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更新时间:2021-02-25 浏览次数:178 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    The Everyman


    A wide-eyed stranger gets down from a country train. The destination (目的地):Mr Knott's house. The task: to serve. The story of a manservant in the home of his unseen master, Samuel Beckett's 1953 novel comes to the stage in a one-man production starring one of the greatest interpreters (演绎的人) of the writer in the world—Barry McGovern.

    Dates: Mar 10-12

    Tel: 021 450 1673


    Queen of Technicolour—The Story of Maureen O'Hara

    This one-woman show marks the centenary (一百周年) of Irish actress Maureen O'Hara who was born in 1920. Star of Hollywood's golden age, she played roles that often showed her true character as a tough and courageous woman. Written and performed by Elaine O'Dwyer, this is a journey with Maureen, showing the person she was behind the stage.

    Date: Mar 21

    Tel: 056 776 1674

    Town Hall Theatre

    3 Hail Mary's

    A comedy taking Ireland by storm, 3 Hail Mary's centres on three characters named Mary who have lived in a nursing home together for over 10 years and have become great friends. However, they are being moved to three separate nursing homes. The play is set around their last few hours together as they decide to celebrate them in style.

    Dates: Mar 19-21

    Tel: 091 569 777

    Cork Arts Theatre


    Presented by the Polish Arts Festival, Julia is the story of a women's journey into her inner self through her life experiences. Her feelings onstage are shown in the form of a dancer and the voice of the soul is revealed by singing and music. The performance is bilingual (Polish-English). Also at the Cork Arts Theatre: Beyond the Curtain Mar 30-Apr 1

    Date: Mar 22

    Tel: 021 450 5624

    1. (1) Where is the performance that is based on a novel showed?
      A . The Everyman. B . Kilkenny. C . Town Hall Theatre. D . Cork Arts Theatre.
    2. (2) Which number may Maureen O'Hara's fans call for information?
      A . 091 569 777. B . 021 450 5624. C . 021 450 1673. D . 056 776 1674.
    3. (3) What is special about Julia?
      A . It will be showed in April. B . It is performed in two languages. C . It invites Polish musicians to play the music. D . It is created based on the performers' experiences.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    On a warm day in sunny St, Petersburg, Florida, John Joyce put on his hat and headed outside. He pulled his push mower and started walking down his driveway, into the street and then he just kept going. He walked mile after mile as the sun hit his back, stopping along the way to mow the lawns of his customers, who smiled and said hello to him

    His customers were very happy to see John. For some, he had been cutting their grass for over 20 years. Everyone knew John was a dependable and hard-working man.

    What his customers didn't know was that John's truck stopped working a few months back. Unable to fix it, the 83-year-old man with arthritis started walking to the homes of his customers. He would walk 5-6 miles each day, just to make sure everyone was taken care of. That's just the kind of man he was. Robert Norton, one of John's customers explained, "John is a simple man with a heart of gold."

    So when Robert and his newly-wed wife, Nikki, learned that John was walking to work, they knew it was time to do something for him. They started a GoFundMe page, giving some of the money they'd received from their wedding to kick it off. In a few weeks they successfully raised $13, 000. It was enough to buy John a truck from a used-car dealer, buy him a new lawn mower and pay for gas!

    John was very moved by the generosity shown to him. Not surprisingly, once the celebration was complete, John drove off the lot, and headed off to mow lawns!

    1. (1) Why did John walk to mow the lawns for his customers?
      A . He favored walking to work. B . He had to pull his push mower. C . His truck didn't work. D . The weather was fine.
    2. (2) What does the underlined words "kick off" in Paragraph 4 mean?
      A . Buy. B . Hit. C . Assist. D . Begin.
    3. (3) How did Robert help John out?
      A . By helping him to mow lawns. B . By repairing his truck. C . By collecting money for him. D . By taking care of him.
    4. (4) What does the story mainly tell us?
      A . God help those who help themselves. B . Goodness will have a good reward. C . A friend in need is a friend indeed. D . Where there is a will, there is a way.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    In 1910, Northern China was the scene of an outbreak of plague (瘟疫). Many medical workers were also sick or died from the disease. Dr Wu Lien-tch, who had lived in China since 1908, was sent to the area and proved important in helping to stop the disease and prepare the way for Western-style public health medicine in China.

    He is praised for asking the local government to burn the big number of dead bodies. Both measures had never been seen in China. He was also praised by different organizations for setting up sanitary (卫生) services to prevent a repeat of the disaster.

