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更新时间:2021-11-24 浏览次数:143 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 理解单词意思,选出与它们同类的单词。

    A. take a trip   B. in front of   C. ship   D. dictionary   E. today

    1. (1) near   beside
    2. (2) taxi    boat
    3. (3) have a lesson   go shopping
    4. (4) this week   tomorrow
    5. (5) storybook    newspaper
  • 21. 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话。

    A. Have a good time!

    B. No, my dad will drive the car.

    C. Who are you going with?

    D. What are you going to do there?

    E. We are going to Beijing.

    Amy: Hi, Tom. Where are you going on your holiday?


    Amy: Wow!

    Tom: I'm going with my mom, my dad, and my sister.


    Tom: I'm going to visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum.

    Amy: Great! Are you going there by plane?


    Amy: Cool!

    Tom: Thank you.

  • 22. 按要求完成下列各题。

    Lily is asking a policeman for help.

    Lily: Excuse me. Where is the bookstore, please?

    Policeman: It's next to the restaurant.

    Lily: Is it far from here?

    Policeman: Yes.

    Lily: How can I get there?

    Policeman: First, go straight. Turn right at the supermarket. Then go straight again for twenty minutes. The bookstore is on the left.

    Lily: Thank you very much!

    Policeman: You are welcome.

    1. (1) 根据对话内容画线路。

    2. (2) Lily turns left at the post office. The ____________________ is on her right.
      A . cinema B . supermarket C . park
    3. (3) Lily turns right at the zoo. She goes straight, and then turns left at the cinema. The ____________________ is on her right.
      A . hospital B . museum C . bookstore
  • 23. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。

    Tomorrow is Sunday. Wang Jie isn't going to school, but he is going to get up early. In the morning, he is going to visit a science museum. The subway station is not far, so he's going to take subway Line 2 there. On the way to the stadium, he's going to have lunch in McDonald's. In the afternoon, he is going to play football with his friends at the stadium. It has a large football field and lots of 'seats (座位) . They can watch football match, too. At about 3:30, he is going home to do homework. Then he is going to cook dinner for his mother and father. He's going to clean his bedroom in the evening. What a busy plan!

    1. (1) Wang Jie is going to get up early, because ____________________.
      A . he's going to school B . he's going to play football C . he is going to have a busy Sunday
    2. (2) Wang Jie is going to the science museum ____________________.
      A . on foot B . by subway C . by bike
    3. (3) Wang Jie is going to have lunch ____________________.
      A . in the museum B . at the stadium C . in McDonald's
    4. (4) The underline word "stadium" means ____________________.
      A . 学校 B . 体育馆 C . 广场
    5. (5) What is he going to do after finishing his homework?
      A . He is going to clean his bedroom. B . He is going to watch football match. C . He's going to cook dinner for his parents.
  • 24. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Different countries have different traffic punishment (交通处罚), and some of them are very interesting.

    In Germany, if (如果) the driver breaks (违反) the traffic rules, he has to walk back home. In Indonesia, if the driver breaks the traffic rules, he will get a fine (罚款)first. Then he must cut his hair. In Colombia, if a driver breaks the traffic rules, he has to see lots of movies about traffic accidents(事故). In the USA, the driver will be a nurse if he breaks the traffic rules. He has to look after the wounded in the hospital. In Brazil, the driver will go to the school to play games with children.

    1. (1) The Germany driver has to take a bus home if he breaks the traffic rules.
    2. (2) The driver has to cut his hair if he breaks the traffic rules in Indonesia.
    3. (3) In Colombia, the driver who breaks the traffic rules has to see funny movies.
    4. (4) If a driver breaks the traffic rules, he has to be a nurse in New York.
    5. (5) The driver who breaks the rules will be a teacher in Brazil.
  • 25. 请根据图片信息帮他们补全周末计划,并仿写你的周末计划,至少仿写三句话。注意书写规范哦!


    Li Ming and Lucy

    Li Lei

    play football

    read books

    see a film

    do homework


    play the violin


    clean my room

    Tim: I like sports very much. I am going to this Saturday afternoon.

    Li Ming: On Sunday morning, I am going to the library with . We're going to read books together. In the afternoon, we're going to see a film.

    Li lei: I do homework at home this Saturday. On Sunday, I will have a violin class. I'm going to play the violin in the morning and clean my room in the .

    About you:

    The weekend is coming.

