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更新时间:2021-10-28 浏览次数:174 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Undiscovered Countries to Visit

    A world traveller who has visited every country under the sun thinks these unknown nations are worthy of a visit.


    Nauru is the smallest island country and the least-visited country in the world, with only 130 visitors in 2018. There are just two hotels on the island and driving a car on your own is the best way to get around. Visit Anibare Bay for white sandy beaches. A tourist visa is necessary and must be got by mail before you go there.


    Tuvalu is made up of nine islands. Just 800 people visited Tuvalu in 2018, so there are no tour guides. It's helpful that most locals speak English and all signs are in English. Go to the Funafuti Conservation Area for swimming and watching all kinds of fish. A tourist visa is necessary but can be got on arrival in Tuvalu.

    Equatorial Guinea

    On Africa's west coast, Equatorial Guinea is home to the Congo rainforest, the second largest rainforest in the world with varieties of wildlife. It received 2,400 visitors in 2018. Tour guides are offered but not necessary. Explore the capital city, Malabo. Later, take a swim in clear waters on blacks and beaches. For stays of fewer than 90 days, a tourist visa is not needed.


    Central Asia's Turkmenistan is on the Silk Road. It's also the least explored, receiving just 7,000 visitors in 2018. Explore the white buildings with gold-painted roofs in the capital city, Ashgabat A tourist via is necessary and it's one of the more challenging to get, so you must enter Turkmenistan part of a guided tour. The tour operator will secure a visa for you.

    1. (1) What do visitors have to do before going to Nauru?
      A . Get their tourist visas. B . Order a car on the island. C . Buy beautiful swimsuits. D . Book a hotel ahead of time.
    2. (2) What is special about Equatorial Guinea?
      A . It is made up of many islands. B . There are white breaches there. C . A tourist visa is not needed at all. D . It is rich in trees and different wildlife.
    3. (3) Where do visitors have to travel with tour guides?
      A . Nauru. B . Tuvalu. C . Turkmenistan. D . Equatorial Guinea.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Seni Felic has already lived through a crisis. He came to America in 1994, escaping from the war in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He was 29 years old at the time and alone.

    These days, he owns a restaurant in San Francisco called Bistro SF Grill, and he is feeling optimistic despite the crisis. "We're going to pull together, and it will have a strong effect on solving any problem," he told Reader's Digest.

    With that attitude in mind, he posted this on Next door: "We are inviting all to stop by Bistro SF Grill at 1305 Castro St. to buy a lunch or dinner box beginning Tuesday, March 17, beginning at noon and every day after. Price is only $5.50 and it covers our expenses," he wrote.

    Bistro SF Grill will be offering three different meals: chicken, rice and vegetables; fish, rice and vegetables; and pork, rice and vegetables. All are healthy. The menu will change weekly.

    "A lot of seniors, families, and people who don't know how to cook are in need of fresh, high-quality food daily," Felic said. "I've seen much worse than this—groups of people with guns, and people killed. I was hungry for three years. Under these conditions, food is necessary. Our idea was: Let's try to help. We'd like to give for free, but we can't afford it."

    The restaurant started a GoFundMe page to further lower the cost of the meals. So far, neighbors have pitched in almost $2,000.

    He believes that working together and helping others will be the key to helping us—all of us—get through this. "The spread of COVID-19 will be controlled, and I just feel optimistic," he added. "When people come together, I think we can get through any hard time."

    1. (1) Why did Seni Felic post a message on Next door?
      A . To provide free food. B . To sell a cheap lunch. C . To make more money. D . To sell his restaurant.
    2. (2) What do we know about Seni Felic?
      A . He used to suffer from hunger. B . He started his restaurant in 1994. C . He will always offer three different meals. D . He was almost killed by people with guns.
    3. (3) What does the underlined phrase "pitched in" in paragraph 6 mean?
      A . Dealt with. B . Focused on C . Borrowed. D . Contributed to.
    4. (4) What does Seni Felic think is the most helpful to get through the hard time?
      A . Equality. B . Freedom. C . Unity. D . Bravery.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Every year, many people in South America celebrate Carnival. It is a time of music and dancing. The party ends before the Christian celebration of Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday has a very different felling than Carnival. It is meant to be a day of prayer, sadness and asking for forgiveness. There are also some other idioms about the word "ash"—the gray or black matter left after a fire.

    In American English, guilt or sadness is often expressed by ashes. For example, if you are feeling really bad about something you did, you might say you are wearing "sack-cloth and ashes".

