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更新时间:2021-11-05 浏览次数:91 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同。
    1. (1) stop        post
    2. (2) left         helmet
    3. (3) trip        ship
    4. (4) sled       museum
    5. (5) ask       attention
    6. (6) taxi         traffic
  • 11. 选出正确的答语。

    A. No, I'm going to watch TV.

    B. I'm going to read books.

    C. By bike.

    D. It's in front of the bookstore.

    E. We must stop!

    1. (1) —Where is the post office?

    2. (2) —How does your father go to work?

    3. (3) —The traffic light is red now.

    4. (4) —What are you going to do tomorrow?

    5. (5) —Are you going to draw pictures tonight?

  • 21. 阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符。
    Dear Amy,

    How are you? The holiday is coming. I am going to visit Kunming with my mom and dad. It's known as "Spring City". We are going there by plane. I'm going to see folk dances (民族舞路), I'm also going to buy some folk clothes there. We'll have a good time!

    Tell me about your holiday, please.

    Yours, Lily

    1. (1) This letter (信) is from Lily to Amy.
    2. (2) Lily going to visit Kunming this weekend.
    3. (3) Lily is going to Kunming by plane.
    4. (4) Lily is going to see a folk film.
    5. (5) Lily and Amy are going to visit Kunming this summer holiday.

