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更新时间:2021-01-28 浏览次数:131 类型:期中考试
  • 17. 读一读,选出正确的单词。

    into   for    to   of   on

    1. (1) It's time to do something  our earth.
    2. (2) Put the fruits  the water and wash them.
    3. (3) We all live  the earth.
    4. (4) Alice is taking the food out  the basket.
    5. (5) We shall get  the park early.
  • 18. 读一读,选出正确的中文意思。

    ⑴learn English   A.拉小提琴

    ⑵take a walk         B.做眼保健操

    ⑶make the air dirty  C.去野餐

    ⑷go on a picnic         D.污染空气

    ⑸do eye exercise   E.学英语

    ⑹do well in    F.散步

    ⑺play the violin   G.在……做得好

  • 25. 给下列句子选择正确的答语。

    A. All right.

    B. I'm afraid you can't.

    C. Yes. What's up?

    D. No, thanks. I'd like an apple.

    E. It's half past seven.

    1. (1) —Would you like some chicken?

    2. (2) —Can I go out to play?

    3. (3) —What time is it?

    4. (4) —Are you free this afternoon?

    5. (5) —Shall we meet at the gate of the park?

  • 26. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。

    Kitty and Wu Chen are talking about their weekend. This weekend they are going to visit the Old people's Home. The Old People's Home is far from their school. They can go there by bike or by bus. They are going there by bike. "What shall we do for the old people?" Kitty asks. "We can clean rooms and read books for them." Wu Chen answers. Kitty is also going to play games with the old people .They will meet at the school gate at eight o'clock.

    1. (1) Kitty and Wu Chen are talking about their summer holiday.
    2. (2) They want to visit the Old People's Home.
    3. (3) They are going to the Old People's Home by car.
    4. (4) Wu Chen and Kitty can clean rooms and read books for the people.
    5. (5) They will meet at the school gate at ten o'clock.