    The word "sackcloth" refers to a kind of clothing that feels rough on the skin. It was sometimes made of goat hair. Wearing something made of sackcloth was a sign that a person was trying to punish himself. Let's say you forgot that you invited your dear friend to a special birthday date. Your beloved waited for you, for hours, crying, in the rain. Much later, you sit up in bed and remember your missed date. You call your partner at once and say that you are so sorry. You promise to wear "sackcloth and ashes" for the rest of the month.

    Of course, you do not really have to put on a shirt made of animal hair. But you could show you are sorry in a different way. Maybe you cook your partner dinner every night for a week, or buy a meaningful gift.

    Saying something nice when you are angry can be difficult. The sweet words might "turn to ashes" in your mouth. In fact, as an expression, anything can "turn to ashes". A hopeful feeling, a relationship—maybe even your job if your co-worker keeps complaining about you—all can dry up and disappear.

    Fortunately, most things can also "rise from the ashes". In other words, what was thought to be dead or destroyed can return to life, often in a new and better way.

    1. (1) How do people in south America feel during Ash Wednesday?
      A . Happy. B . Thankful. C . Heavy-hearted. D . Excited.
    2. (2) What do you want to do if you promise to wear "sackcloth and ashes"?
      A . Keep your words. B . Makeup for your mistake. C . Thank someone for his help. D . Punish someone for his faults.
    3. (3) Which of the following has a positive meaning in the text?
      A . Turn to ashes. B . Rise from the ashes. C . Spend Ash Wednesday. D . Wear sackcloth and ashes.
    4. (4) What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
      A . To introduce some idioms. B . To compare two famous festivals. C . To encourage people to learn English. D . To recommend a learning program.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Red pandas are native to the high forests of Asia. They are only a little bigger than a house cat and considered to be endangered. Scientists reported last month that not all red pandas belong to the same species. There are two different species of this animal, not just one, a study found.

    The scientists reported finding major differences in three genetic markers between Chinese red pandas and Himalayan red pandas. Scientists identified the markers after studying DNA from 65 of the creatures. DNA carries genetic information for the development, growth and reproduction of living things.

    Recording the existence of two separate species could help guide efforts for protecting red pandas, scientists added. "Chinese red pandas live in northern Myanmar, as well as southeastern Tibet, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces in China. Himalayan red pandas are native to Nepal, India, Bhutan and southern Tibet in China," the researchers said.

    Researchers Yibo Hu and Fuwen Wei led the study. Their findings appeared in the magazine Science Advances.

    Scientists had earlier suggested there were two species of red panda. But the new study was the first to provide the genetic information necessary to allow such a judgment. International experts guess a total population of around 10,000 red pandas in the wild. The two species differ in color and skull shape. The Himalayan red panda is the less of the two.

    Major threat stored pandas include deforestation and habitat loss. While they have similar names, red pandas and giant pandas are not closely related. Giant pandas are one of the world's eight bear species. Red pandas are sometimes called living fossils because they have no close living relatives. They are the only remaining member of their mammalian family.

    1. (1) What played a key role in telling the two kinds of red pandas apart?
      A . Life habits. B . Body sizes. C . Living places. D . High technology.
    2. (2) What do we know about the research result?
      A . It proved a nearly guess. B . It figured out the number of red pandas. C . It found two similar species of red panda. D . It proved one species of red pandas was endangered.
    3. (3) What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
      A . The red panda's habitat needs changing. B . Red pandas and pandas have little in common. C . Red pandas are one of the world's bear species. D . Red pandas are less than pandas in number.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . Red Pandas Are Mistaken for Giant Pandas B . Red Pandas Are Becoming Endangered C . Red Pandas Have Actually Two Different Species D . Red Pandas Are More Precious than Giant Pandas
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Nicest Things CEOs Have Done for Their Workers

    The boss that sends birthday cards to all 8,000 of his workers.

    For over 30 years, CEO Sheldon Yell on has sent birthday cards to each of his 8,000 workers at Belfor Property Restoration.  It is also seen as a way to strengthen confidence in the workplace. "These people have worked very hard for this company and my dream."

    The boss that saved his workers' life.

    Car salesman Mike Bell was looking a little worse for the wear one day, so his manager, Gus Rodriguez, told him to take a sick day and go to a doctor.  As Bell was making his way to the hospital for an X-ray, he fell down and was rushed into open-heart operation to repair a hole in his heart.

    Workers at SteelHouse are paid each year to take a vacation. As a result, fewer and fewer workers want to leave the company. Workers are more active and productive in the office after the holiday. SteelHouse CEO Mark Douglas has created this holiday principle.

    The boss that praises workers' acts of kindness.

    Daniel Lubetsky, founder and CEO of the food company KIND, is always wing to spread kindness and pity. But in order to truly practice what he encouraged, Lubetsky started the "Kindos" project.  Workers also praise anyone they see doing something they believe is generous.