    Wu chaired the first international scientific meeting held in China, making Chinese scientists members of the international scientific community. Later, the North Manchurian Plague Prevention Service was set up with Wu as its director.

    Wu was nominated (提名) for the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1935. By 1937, Wu returned to his birth place Malaya as it was then known, to practice medicine, in the northern town of Ipoh, where he treated the poor for free.

    Born in 1879 on Penang Island, Wu showed considerable talent (才能) at a young age. He went to Penang Free School, one of Malaya's earliest schools, and won a chance to go to Emmanuel College at Cambridge University where he behaved very well, winning several prizes in the process.

    Wu gave generously to organizations of learning, giving away money, books and works of art he collected while in China. He also had a sense of the importance of his own work, setting down his life's work in an autobiography (自传) named Plague Fighter: The Autobiography of a Modern Chinese Physician, which came out in 1859. Wu died a year later in Penang at the age of 81.

    1. (1) What drove Dr Wu to go to Northern China in 1910?
      A . His hope to build Western-style hospitals. B . A serious plague that broke out there. C . A shortage of medical workers there. D . His wish to get medical knowledge.
    2. (2) What do we know about Dr Wu's measures in Northern China?
      A . They were useful and pioneering. B . They failed to control the situation. C . They were co-developed by several organization. D . They were not supported by the local government.
    3. (3) What did Dr Wu do after he went to Malaya?
      A . He went back to school and finished his study. B . He set up an international scientific community. C . He provided medical treatment for the poor for free. D . He chaired an international meeting for the first time.
    4. (4) Which of the following can best describe Dr Wu according to the text?
      A . Honest and warm-hearted. B . Polite and hard-working. C . Patient and cheerful. D . Skilled and helpful.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Bees and France have a long history together. In the 1800s, Napoleon Bonaparte chose the bee as a symbol of France. In the same century, in 1845, the beekeeping school of Luxembourg Gardens in Paris was started. At that time there were around 2,000 beehives in the city. After that the numbers went down for some time, but beekeeping has become popular again recently. Now there are over 700 hives in Paris. Some of these hives are actually on the roofs of famous Parisian buildings and hotels and restaurants.

    City bees make three to five times more honey than country bees. This may be because there are no pesticides in the parks and gardens in Paris. French beekeepers in the countryside lose up to 40 percent of their hives each year because of disease, pesticides, and other causes. However, beekeepers in the city lose less than five percent.

    "That's interesting," "you might be thinking, "but isn't there a lot of pollution in Paris?" In fact, pollution does not seem to influence the honey. Parisian honey was tested for 30 kinds of pollution and none were found.

    As for the taste, Parisian bees have many kinds of flowers and plants to choose from. In the countryside, however, there is usually only one type of plant. The flowers in Paris give the honey a special taste. But Parisian honey is quite expensive. One pound costs about USD 65.

    Beekeepers in Paris face some small problems. For example, if there are too many hives in one area, the bees might not have enough food. So beekeepers must work together and spread out their hives. Another problem is bees in restaurants. One beekeeper had to take his hives away from the roof of a restaurant after his bees started drinking from the flowers indoors. However, technology can be used to check on the hives, with cameras and microphones.

    Paris isn't the only city with beehives on its roofs these days. Berlin, Tokyo, London, Washington D.C., and San Francisco also have beehives. So, the next time you're in these cities, look around for some local honey.

    1. (1) What do we know about beekeeping in Paris?
      A . It was popular in the late 1800s. B . It is done on the roofs of buildings. C . It has the same long history as Paris. D . It was a course in Parisian ancient schools.
    2. (2) According to Paragraph 2, why do Parisian bees produce more honey than country bees?
      A . There are more flowers in Paris. B . Parisian bees are more able to stay alive. C . Parisian bees are taken good care of. D . More pesticides are used in Parisian parks.
    3. (3) What is the advantage of Parisian honey?
      A . It is low in price. B . It is good in color. C . It is sticky and thick. D . It is safe and good to eat.
    4. (4) What is one way beekeepers in Paris deal with their problems?
      A . By spreading beehives reasonably. B . By not putting flowers in restaurants. C . B y controlling the total number of beehives. D . By storing enough food for bees beforehand.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Time management means how we plan and carry out our day to day activities over the amount of time. However, most of the students really don't know what they actually do during the school day.Once you follow these tips, you will be a right person in the future.

    Most of the students find it hard to wake up in the morning for school. They put the alarm, but turn it off and sleep again..So once the alarm goes off in the morning, you have to wake up and walk a little to the alarm clock to turn it off. This little walk makes you open your eyes and get out a little from your sleeping tiredness.

