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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit 3 单元测试卷

更新时间:2021-04-19 浏览次数:202 类型:单元试卷
  • 18. 读句子,选择对应的图片

    A.     B.     C.     D.

    1. (1) I went shopping every day last winter holiday. 

    2. (2) My sister went swimming yesterday afternoon. 
    3. (3) The dog took some pictures in the zoo. 

    4. (4) My mother ate lunch at home yesterday. 

  • 19. 写出下列单词的过去式或原形。
    1. (1) ride
    2. (2) went
    3. (3) hurt
    4. (4) could
    5. (5) fall    
    6. (6) am/is
    7. (7) watch
    8. (8) read
    9. (9) clean
    10. (10) play
  • 25. 选择合适的单词选项填空。

    A. on    B. in     C. at    D. with     E. about

    1. (1) I stayed home all weekend and slept.
    2. (2) It talked a lot of new films.
    3. (3) We drank tea the afternoon and watched TV.
    4. (4) I watched some children's shows TV.
    5. (5) Last weekend, the Wu family were not happy their room.
  • 36. 阅读短文,判断下面句子的正误。

        It was Sunday yesterday. Amy went to a nature park with her parents. There's a river in the park. So Amy went swimming with her father. Her mother took pictures for them. At about 11 o'clock, they ate some fresh food in a restaurant near the park. There's a big shop near the park, too. They saw some people in it. They bought some gifts.

    1. (1) Amy and her parents went to a park on Sunday.
    2. (2) Amy went camping with her father in the park.
    3. (3) Amy's mother took pictures yesterday.
    4. (4) Amy and her parents ate some fresh food at home.
    5. (5) Some people bought gifts in the shop.
  • 38. 从方框中选出合适的答句。

    A. I went there by bus.

    B. I went there last week.

    C. I went with my parents.

    D. I went to Hangzhou.

    E. We ate good food.

    1. (1) —What did you do on your holiday?

    2. (2) —Where did you go?

    3. (3) —Who did you go with?

    4. (4) —When did you go there?

    5. (5) —How did you go there?

