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更新时间:2021-01-08 浏览次数:117 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. 读一读,补全对话

    A. I'm looking at the stars.

    B. What do you like doing at night?

    C. Would you like to come with us?

    D. How about you?

    E. Do you like listening to music, Jack

    Tim: Jack,

    Jack: I like playing games in my garden.

    Tim: What are you doing now?


    Tim: Sure.

    Jack: Yes, I do.

    Tim: Me too. We can watch the stars and listen to music together.

  • 2. 从方框中选出恰当的一项完成对话

    A. How do you use water?

    B. How do farmers use water?

    C. How are you?

    D. What are you doing?

    E. What do you know about water?

    Tom: Hello, Jim!

    Jim: I'm fine, thank you.

    Tom: I'm reading a book about water.


    Tom: I know it comes from the rain.


    Tom: I often use water to clean the floor, wash hands and clothes.


    Tom: They often use it to grow crops.

    Jim: Oh, water is very useful.

  • 3. 读一读,选择合适的句子补全对话。

    A. You can see the bus stop on your left.

    B. Where is the bus stop?

    C. It is far from here.

    D. How can I get there?

    E. It's in People's Square.

    Leo: Excuse me. I am new here. Would you please tell me where Shanghai Museum is?

    Man: Let me see.


    Man You'd better take a bus or the underground to get there.


    Man: Walk straight and turn right at the first crossing (十字路口).

    Leo: Thank you so much.

    Man: You're welcome.

  • 4. 问答配对。

    A. I usually go shopping with her.

    B. I'm in the living room.

    C. I come to school on foot.

    D. It's on 1st May.

    E. No. We're in different classes.

    1. (1) —Are you in the same class?

    2. (2) —What do you usually do with your grandma?

    3. (3) —How do you come to school?

    4. (4) —Where are you?

    5. (5) —When's your birthday?  

  • 5. 从所给出的句子中选出合适的选项完成对话。

    A. What is the book about?

    B. What are you doing?

    C. How's the wind?

    D. How do people use the wind?

    E. Why is there wind around us?

    Kitty: Hello, Alice.

    Alice: Hello, Kitty.


    Alice: I'm reading a book.


    Alice: It's about the wind.


    Alice: The wind is useful.


    Alice: Because the air moves from one place to another place.


    Alice: People use the wind to make electricity (电).

  • 6. 补全对话

    A. Is he cooking dinner?

    B. He is washing the dishes.

    C. Where is my Dad?

    D. She is in her bedroom.
    E.What is she doing?

    Sam: Good afternoon, Mum.

    Mum: Good afternoon, Sam.


    Mum: He's in the kitchen.


    Mum: No, he isn't.

    Sam: Where's my sister? Is she in the kitchen, too?

    Mum: No, she isn't.


    Mum: She's reading a book.

  • 7. 读一读,补全对话

    A. What do you want to be?

    B. What subject do you want to teach?

    C. Do you want to be a doctor?

    D. I'm good at singing and dancing.

    E. They help people.

    Jerry: Hi, Linda. What do your parents do on Sunday?

    Linda: They go to work on Sunday. They are doctors.


    Linda: No, I don't.


    Linda: I want to be a teacher. I want to teach children.


    Linda: I want to teach Music. I like Music.

  • 8. 从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。

    A. What is your Grandpa doing? 

    B. Is your mother cooking?

    C. Are you having a good time in Sanya?

    D. She is painting a picture.

    E. I'm in the living room.

    Dad: Hi, is that Betty?

    Betty: Yes, it's me,Dad. How's your holiday? 

    Dad: Yes, I am. I am at the beach now. Where are you, Betty?



    Betty: Yes, she is cooking dinner in the kitchen.


    Betty: He is reading a book.

    Dad: How about your Grandma? What is she doing?

    Betty: She's good at painting.

  • 9. 从方框内选择恰当的句子,补全对话。

    A. Yes, but not every day.

    B. My father is a doctor.

    C. What does your father do?

    D. Yes, he's so busy every day.

    E. He goes to work by bus.

    Peter: Bob.

    Bob: He's a fireman. He puts out fires every day. He's brave.

    Peter: How does he go to work?

    Bob: He works at the fire station.

    Peter: Does he drive a fire engine (消防车)?

    Bob: How about your father?

    Peter: He helps sick people.

    Bob: Great! I want to be a doctor, too. Is he busy every day?

    Peter: He's very kind.

  • 10. 从所给的单词中选出合适的完成对话

    Bedroom    watching    beach    letter    reading

    Bill: Hello, is that Dad?

    Dad: Yes,it's me. How's your holiday? Are you having a good time in Sanya?

    Bill: Yes. I'm collecting shells on the now. Where are you, Dad?

    Dad: I am in the . I am a book.

    Bill: Is Sally TV in the living room?

    Dad: No. She is writing a in her bedroom.

    Bill: OK. Miss you, Dad. Bye.

    Dad: Bye.

