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更新时间:2021-10-22 浏览次数:71 类型:期中考试
一、Read and choose. 选择填空。15%
二、Read and choose. 读句子,选出相应的图片。15%
  • 11. 读句子,选出相应的图片。

    A. B.   C.

    D. E.

    1. (1) I often watch TV on Saturdays.
    2. (2) The chicken is very delicious.
    3. (3) The man is our maths teacher. He is very kind.
    4. (4) I love orange juice. Because it's healthy.
    5. (5) I'm helpful at home. I often wash my clothes.
三、Look at the example, then copy。根据例句,仿写句子。15%
  • 12. 根据例句,仿写句子。
    1. (1) 示例1:(John,  helpful ) John is helpful.

      (Amy,  shy ) 
      (Zhang Peng,  polite) 
    2. (2) 示例2:( on Sundays, play football )
      What do you do on Sundays?
      I often play football.

      ( I,  hard-working )
      ( on Mondays,  read books )
      ( on Thursdays,  do homework )
四、Read a short passage, choose then write. 阅读短文,完成相关问题。15%
  • 13. 阅读短文,完成相关问题。

    Hello, my name is Lily. I am a student. Miss Sue is my new English teacher. She's tall and thin. She's very kind, but sometimes she's strict. I like Wednesdays. Because I have English on Wednesdays. I love English very much. Today is Friday. I have salad, sandwiches and noodles today. My favourite food is noodles. And I love orange juice. I often do my homework and play football on Sundays. What about you? Would you like to introduce yourself to me?

    1. (1) Miss Sue is Lily's new           teacher.
      A . Chinese B . English C . science
    2. (2) —What's Miss Sue like?

      —She is                .

      A . tall B . thin C . tall and thin
    3. (3) I have English on           .
      A . Mondays B . Fridays C . Wednesdays
    4. (4) My favourite food is         .
      A . noodles B . sandwiches C . salad
    5. (5) I often play football              .
      A . on Tuesdays B . on the weekend C . on Wednesdays
    6. (6) Miss Sue is very, but sometimes she's .
    7. (7) I have salad, and  _on Fridays.
    8. (8) My favourite drink is .