    A. He sees it as a sign of thanks.

    B. The boss that favors travelling around the world.

    C. The boss that pays his workers to take vacations.

    D. He often encourages his workers to do their best for the company.

    E. It encourages any kind worker to recognize a workmate's act of kindness.

    F. It turned out that the small piece of advice would end up saving his workers' life.

    G. He was encouraged by what he saw in workplaces that encouraged people to take vacations.

  • 6. 完形填空

    We have, like in many more countries, refugees (难民) in our country. Through the years I have tried to 1 without pay by teaching women our country's language as one of their 2. They have to learn the language, and also our culture, for example, what to say when they have to go to the doctor.

    Only by learning the language will they be able to 3 our society. Once a year, just before Christmas break, all the women from different countries make delicious food which are 4 for us all together.

    Problems with the kids 5 happen due to being in a 6 country with a different culture and another 7. The women often miss their homes very much and feel 8, because they have to get used to this life as 9 as possible. I have seen the 10 and pain in their eyes. It is so good to give some comfort (安慰) in one way or another, even just to be there for them. And it is really 11 when you make friends.

    They and many more new people are trying to 12 up their new homes in this new country. Will we be able to get them out of 13, for every one? And nowadays, though at times their lives look almost broken, I 14 it won't always. Because wherever we 15, we are together, as we are citizens of the world.

    A . continue B . escape C . help D . explain
    A . jobs B . tools C . tests D . signs
    A . join in B . dig out C . depend on D . go through
    A . served B . judged C . organized D . rewarded
    A . peacefully B . mostly C . finally D . personally
    A . mean B . cruel C . rich D . different
    A . lifestyle B . accent C . attitude D . disaster
    A . moved B . determined C . worried D . excited
    A . carefully B . quickly C . hurriedly D . smoothly
    A . matter B . happiness C . support D . fear
    A . surprising B . legal C . great D . generous
    A . set B . burn C . give D . make
    A . order B . trouble C . luck D . pleasure
    A . prove B . doubt C . dream D . believe
    A . study B . meet C . go D . travel
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    In the middle of this hot weather, our landlord has ordered our balconies (阳台) (tiny as they are) to be built again. The workers, though kind and willing,  (be) not really organized though, jumping from one balcony to next. Right now four balconies out of six (rebuild) at the same time.

    To be honest, I had to talk to (I) several times already not to complain about this, and today one of my  (neighbor), an 80-year-old lady, started complaining—first to me, then to one of the workers.

    I am glad I was able to listen to her without  (start) to complain myself or ignoring her problems. At the beginning I thought, well, she  (usual) is at home all the time, while I have to do other things and reschedule them. But luckily I could understand that the uncertainty for her seems to be almost unbearable, and that her quiet day is being broken,  probably is terrible.

    Not too long ago, I may have not spared the time  (try) to see it through her eyes. I'm glad I am getting better at this. Thanks  this little experience, it is teaching me to behave and warns me that it is important and worth every little effort to grow in this area.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,计划在下个月与父母一起去英国伦敦旅游。请给你的英国朋友Martha写封邮件,内容包括:






  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    We first saw the lost dog on a beach on Mahé, an island in the Seychelles, Africa. My kids, then six and eight, were building sandcastles, when he got closed and watched them. The next day he appeared on the entrance of our holiday cottage.

    My husband Farid and I thought he was looking for food, but soon realized he just wanted company. He was shy, about three years old, with orange, fox-like fur, big eyes and a longnose. We called him Chell and after five or six days of him hanging about nearby, we became friends.

    We posted a message online: was there somewhere that could take him in? Finally, we met Olga, a 19-year-old local with five lost dogs and a heart of gold, who agreed to take him in. Chell had only been w thus a week, but when Olga arrived and tried to move him from our cottage to her car, he refused, making himself heavy. Eventually we managed it and watched sadly as they drove off.

    "Will we ever see Chell again?" my elder daughter asked, crying." I guess not," I said, not wanting to sugarcoat it. But months later, Olga phoned us to says he was moving abroad to study and would we like to take in Chell ourselves?

    Of course, we took Chell home. It was cod, unlike the hot Seychelles, and he was afraid of most things: climbing the sirs, our other dog Kerstin (an ill-tempered female border terrier)—he even seemed afraid of himself He'd start to play, then stop suddenly, the rush of happy emotions frightening him. This was perhaps the most heartbreaking of all: a dog who couldn't play.




    Months later, the weather turned cold and we let Chell into the yard to see his first snow.


    At that moment I realized he was going to be OK.

