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更新时间:2021-10-25 浏览次数:134 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 判断划线部分发音是否同。
    1. (1) school   room
    2. (2) nice          his
    3. (3) watch       what
    4. (4) doctor      short
    5. (5) bus           blue
  • 37. 完形填空

    I often have happy weekends, but I1sad last weekend. I 2go anywhere because my grandma was ill. We took her to the hospital. She had a bad cough and a high fever. She 3take medicine and drink a lot of water. My uncle and aunt came to see her. They4some fruit and honey. We were all worried about her. 5 a day!

    A . am B . was C . were
    A . don't B . wasn't C . didn't
    A . should B . shouldn't C . couldn't
    A . brought B . got C . took
    A . How B . What C . What's
  • 38. 根据短文内容判断正误。

    A boy put a bird in a cage(笼子). He liked it very much and watched it every day. A cat saw the bird and wanted to have it for her dinner. But the bird was in the cage. She couldn't catch it. So she was very angry.

    One day, the cat opened the door of the cage and wanted to catch it. But the bird flew away. The boy came back home and couldn't find the bird. He was very angry and put the cat into the cage.

    1. (1) The boy put the bird in the cage at first.
    2. (2) The boy liked the cat very much and watched it every day.
    3. (3) The cat was angry because she could catch the bird.
    4. (4) The cat had the bird for her dinner.
    5. (5) The boy was angry at last(最后).
  • 39. 阅读短文,选出正确答案。

    Last Sunday, I went to the park with my family. Dad read some magazines and newspapers on the beach. Mum took a walk with my sister. I played football with my friends. We all had a good time there. But two hours later, suddenly, it rained. People left (离开) the park very quickly. We didn't take any umbrellas. We had to stay under a big tree. Luckily, my father had a phone. He called my uncle. My uncle drove the car to the park and we returned (返回)home soon.

    1. (1) The family were in the ______ last Sunday.
      A . park B . zoo C . cinema
    2. (2) Dad read some _____ on the beach.
      A . magazines B . newspapers C . magazines and newspapers
    3. (3) It rained, so _____.
      A . we went back home. B . we used our umbrellas. C . we had to stay under a big tree, because we didn't take any umbrellas.
    4. (4) _____ called my uncle.
      A . My father B . My mother C . I
    5. (5) _____ drove the car to the park.
      A . My uncle B . My father C . My brother
  • 40. 在你的生活中一定有让你难忘的假期吧,请以My holiday为题写一段话。


