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外研版(三起点)小学英语四年级下册Module 8 过关检测...

更新时间:2021-05-08 浏览次数:83 类型:单元试卷
  • 7. 听录音,选出所缺短语。

    A. sang songs             B. drank some drinks        C. saw some birds

    D. ate some apples         E. had a busy day

    1. (1) You yesterday.
    2. (2) He last Sunday.
    3. (3) I yesterday.
    4. (4) The monkey yesterday.
    5. (5) We last Wednesday.
  • 18. 选择合适的单词,并用其正确的形式填空。

    eat  make  take  tell  beautiful

    1. (1) I some pictures about my birthday last Sunday.
    2. (2) The birds sang .
    3. (3) We some bananas yesterday.
    4. (4) He a poster now.
    5. (5) me about your holiday.
  • 29. 上周六,彼得一家人都过得很充实。星期一英语课上,老师让大家分享一下自己及家人是如何度过周六的。如果你是彼得,下边是一张你制作的海报,快来给大家分享一下你们一家的快乐周六吧!

    (参考词汇:play basketball, go shopping, listen to music, watch TV, do one's homework)

    1. (1) My father and I last Saturday.
    2. (2) My mother last Saturday.
    3. (3) My big sister last Saturday.
    4. (4) My little sister last Saturday.
    5. (5) My big brother last Saturday.
十、根据图片, 判断句子是否正确。
  • 40. 快乐分享,判断下列句子正误。

    Last Sunday was a holiday. It was sunny. My friends and I went to the park by bus. We saw some children. They played games. We played games too. We saw some birds. They sang beautifully, and we sang some songs too. We had a picnic under a tree. We ate and drank. Then we walked in the park. We had a good time.

    1. (1) It was sunny last Sunday.
    2. (2) They went to the park by bike.
    3. (3) They saw some children singing and dancing in the park.
    4. (4) They played games under a tree.
    5. (5) They had a good time last Sunday.

