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更新时间:2021-11-05 浏览次数:88 类型:月考试卷
  • 21. 听朗读,在横线上填单词,完成短文完整。

    It's  today. I  go to school. I am  the floor now. Mom is  the clothes. Dad is  the car.  about Jenny? She is cleaning the . Is Ben ? No, he is homework. We are .

  • 23. 听朗读,判断对错。
    1. (1) Lucy is nine.
    2. (2) Tom often plays with Lucy.
    3. (3) They like to play baseball.
    4. (4) They play table tennis on Sunday.
    5. (5) They play basketball on Saturday.
  • 24. 选词填空

    A. May       B. to       C. Open       D. Close      E. like

    F. want        G. cleaning     H. dry     I. wash    J. for

    1. (1) It's time lunch.
    2. (2) Your hands are not clean, please them.
    3. (3) I help my mother the clothes.
    4. (4) I speak to John, please?
    5. (5) Tony wants play the piano.
    6. (6) your eyes, please.
    7. (7) the door, please! Don't open it.
    8. (8) Do you P.E.? Yes, I do.
    9. (9) Does Gogo to play tennis? No, he doesn't.
    10. (10) Tom is the windows.
九、用is, am, are和do, does 的正确形式填空。(7分)
  • 55. 根据上下文,在横线上填单词,完成对话。

    A. What is it?

    B. It's Monday.

    A. you go to school on Monday?

    B. Yes, I .

    A. do you finish school (放学)?

    B. At 4 p.m..

    A. Do you basketball after school?

    B. No, I . I play guitar.

    A. It's 6 o'clock now. My mother is dinner for me.

    It's time have dinner.

    B.OK. Goodbye.

  • 56. 阅读短文,判断对错。

    Hi! My name is Lisa. I am ten. Today's my birthday. It's Sunday today. I don't go to school. Look! My mother is cooking lunch. My father is dusting the table. I am doing my homework. In the evening, I can eat the birthday cake with them. I have a good time.

    1. (1) Lisa's birthday is on Sunday.
    2. (2) Lisa doesn't go to school every day.
    3. (3) Lisa's mother is dusting the table.
    4. (4) Lisa can eat the cake with her father and mother tonight.
    5. (5) Lisa is happy.

