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更新时间:2021-05-27 浏览次数:140 类型:期末考试
  • 21. 听对话,完成问题
    1. (1) —What's the weather like in London?

      —It's _______.

      A . warm B . rainy C . sunny
    2. (2) —What is Mum doing now?

      —She is _______.

      A . doing housework B . flying kites C . cooking cakes
  • 22. 听对话,完成问题
    1. (1) —How is Mike?

      —He is _______.

      A . fine B . angry C . tired
    2. (2) —When did Mike go to bed?

      —At _______.

      A . 11 o'clock B . 10 o'clock C . 9 o'clock
    3. (3) —When are they going cycling?

      — _______.

      A . This afternoon B . Next week C . This evening
  • 23. 根据发音规则,选择正确的选项。

    A. birthday   B. bike   C. table   D. crossing    E. house

    1. (1) Mike likes to ride a in the park.

    2. (2) The mouse is eating rice in the .

    3. (3) Today is Ann's thirteenth . She's so excited.

    4. (4) When children see the , they stop.

    5. (5) Look! The little dog is playing near the .

  • 24. 理解单词意思,选出与它们同类的单词。

    A. in front of   B. father   C. fatter   D. grape   E. green   F. third

    1. (1)       sister       brother
    2. (2)       pear       watermelon
    3. (3)       behind     between
    4. (4)       longer     stronger
    5. (5)       first       second
    6. (6)       red         yellow
  • 39. 读对话,选择正确的选项。

    A. That's good exercise!

    B. What's wrong?

    C. Don't be sad.

    D. How do you come to school?

    E. What are you going to do?

    Yifan: Hi, Mike!

    Mike: Hi, Yifan. You're early.

    Yifan: I often walk.


    Yifan: Thanks. Well, tomorrow is Saturday.

    Mike: I'm going to see a film about space travel with John. Would you like to join us?

    Yifan: I'd love to, but I can't.


    Yifan: My grandpa is ill in hospital. I'm going to see him with Robin.

    Mike: I'm sorry to hear that. Your grandpa will be fine soon. And we can go next time.

    Yifan: Thank you, Mike.

  • 40. 请选择句子,完成下面三则学校周末活动的海报。


    What would you like to do this weekend?

    Would you like to 1? You can

    come to our special BOOK FAIR in the library this weekend, April 11th一12th.

    You'll find lots of surprise!


    Are you good at painting? Would you like to2? Please come to our Painting Show!

    Date :Saturday, April 11th

    Place : Art Room


    Do you like doing fun sports? You can play

    A ball and 3 on our Fun Sports Day!

    Date: Sunday, April 12th

    Place :School Gym

    A . read interesting books B . do some kung fu C . see a nice film
    A . eat delicious food B . sing nice songs C . see beautiful pictures
    A . jump rope(绳) B . play the piano C . do word puzzles
  • 41. 校园周末活动吸引了许多人来参加,Mike在做引路志愿者。请根据对话选出路线位置

    Man: Excuse me, where's the library?

    Mike: Go straight. Turn right at the playground. Go straight again. Turn left at the second crossing. The library is on your left side,next to the garden.

    Man: Thank you so much!

    1. (1) How can the man get to the library?
      A . B . C .
    2. (2) Where is the library?
      A . B . C .
  • 42. 阅读下面的四段文字,完成选择。

    Book 1

    Ken is a fisherman. One day he goes fishing and finds a strange thing in his net. He wants to know what it can do. So he takes the thing home and finds out what the thing can do…

    Book 2

    Lucy is a writer. One day she meets a robot in the park. The robot asks Lucy to go with him. Lucy is very curious(好奇)about it. So She goes with the robot. What happens next?

    Book 3

    Alex is a brave police officer. One evening he sits near some men in a restaurant. The men want to rob a bank(抢银行)near the restaurant. Can Alex stop them?

    Book 4

    Carol is mad about football. She plays football every day. "Girls won't be a football player !" says her mom. But Carol works very hard on football and one day a coach sees her play…

    1. (1) Ken works ______________.
      A . at the sea B . at a factory C . at a restaurant
    2. (2) Alex meets ______________.
      A . a robot B . a football coach C . some bad people
    3. (3) Which is Book 2?
    4. (4) In Book 4, "Carol is mad about football. "Here" mad" means ______________.
      A . 讨厌 B . 着迷的 C . 兴奋的
    5. (5) If(如果) ______________, he/she will read four passages.
      A . a coach want to play football with robots B . a policeman likes going fishing very much C . a student wants to choose a book in a bookstore
  • 43. 你了解蝙蝠吗?请阅读以下材料,选择正确的选项。

    Many animals have viruses(病毒). These animals have strong immune systems(免疫系统), so they can live with the viruses and won't get ill. But when they bring(带来) the viruses to people, people will get ill. Let's have a look at bats!

    Bats have lots of viruses. Many of them can make people ill, like the novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒).

    There are over 1,300 kinds(种类) of bats in the world. Many of them live in the caves. These caves are also good places for viruses to live.

    Bats always live together. The viruses can jump from one bat to another, and become stronger. When they fly, their body temperature(温度) goes higher. It will kill(杀死)many viruses, so bats will not get ill. But there are still some viruses in their bodies. These viruses will hurt people.

    If people eat bats and get close to(接近)bats, the viruses will jump from bats to people. Sometimes the viruses can jump from bats to other animals. Eating and getting close to these animals is not safe.

    1. (1) According to this passage, bats ______________.
      A . have viruses B . can't live with virus C . can jump high
    2. (2) The viruses are afraid of __________.
      A . bats B . high temperature C . people
    3. (3) From the passage , we can infer(推断) ______________.
      A . if people eat bats, they will get ill B . bats won't bring virus to other bats C . virus will die in the caves
    4. (4) According to the passage, ______________.
      A . we can keep bats as our pets B . we can eat other wild animals C . we can't get close to bats
    5. (5) The passage(文章)is about ______________.
      A . animals in caves B . bats and viruses C . habits of bats
  • 44. 还记得 Yifan一家在酒店度过周末后写的评价信吗?你的酒店住宿经历如何?请根据表格完成两封评价信,再仿写自己的一封评价信。




    What was the hotel like?




    The room was old. The lamp was too small. The hamburgers were cold and tasted bad…


    summer holiday


    The room was big and nice. The food was … The computer …





    Dear sir ,

    Our at your hotel was bad.

    The room was old. The lamp was too .

    I'm sorry, but we didn't enjoy our stay very much.

    Yifan and family


    Dear sir,

    Our summer holiday at your hotel was .

    The room was .

    We enjoyed our stay very much. Bob and family


    Dear sir,

    Our … at your hotel was …

    Jim and family

