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更新时间:2021-03-23 浏览次数:132 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 判断下面每组单词中划线字母读音是否一致。
    1. (1) A. was    B. happy
    2. (2) A. well    B. begin
    3. (3) A. live    B. will
    4. (4) A. who    B. no
    5. (5) A. music    B. future
  • 2. 根据下面的图画内容,选择和其意义一致的句子。

    A. Peter visited a friend last week.

    B. Ken is writing a letter to his cousin.

    C. Ann can play the piano.

    D. Look! lt is a great concert.

    E. The robot can go shopping in the future.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 3. 从方框中选择适当的单词补全句子,使句子意思通顺、完整。(每个单词限用一次)

    at,in,to,by, for

    1. (1) Lucy went to London with her parents plane.
    2. (2) Jim often plays football the afternoon.
    3. (3) Mocky will play the drums us.
    4. (4) There will be robots home.
    5. (5) Welcome our school!
  • 9. 从方框中选择适当的句子填空,把对话补充完整。
    A. Were you happy at the party?
    B. Did you go there by bus?
    C. Where were you?
    D. When did you come back home?
    E. What did you do there?

    — Hello! Lucy.

    — Hello! Peter. You didn't go to school yesterday.

    — I was at my Uncle's home.

    —We had a birthday party for my aunt. It was her birthday yesterday.

    —No, I went there in my father's car.

    —Yes, we were very happy.

    —At about six o'clock in the afternoon.

  • 10. 先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。

    Last Friday, Ann had a trip with her friends. They1there by bike at 7:30. After an2, they got to the zoo. They saw(看) pandas, tigers, elephants and monkeys. They were very happy and they took3photos. At 11:30, they began(开始) to make sandwiches and they had their4in the zoo at 12:00. At about 14:00, they went to the lake to go5. They went home at 5:00 in the afternoon.

    A . go B . going C . went
    A . day B . hour C . week
    A . a lot B . lot of C . a lot of
    A . breakfast B . lunch C . class
    A . fishing B . shopping C . home
  • 11. 阅读理解

    The Future Farm

    Welcome to our future farm. In the future, we will have about 500 robots on the farm. They will do everything for us. They will feed the animals, take care of the sick animals, clean the farm houses and water the vegetables. They will also work in the farm restaurant. They will cook for the visitors, wash the dishes, clean the tables, and they can also show the visitors around. The best thing is, they don't eat or sleep, and they will never feel tired. Isn't this wonderful?

    1. (1) There will be 500 ______ on the farm.
      A . animals B . robots C . restaurants
    2. (2) The robots will ______.
      A . clean houses B . water the flowers C . go shopping
    3. (3) The robots will not ______.
      A . cook B . study C . clean the tables
    4. (4) The robots will ______ feel tired.
      A . never B . often C . sometimes
    5. (5) There will be many ______ on the farm.
      A . doctors B . visitors C . drivers
  • 12. 假如你叫Wang Li,请根据下列提示词写出一段文字,谈一谈你昨天的学习和生活。

    got up at, had breakfast at, went to school by had…classes, morning, lunch, afternoon, played…, went home at, had dinner, did homework, …, went to bed …

    Hello! l'm WangLi. I was very busy yesterday. I got up

