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更新时间:2021-03-17 浏览次数:226 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 根据图片和首字母提示填空,补全短文。


    Sara is a teacher. She t __English at Happy Primary School. She goes to school by u . She likes helping pupils to study English. English is so e  to them now. She likes reading books. At the weekend, she cleans her b . She enjoys her j and life.

  • 17. 选择正确的句子补全对话。

    A. I live in Sun Garden, on Green Road.

    B. Are there any other shops around?

    C. Would you like to come and see it?

    D. Then walk straight and you can see Sun Garden on your right.

    E. There's a toy shop near the bus stop.

    Paul: Hello, this is Paul.

    Joe: Hi, Paul. This is Joe, I have a new model car.

    Paul: That's great. Where do you live?


    You can come by bus and get off at Peace Street. Then go along Peace Street.

    Paul: OK. I can go by bus and get off at Peace Street. There's a toy shop near the bus stop. Then I can go along Peace Street.

    Joe: No. But there's a hospital. Turn left at Green Road.

    Paul: All right. See you soon.

  • 18. 阅读短文,按要求完成任务。


    Go outside quickly. Never use a lift(电梯). Walk down the stairs.

    ■Never stop for toys or clothes. Leave all your things in the room.

    ■If it is all smoky, cover your mouth and nose by towel. Crawl out very fast.

    ■Follow the fire exit(安全出口) signs.

    ■Don't go back into a burning building.

    1. (1) When we see a fire, we must call _______________.
      A . 119 B . 120 C . 110
    2. (2) When there is a fire, we mustn't use _______________.
      A . stairs B . a lift C . a towel
    3. (3) When there is a fire, we must _______________.
      A . leave all things B . take our toys C . take our clothes
    4. (4) When there is a fire, we mustn't _______________.
      A . go back into the burning building B . follow the fire exit signs C . go outside quickly
    5. (5) 请将划线句子翻译为中文。
  • 19. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    It's seven o' clock in the evening. Mum is in the bathroom. She is washing the clothes for Peter and me. She cares(关心) for her children. She is always busy. Dad and Peter are in the kitchen. They are washing fruits. They care for Mum so much. They usually help her do some housework. My family life is busy but sweet, because we care for each other. And we love each other. In my eyes, love makes sweet family life. I love my sweet family!

    1. (1) Mum is washing the clothes in the bathroom.
    2. (2) Dad and Peter are washing vegetables in the kitchen.
    3. (3) We care for each other in my family.
    4. (4) There are five people in my family.
    5. (5) Love makes sweet family life.
  • 20. 认真观察图片,请根据问题提示,以On holiday为题写一篇短文,至少写五句话。

    Where are the Wangs?

    How's the weather?

    What are they doing?

    Do they have a good time?

    On holiday

