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更新时间:2021-10-22 浏览次数:94 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 判断划线部分读音是否相同
    1. (1) family   fruit
    2. (2) afternoon  girl
    3. (3) behind   doll
    4. (4) like    salad
    5. (5) bag    orange
  • 27. 根据上下文及首字母提示完成对话

    A: Do you have a bananas?

    B: No, I don't. But I have s oranges.

    A: How m oranges do you have?

    B: I have five.

    A: C I have one?

    B: S.

  • 28. 从方框中选择合适的选项,完成下列对话。

    A. my new basketball

    B. What time

    C. play basketball

    D. Good afternoon

    E. for dinner

    Liu Tao: Good afternoon, Mike.

    Mike:, Liu Tao.

    Liu Tao: Look at .

    Mike: It's great!

    Liu Tao: Can you?

    Mike: Yes, I can. Let's play.

    Liu Tao: Ok!

    Mike:is it?

    Liu Tao: It's six o'clock. It's time .

    Mike: Let's go home.

    Liu Tao: Bye.

  • 29. 判断正误。

    A: Welcome to our school.

    B: Thank you.

    A: Look, this is our classroom.

    B: How nice! How many boys and girls are there in your class?

    A: Nineteen boys and eighteen girls.

    B: Oh, I see. Look, what's behind the door?

    A: Let me see. It's a football. Do you like it?

    B: Yes. I can play football very well.

    A: Me, too. Let's go and play football.

    B: Great!

    1. (1) They are in the school.
    2. (2) There are eighteen girls in their (他们的) class.
    3. (3) The basketball is behind the door.
    4. (4) They can play football very well.
    5. (5) There are seventeen boys in their class.
  • 30. 根据短文选择合适的选项。

    Hi, I'm Helen. I like toy animals. Look! I have nineteen toys. I like pandas very much(非常). I like fruit too. I have some apples, mangoes and grapes. I can make a fruit salad. I can't skate, but I can swim very well. Tim is my brother. He can't swim, but he can jump very well.

    1. (1) Helen has (有) ___________ toys.
      A . 9 B . 19 C . 18
    2. (2) Helen likes _________ very much.
      A . pandas B . tigers C . lions
    3. (3) Helen can ___________ very well.
      A . swim B . skate C . jump
    4. (4) Tim can ___________ very well.
      A . swim B . skate C . jump
    5. (5) Can Helen make a fruit salad?
      A . Yes, she can. B . No, she can't. C . I don't know.

