Anglo Saxons — The Celts — The Normans — The Vikings
    4. (4) According to the text, where did the name for London come from?
      A . It is short for Londinium. B . It's from the term for a river. C . It is puzzling and hard to confirm. D . It comes from the castle of a King.
  • 14. (2018高二上·华安期末) 阅读理解

        Recently I read the Human Development Report. I couldn't help thinking about another problem which the world is facing--hunger. According to the report, 2,400 people are dying from hunger every day; nearly 13 million in southern Africa will be worried about their food supply because of earthquakes, floods or wars.

        In a word, hunger remains the biggest problem of the world today. It's strange to see that man can travel to the moon, but still doesn't know how to feed himself. You may ask, “Who steals our bread? The first thieves should be population growth, poverty and loss of rich farmland.

        In less developed areas like South Africa, the population grows faster than the crops. It is almost impossible for its government to feed so many people and provide education for them. So it is very important to control the population growth and protect their farmland in countries whose people are suffering from hunger.

        According to the report, the world's food production is enough to feed everyone if it is given away well. But the problem is that the developed countries are eating food that should be given to the poor. Although they are just using their own earning, the fact is that they are coldly watching others starving away.

        Luckily, some developed countries such as Netherlands, Norway and Sweden have done a lot to help those hungry people in African countries. We hope other developed countries will follow them.

    1. (1) According to the passage, which of the following CANNOT help to make fewer people hungry?
      A . Poor countries protect their rich farmland. B . Poor countries control their population growth. C . Rich countries give some food to the poor ones. D . Rich countries produce more food to feed themselves.
    2. (2) What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?
      A . Poor countries are cold and going to die out. B . Rich countries aren't willing to help poor countries. C . Rich countries notice the problems of the poor countries D . Rich countries are trying their best to help poor countries.
    3. (3) Why are many people suffering from hunger in developing countries?
      A . Because there are so many people. B . Because there are so many developed countries. C . Because there are so many natural disasters and wars. D . Because there isn't enough food production in the world.
    4. (4) What does the author mean in the last sentence?
      A . More countries will give help to Norway. B . More countries will be as rich as Sweden. C . Poor countries should learn from rich ones. D . More rich countries will help the hungry people.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Why Do We Get Angry?

        Anger seems simple when we are feeling it, but the causes of anger are various. Knowing these causes can make us examine our behaviour, and correct bad habits. The main reasons we get angry are triggering(触发) events, personality traits(特征), and our assessment of situations.

        Triggering events for anger are so many that to describe them all would take hundreds of pages. However, here are some examples: being cut off in traffic, a deadline approaching, experiencing physical pain, and much more. The reason why someone is triggered by something and others are not is often due to one's personal history and psychological traits.  

        Each person, no matter who they are, has psychological imbalances. People who have personality traits that connect with competitiveness and low upset tolerance are much more likely to get angry. Also, sometimes pre-anger does not have to do with a lasting condition, but rather a temporary state before a triggering event has occurred.  

        Sometimes even routine occurrences become sources of pre-anger, or anger itself. Sometimes ignorance and negative(消极的) outlooks on situations can create anger.  

        However, anger can easily turn violent, and it is best to know the reasons for anger to appear in order to prevent its presence. With these main reasons in mind, we can evaluate our level of anger throughout the day and prevent cases of outbursts by comprehending the reasons for our feelings.  

    A. Our attitude and viewpoint on situations can create anger within us as well.

    B. But some types of situations can help us to get rid of the occurrence or anger.

    C. Anger is rarely looked upon as a beneficial character trait, and is usually advised to reduce it.

    D. Anger is a particularly strong feeling and maybe people think that they have reasons to feel angry.

    E. Having these personality traits implies the pre-anger state, where anger is in the background of your mind.

    F. Understanding these reasons will control our own anger if we are willing to evaluate ourselves with a critical eye.

    G. Not everyone acts the same in response to events, and that is why what triggers one person may or may not trigger another.

