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更新时间:2022-02-27 浏览次数:71 类型:期末考试
  • 17. 从方框中选择与图片相应的单词。

    polite         Wednesday          dance       eat         between

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 18. 读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词。
    1. (1)
      A . watch B . kind C . strict
    2. (2)
      A . draw B . fresh C . sing
    3. (3)
      A . hamburger B . clock C . sandwich
    4. (4)
      A . Saturday B . Sunday C . above
    5. (5)
      A . delicious B . river C . lake
  • 24. 读一读,根据A栏的句子在B栏中找到合适的答应语。

    A                                                       B

    ⑴Where is the ball?                                         A. Yes, I can.

    ⑵Are there any buildings in the park?            B. No, I don't.

    ⑶What's your favourite food?                        C. It's behind the dog.

    ⑷Can you play the pipa?                                D. Beef noodles.

    ⑸Do you often play sports?                           E. No, there aren't.

  • 25. 从方框中选择正确的句子,补全下面的对话。

    A. He can do some kung fu.

    B. What's he like?

    C. Who's that man?

    D. I can help you.

    E. No, I can't.

    John: Hi, Mike.

    Mike: He's my PE teacher, Mr zhang.


    Mike: He's funny.

    John: Cool, what can he do?

    Mike: Can you do any kung fu, John?


    Oliver: No problem.

  • 26. 阅读下面对话,根据对话内容,判断正误。

    My name is Lily. I'm a girl. My favourite day is Tuesday, because we have PE and Chinese on Tuesdays. I like Chinese very much. Miss Wang is my Chinese teacher. She is kind and funny. My favourite food is salad. It's healthy and delicious. On Saturdays, I often do homework and play ping-pong. Sometimes I visit my grandparents on Sunday. My grandparents' house is in the village. It's small but very nice. There is a river in front of the house. There are some pear trees and orange trees behind the house. I can eat pears and oranges. They are fresh and sweet.

    1. (1) Lily's favourite day is Thursday.
    2. (2) Miss Wang is kind and funny.
    3. (3) Lily often does homework and plays ping-pong on Saturdays.
    4. (4) There are some pear trees and orange trees in front of the house.
    5. (5) Lily's English teacher is Miss Wang.

