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更新时间:2021-11-24 浏览次数:78 类型:期中考试
一、Copy the small letters.(抄写下列小写字母。)
二、Read and count.(读一读,写数量。)
三、Read and match.(读一读,连一连。)
  • 3. 读一读,连一连

    ⑴I see a white bag.      A.

    ⑵Goodbye!        B.

    ⑶This is Miss Green.   C.

    ⑷Let's go to school!     D.

    ⑸Colour it black!      E.

    ⑹Hello! I'm John.      F.

四、Read and order.(读一读,排出对话顺序。)
  • 4. 读一读,排出对话顺序。

    Mr Jones和 Miss Green第一次见面,让我们帮助他们认识吧!

        1   Hello, Mr Jones! How are you?

    I'm fine. Thank you.

    Nice to meet you, Miss Green.

    Nice to meet you, too.

    This is Miss Green.

五、Read and match.(图文连线。)
  • 5. 图文连线

      A. What is it? It is my bag. It is green.

      B. Open your bag. It is my book. It is blue.

    C. What is it? It is my pencil box. It is red.

    D. Open your pencil box. What is it? It is my pen. It is blue.

      E. What is it? It is a crayon. It is red.