  • 16. (2019高一上·贵州期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I'm sitting at the airport watching people in the last minutes before their loved ones arrive or depart.

    A woman is running in circles trying to gather family members together for a 1. When the final moment comes before 2, she wraps her arms around her son, giving him a 3 hug that should protect him until she 4.

    I sit with a book in my hands, waiting for my turn to leave, 5 because the ones I love have a different 6 from mine.

    I think of other departures and arrivals. I 7 seeing my daughter. I wrapped myself around her as if she'd been 8. That year she was in her first year at university, coming home for the first time.

    Today my flight is two hours late. When my flight is 9 called  I gather my book and luggage. 10 there is no one to see me off, I do not 11 to see where I have come from. 12, I think of my husband at work 13 if I have left yet.

    As I head towards the plane, I find myself 14 yet another arrival and departure. That year, my 91-year-old grandfather died. After returning from his funeral, I arrived at the airport 15. My husband of only a year was waiting at the gate to take me in his arms. Because of my tears, 16 was looking at us, but I didn't 17.

    Life needs the important 18 all the time. I wish that all the people who went on a 19 could come back to find someone 20 them. I also wish they could leave with someone to see them off.

    A . lecture B . goodbye C . dinner D . party
    A . gathering B . boarding C . announcing D . landing
    A . powerful B . gentle C . warm D . common
    A . leaves B . survives C . returns D . recovers
    A . frightened B . anxious C . relaxed D . alone
    A . schedule B . attitude C . position D . target
    A . imagine B . enjoy C . recall D . consider
    A . stolen B . cheated C . lost D . punished
    A . punctually B . finally C . abruptly D . repeatedly
    A . Although B . While C . Till D . Since
    A . slow down B . get off C . look back D . run away
    A . However B . Besides C . Instead D . Therefore
    A . doubting B . asking C . predicting D . wondering
    A . remembering B . forgetting C . planning D . rejecting
    A . shouting B . crying C . laughing D . whispering
    A . someone B . everyone C . none D . anyone
    A . care B . respond C . scold D . flee
    A . arrival B . chance C . departure D . moment
    A . journey B . diet C . picnic D . holiday
    A . worrying about B . smiling at C . talking of D . waiting for
  • 17. (2020高三上·哈尔滨期中) 语法填空

    An old man was seated in the train with his 25-year-old son. As train started, the young man was filled  much joy and curiosity.

    He was seated on the window side. He stuck out one hand  (feel) the passing air. He shouted, "Papa see all the trees are going behind". The old man smiled and  (admire) his son's emotions.

    There was a couple  were seated beside the young man. They were just sitting and listening to the conversation between the father  the son. They  (probable) thought it's somewhat awkward,  (observe) the 25-year-old man was behaving like a small child.

    Suddenly the young man again shouted, "Papa see the pond and animals. Clouds are moving with the train". The couple was watching the young man visibly embarrassed of his  (behave).

    Now it started raining and some water drops touched the young man's hand. He shouted excitedly again, "Papa it's raining. The water  (touch) me, see papa".

    The couple couldn't help themselves any longer and asked the old man, "Why don't you visit the doctor and get your son treated?" The old man said, "Yes, we were coming from the hospital. Today only my son got eyesight first time in  (he) life."

  • 18. (2018高三上·上饶开学考) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        Last month, I had a unpleasant holiday. Having visited the Australian mainland before, I planned to going to the Solomon Islands. With my disappointment, the guide cut my holiday shortly by 2 days. He also sent me to the same places I had visited them the year before. In addition, the holiday I go on included none of the activities mentioned in the travel plan. To make matters bad, I had to share a double room with someone I did not know, despite the fact I had paid for a single room. Last but not least, my luggages arrived a week late because of the delay causes by the travel agency.

  • 19. (2018高二上·天水月考) 假定你是李华,最近你校根据学生的爱好和兴趣,开展了许多社团活动(school activities)。请你用英语给校报写一封建议信,内容应包括:







    Dear editor,


    Li Hua