    . Let's say you have homework to finish before going to bed. In this situation, your friend asks you to come for a movie. If you are not managing your time, you may go. But if you are a successful time management student, simply you would say NO to him and use that valuable time for your personal tasks.

    Find what will be your right time to do more activities. Some students prefer morning time and some prefer evening time..

    As a school student, you often spend some time playing games or watching TV, so schedule a particular time for these extra activities.. For example, you can schedule one or two hours for watching TV or playing games after school.

    A. Focus more time on homework and other useful activities.

    B. Depend on your preferable time and get to use most at that special time.

    C. What you can do is to set the alarm clock and keep it a little far from you.

    D. Here are some good ideas about time management to you school kids.

    E. Don't mix up your studying time with these extra activities.

    F. Make a careful plan ahead of time and carry it out.

    G. Don' be afraid to say NO to anyone if it affects(影响)your personal work.

  • 6. 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    My old college dorm room had no computer, no cell phone and no television. The heater never kept the room 1enough in the winter either. I can2remember sitting and shaking in one of those hard chairs, 3to read and understand Shakespeare with my half frozen feet4under my bed blankets.

    Still, that tiny5was my home for several years. It was the place where my roommate, my friends and I would6to talk about the professors we liked, the classes we hated and what we hoped to do in our7. It was there that we discussed the8in understanding literature.

    Shakespeare even seemed9. It was there that we listened to music,10our families and helped each other laugh the11away.

    Living in that little room for all those years12me a few things too. It showed me that no matter where you are, you can still13your home in your heart. Even during the hardest times there, the love of my family lived14me. That love inspired me to do my best in school, to help my friends and to find15in each day. With16I found that the smallest hut became a home full of17, while without love the costliest castle would feel cold, empty and alone.

    May you always carry your home18in your heart then. May you always fill each place you live with love, 19and joy. The price of your place doesn't matter, but the love you20in it is priceless. That love will go on with you from room to room and house to house forever.

    A . full B . cool C . empty D . warm
    A . hardly B . ever C . still D . also
    A . remembering B . struggling C . regretting D . waiting
    A . buried B . waved C . injured D . washed
    A . bag B . hotel C . room D . Container
    A . agree B . gather C . choose D . plan
    A . future B . dream C . college D . company
    A . experiences B . information C . difficulties D . messages
    A . longer B . easier C . harder D . faster
    A . persuaded B . visited C . calmed D . missed
    A . craziness B . hardship C . uncertainty D . loneliness
    A . taught B . passed C . threw D . cost
    A . contact B . recognize C . see D . carry
    A . within B . beyond C . by D . on
    A . fault B . joy C . challenge D . shelter
    A . inspiration B . family C . love D . heart
    A . responsibility B . information C . business D . happiness
    A . slightly B . deeply C . luckily D . bravely
    A . laughter B . memory C . expectation D . sweetness
    A . release B . describe C . share D . express
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Last week Meituan co-published a suggestion with a number of business organizations, calling on restaurants (stop) food waste and help form new(eat) habits for customers(顾客) .They suggest that consumers (offer) guidance to help them avoid food waste.

    On Friday the China Cuisine(餐饮) Association(announce) that it had teamed upEle.me, the Alibaba-owned food delivery platform, to launch a "half-dish plan",(encourage) restaurants to provide customers with the choice to order smaller portions(份) .Now if users search certain key words like "eating show", a message appears to remind them to value food and keepreasonable diet.

    Across the country, about 40% of all the foodAmericans buy ends up in the trash. That food waste costs the average family of four about $1,500 a year.

    The state of Vermont has long been a(lead) in environmental problems. Now it has tried even(hard) to get Vermonters to rethink their relationship with food and waste.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    Among the four seasons, I like winter best. There is saying that "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" Winter was a season full of hope. Winter's coming also mean the coming of the snow. Every year, I enjoy playing in the snow for my friends. Although it is cold outside, but it is still fun to playing with snowballs and make snowmen. What's more, there are much festivals in winter, includes New year's Day and the Spring Festival. In a word, winter is your favorite season. I hope more and more people can enjoy the beautiful of this season.

  • 9. 假设你是李华,学校广播站英语广角招聘广播员,你感觉这是一次很好的锻炼机会。请写一封自荐信,包括以下要点:







    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I'm writing to you in response to the position advertised for an announcer, hoping that



    Li Hua

