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更新时间:2020-12-05 浏览次数:216 类型:期末考试
  • 2. 正确抄写下列单词和词组(注意大小写)。
    1. (1) australia
    2. (2) September
    3. (3) uncle
    4. (4) bus stop
    5. (5) teachers' day
    6. (6) sitting room
  • 4. 单词归类,将正确的序号填在横线上。

    ⑴March   ⑵cinema   ⑶speak   ⑷beside   ⑸museum   ⑹November

    ⑺write   ⑻behind   ⑼smile    ⑽hospital   ⑾January  ⑿near

    1. (1) 动词:
    2. (2) 月份:
    3. (3) 地点:
    4. (4) 介词:
  • 5. 按要求写出相应的单词
    1. (1) short(反义词)
    2. (2) won't (完全形式)
    3. (3) February(缩写)
    4. (4) write(现在分词)
    5. (5) know(同音词)
    6. (6) man(复数)
  • 6. 选短语补全句子

    A. take a taxi    B. get to   C. is good at    D. go skating    E. speak to

    1. (1) Excuse me. How can I the train station?
    2. (2) They often in winter.
    3. (3) It's far away. You can .
    4. (4) Peter sports.
    5. (5) Hello. May I Sally?
  • 17. 请找出与问句相对应的答句。

    ⑴Which girl?                    A. You can take Bus 101.

    ⑵How can I get to the surpermarket?  B. The girl with long hair.

    ⑶Will you go to the USA by plane?  C. Speaking.

    ⑷How is the weather in summer?    D. It's very hot.

    ⑸This is Li Hong. May I speak to Lily?  E. No, I won't.

  • 18. 读一读,重新排列顺序组成对话。

    Sorry. He isn't at home.

    He is in the cinema.

    Hello. This is Julia. May I speak to Wang Tao.

    OK. Thank you. Bye!

    Where is he now?

  • 19. 阅读短文。

    Mrs. Sue is my good friend. She is from the USA. She lives in China now. She's on holiday. I met her on Wuhan Road. She wants to go to the post office to post a letter to her son. But she doesn't know the way. I tell her how to get there. She can take Bus 9. The bus stop is next to Wujiang Library. Mrs. Sue is very happy to see me.

    1. (1) Where is Mrs. Sue from?
      A . The UK. B . The USA C . Australia.
    2. (2) Where does Mrs. Sue live now?
      A . China B . London C . The USA
    3. (3) Where does Mrs. Sue want to go?
      A . The post office. B . The library. C . The cinema.
    4. (4) Who does she want to post a letter to?
      A . Her daughter. B . Her son. C . Her friend.
    5. (5) How can Mrs. Sue get to the post office?
      A . By bus. B . By bike. C . On foot.

