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更新时间:2021-02-20 浏览次数:106 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 选出不同类的单词
    1. (1)
      A . amazing B . university C . jasmine
    2. (2)
      A . hobby B . reporter C . scientist
    3. (3)
      A . factory B . school C . use
    4. (4)
      A . join B . share C . pilot
    5. (5)
      A . she B . his C . they
三、看图片,补全句子。( 10分)
五、阅读理解。( 10分)
  • 22. 阅读理解

    Hello! I'm Li Ming. l like playing basketball and Yao Ming is my favorite player. I want to be a basketball player. I'm in our school basketball club. I go there by bike on Sundays. I like playing basketball with my partners. I have a good pen pal. His name is John and he lives in Australia. He is good at basketball. He also likes going hiking. We often talk about basketball in English together. I can learn English from him. I hope he will come to China and we can play a basketball game together one day.

    1. (1) Li Ming likes going hiking. (判断正误)
    2. (2) John is good basketball.(填空)
    3. (3) How does Li Ming go to the club?(回答问题)
    4. (4) What does Li Ming want to be?(回答问题)
    5. (5) 翻译文中画线部分句子

