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更新时间:2020-12-11 浏览次数:138 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 看图,给句子标号。

      ⒉   ⒊   ⒋   ⒌

    These are some young men. They are having fun.

    It's a snowman. I have a carrot for the snowman's nose.

    It's spring. There are new leaves and flowers. Sometimes it's rainy.

    I bought some candy and a ball for Christmas yesterday.

    The flowers are very beautiful. I love them very much.

  • 14. 读句子,完成表格。

    ⒈Jenny never goes for a walk in the morning.

    ⒉Li Ming sometimes helps his grandmother make dinner.

    ⒊Danny always waters flowers on Sundays.

    ⒋Li Ming often reads books in the afternoon.



    Li Ming



    A. always       O. often         N. never       S. sometimes

  • 15. 补全对话

    What did you do yesterday?

    I'm going to buy some meat and vegetables.

    I'm getting ready for the Spring Festival.

    I'd like to go on a trip to the U.K. at the Spring Festival.

    Kim: Li Ming, What are you doing?

    Li Ming:

    Kim: When is the Spring Festival?

    Li Ming: It's in January this year.


    Li Ming: I bought a scarf for my mum and a sweater for my dad.

    Kim: Good! What are you going to do next?

    Li Ming:   We're going to make a big dinner. Would you like to come with us?

    Kim: No, thanks.

    Li Ming: Good idea! Have a good time!

    Kim: Thank you.

  • 16. 看图选答案

    1. (1)             is reading newspaper in the study.
      A . Danny B . Bob C . Li Ming
    2. (2) Kim is                in the living room.
      A . writing a letter B . watching TV C . making lunch
    3. (3) Jenny is drying the dishes in the               .
      A . kitchen B . bathroom C . bedroom
    4. (4) Danny is listening to music in the              .
      A . bathroom B . bedroom C . kitchen
    5. (5)           is washing his hands in the            .
      A . Danny, bedroom B . Li Ming, kitchen C . Bob, bathroom
  • 17. 读短文,判断正误。

    Li Ming went to Canada to learn English this September. He met the new teachers and the new friends in Canada. In winter, he made the snowman with Jenny. Sometimes Danny taught him to skate. They often had fun together. Today is December 23. He is writing a Christmas card to his cousin. Yesterday morning he bought gifts for his friends. Yesterday afternoon he helped Jenny put up the Christmas tree. He asked his parents to send a Chinese lantern to Jenny's family. It's a special gift from China. They are going to open the gifts on Christmas morning. He is excited. He is going to have a good time.

    1. (1) Li Ming made the snowman with Danny in winter.
    2. (2) Christmas is coming. Li Ming is writing a Christmas card to his cousin.
    3. (3) Li Ming bought gifts for his parents yesterday morning.
    4. (4) Jenny's family has a Christmas tree.
    5. (5) Jenny's family is going to get a Chinese lantern from Li Ming.

