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更新时间:2021-04-07 浏览次数:108 类型:期中考试
  • 31. 找出各句的应答语。

    ⑴What happened?                                         A. It's six o'clock.

    ⑵What's in the bag?                                       B. I visited my aunt.

    ⑶Did you go to Shanghai last Monday?        C. There's a book in it.

    ⑷What time is it?                                            D. No, I didn't.

    ⑸What did you do yesterday?                        E. I fell off my bike.

  • 32. 读下列短文,选择正确答案。

       Today was hot. I went to the farm with my parents. There was a river near the farm. I went to the river with my dog. We ran and played. Suddenly I dropped(掉进)into the river, "Help , Help……" My dog jumped into the river and swam to me, Ten minutes later, I was saved(救). I was grateful to him. We are good friends.

    1. (1) It was very          .
      A . cold B . hot C . whindy
    2. (2) I went to the farm with my      .
      A . parents B . friends C . teacher
    3. (3) I ran and played with      .
      A . my cat B . my dog C . my sister
    4. (4)      jumped into the river and saved me.
      A . My dog B . My mother C . My father
    5. (5) I was very grateful to my     .
      A . mother B . friend C . dog

